A curriculum covering Data Science topics relevant to Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, and Artificial Intelligence. Includes necessary background in mathematics and the sciences.
Bookmark these blogs and try to read at least one article from one of them per week.
- Data School
- Machine Learning Mastery
- No Free Hunch - Kaggle's blog
- Pete Warden's Blog
- The Unofficial Google Data Science Blog
- Data Science Central
- R Bloggers
- Course: Data Visualization with Tableau
- Course: Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau
- Course: Visual Analytics with Tableau
- Course: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau
- Course: Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau
- Course:Intro to SQL for Data Science
- *Course: Managing Big Data with MySQL
- Book: College Algebra or Course: College Algebra and Problem Solving or thorough knowledge of Algebra.
- Book: Precalculus or Course: Precalculus or Khan Academy or thorough knowledge of Precalculus
- Course: Intro to Python for Data Science
- Course:Intermediate Python for Data Science
- Course: Data Analysis with R
- Course: The R Programming Environment
- *Course: The Analytics Edge
- Course: Intro to Data Science
- Book: Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R
- *Book: R for Data Science
- Project: Do all problems in Rosalind's Python Village
- Project: Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster
- Project: Complete one Bot Programming Competition on CodinGame
- Course: MongoDB for Developers - note: this course is only intermittently offered, sign up at the start of Tier 1, then proceed to the other courses and return to this one when the next session opens up.
- Course: Intro to Descriptive Statistics
- Course: Intro to Inferential Statistics
- Course: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)
- Course: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)
- Course: Data Wrangling with MongoDB
- Course: A/B Testing
- Course: Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life
- Course: Calculus One
- Course: Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty
- Course Series: Deep Learning Path on Cognitive Class
- Course: Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
- Course: Data Science
- Book: Think Stats
- Course: Programming for the Web with JavaScript
- Course: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
- Course: Calculus Two: Sequences and Series
- Book: An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- Course: Principles of Biochemistry
- Book: The Elements of Statistical Learning
- *Course: Intro to Machine Learning
- Project: Complete the Hackerrank Python Track
- Project: Do 10 problems (of your choice) on Rosalind
- Project: House Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Crowd Analytix
- Project: Complete one Bot Programming Competition on CodinGame
- Project: Complete Deep Learning - TensorFlow on CodinGame
- Course: MongoDB Performance - note: this course is only intermittently offered, sign up at the start of Tier 2, then proceed to the other courses and return to this one when the next session opens up.
- Book: Biology
- Course: Linear Algebra
- Book: Think Bayes
- Course: Proteins: Biology's Workforce
- Course: Mathematics for Computer Science
- Course: Python for Data Science
- Course: Data Visualization and D3.js
- Course: Statistics and Probability in Data Science using Python
- Book: Think DSP
- Course: DNA: Biology’s Genetic Code
- *Course: Machine Learning
- Book: Think Complexity
- Course: Database Mini-Courses - take all mini-courses
- Course: Deep Learning
- Project: Do 20 problems (of your choice) on Rosalind
- Project: Digit Recognizer
- Project: Complete the Hackerrank Probability Challenges
- Project: Complete the Hackerrank Linear Algebra Foundations Challenges
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Crowd Analytix
- Project: Complete one Bot Programming Competition on CodinGame
- Course: Introduction to Algorithms (Python - requires book purchase) or Algorithms, Part I and Algorithms, Part II (Java)
- Course: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Python - requires book purchase) or Analysis of Algorithms (Java)
- Book: The Art of R Programming
- Course: Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1
- Course: Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 2
- Course Series: Big Data Path on Cognitive Class
- Course: Convex Optimization
- Course: Probability: Basic Concepts & Discrete Random Variables
- Course Series: Hadoop Path on Cognitive Class
- Course: Probability: Distribution Models & Continuous Random Variables
- Course: Introduction to Mechanics, Part 1
- Course: Electricity & Magnetism, Part 2
- Course: Statistics for Applications
- Course: Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce
- Course: Differential Equations
- Project: Do 30 problems (of your choice) on Rosalind
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice on Kaggle
- Project: Complete the Hackerrank Algorithms Challenges
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Crowd Analytix
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Analytics Vidhya
- Book: Machine Learning with R
- Course: Statistics and R for the Life Sciences
- Course: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra
- Book: The Quest for Artificial Intelligence
- Course: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments
- Course: High-Dimensional Data Analysis
- Course: Introduction to Bioconductor: Annotation and Analysis of Genomes and Genomic Assays
- Course: High-performance Computing for Reproducible Genomics
- Course: Case Studies in Functional Genomics
- Course: Quantum Mechanics for Everyone
- Course: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Course: Machine Learning
- Book: Multiagent Systems
- Course: Robotics
- Course: Animation and CGI Motion
- Project: Do 30 problems (of your choice) on Rosalind
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice on Kaggle
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice on Kaggle
- Project: Complete the Hackerrank Artificial Intelligence Challenges
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Crowd Analytix
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Analytics Vidhya
- Project: Complete one competition of your choice from Driven Data
- Course: Topics in Mathematics of Data Science
- Book: Bayesian Methods for Hackers
- Book: Bayesian Methods in the Search for MH370
- Course: Mathematics of Machine Learning
- Book: Mining of Massive Datasets
- Book: Informatics in the Future
- Course: Discrete Stochastic Processes
- Book: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery
- Book: New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy
- Book: The Challenge of Chance
Coursera - Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization