This 'ggtracker' repository is the web server for ggtracker, plus the HTML/CSS/Javascript that makes the pretty pages pretty.
It does not do replay parsing, and delegates queries about players and matches to the ESDB API.
The other repos involved in ggtracker are:
- <-- the API server
- <-- the replay-parsing python server, included by ESDB as a git submodule
- <-- little gem for accessing ESDB, used by this codebase
- Ruby 1.9+ (get RVM:
- Bundler 1.2.0+ (gem install bundler --pre)
- Redis
- node.js, npm (see
- juggernaut (npm install -g juggernaut, see
On Mac OSX, you can use homebrew as package manager:
- Run Bundler (
) - Copy and adjust database configuration (
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
) - Copy secrets configuration (
cp config/secrets.yml.example config/secrets.yml
) - Copy s3 configuration (
cp config/s3.yml.example config/s3.yml
) - Create the database ggtracker needs (
rake db:create
) - Load the latest database schema (
bundle exec rake db:schema:load
If you want to be able to upload replays, you'll need to have an Amazon S3 account. After setting that up, edit your config/s3.yml file accordingly.
foreman start web
And then go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
Note: the first time you request a page, it will be slow while it compiles CSS, JS etc.
It'll work, but there will be no matches, no players. To make it more interesting, you can simply point your ggtracker at the production ESDB server like so: ESDB_MATCHBLOBS_BUCKET=gg2-matchblobs-prod foreman start web
And then go to http://localhost:3000/matches in your browser. If you see recent matches, it's working!
If you are working on changes that involve replay processing as well, you can run your own local instance of ESDB; in the default development configuration, the ggtracker server and ESDB server will find each other correctly.
The first time you run tests, set up the test database with:
rake db:create
rake db:test:prepare
To run tests: bundle exec rspec
After running rspec, open coverage/index.html in a browser.
NOTE: The following is obsolete as of 20140815. If & when more than one person is actively developing GGTracker Javascript code, I'll revive it.
Install testacular: npm install -g testacular
Note: Depending on your system configuration, the executable might not be in your PATH by default.
Start testacular: /usr/local/share/npm/bin/testacular start
This will launch a chrome window (you need chrome installed, of course) and automatically monitor specs for changes.
Run all tests: /usr/local/share/npm/bin/testacular run
Just ask, I'll add questions and answers to a FAQ here.