dice-tower is a node.js module for rolling dice and adding modifiers (e.g. "3d6+2"). This project was forked from node-roll.
Installation (via npm)
$ npm install -g @dsibilly/dice-tower
$ dice-tower 3d6+2
$ dice-tower d20
$ dice-tower d%
Installation (via npm)
$ npm install @dsibilly/dice-tower
Get an instance of the library:
var DiceTower = require('@dsibilly/dice-tower').default,
diceTower = new DiceTower();
Rolling a single die:
var oneDie = diceTower.roll('d6');
console.log(oneDie.result); // A pseudo-random number between 1 and 6 (inclusive)
Rolling multiple dice:
var twoTwenties = diceTower.roll('2d20');
console.log(twoTwenties.result); // A pseudo-random number between 2 and 40 (inclusive)
Rolling multiple sets of dice:
var bunchOfDice = diceTower.roll('2d20+1d12');
console.log(bunchOfDice.result); // A pseudo-random number between 3 and 52 (inclusive)
Rolling a percentage:
var chance = diceTower.roll('d%'); // ...or '1d100', 'd100', or '1d%'
console.log(chance.result); // A pseudo-random number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)
Simple calculation (+, -, *, /):
var attack = diceTower.roll('2d6+2');
console.log(attack.result); // A pseudo-random number between 3 and 8 (inclusive)
Seeing what was rolled, rather than the sum:
const yahtzee = diceTower.roll('5d6');
console.log(yahtzee.rolled); // `yahtzee.rolled` will return an Array, e.g. [5, 2, 4, 6, 1]
const blessedSneaker = diceTower.roll('2d20b1+1d4+5');
console.log(blessedSneaker.rolled); // blessedSneaker.rolled will return an Array containing an Array for each component that is a roll of the dice, in the order in which they occurred, e.g. [[19,3],[1]]
Getting the highest two dice of the set:
var pickBestTwo = diceTower.roll('6d20b2'); // roll 6 dice and sum the 2 highest results
console.log(pickBestTwo.calculations[1]); // pickBestTwo.calculations[0] is the same as .result, .calculations[1] is prior to the sum operation
Processing rolls without parsing a string:
// Same as 2d6+2:
const attack = diceTower.roll({
quantity: 2,
sides: 6,
transformations: [ // List arbitrary pipeline operations to perform on the result.
'sum', // Sum the result array of rolled dice together...
['add', 2] // ...and add 2 to that sum.
console.log(attack.result); // Outputs a pseudo-random number between 4 and 14, inclusive.
Using custom transformations:
const dropOnes = function(results){
return results.filter(function (result) {
return result !== 1;
noOnes = diceTower.roll({
quantity: 5,
sides: 4,
transformations: [
dropOnes, // remove any rolled 1s
Using a custom seed:
const srand = require('srand'); // https://github.com/isaacs/node-srand
srand.seed(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
diceTower = new DiceTower(function () {
return srand.random();
Validating user input:
const userInput = 'this isn\'t a valid roll',
valid = DiceTower.validate(userInput);
if (!valid) {
console.error(`"${userInput}" is not a valid input string for node-roll!`);
Forked from Troy Goode's node-roll module. node-roll originally inspired by Phillip Newton's Games::Dice.
- Mark Funk
- Connor Sauve
- cajahnke