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Creates a Karanicolas and Brooks coarse-grained protein model from a protein data bank file and a control file

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Creates a Karanicolas and Brooks coarse-grained protein model from a protein data bank file and a control file

citation for kb_cg model: (1) O’Brien, E. P.; Ziv, G.; Haran, G.; Brooks, B. R.; Thirumalai, D. Effects of Denaturants and Osmolytes on Proteins Are Accurately Predicted by the Molecular Transfer Model. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2008.

Monomer coarse-graining with the kb potential


  1. The pdb use HSE instead of HIS for histidine residues
  2. The pdb cannot be missing residues. If it is use:

[path-to-charmm-exe] < rebuild_solv_ions_definitive_v1.2.inp pdbin=[path-to-pbd-file-to-rebuild] label=[label-for-output-files] aatop=[path-to-top_all27_prot_na.rtf] aaprm=[path-to-par_all27_prot_na.prm]

  1. The pdb must also have the following form:
ATOM      1  N   MET A   1       1.325   0.000   0.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM      2  HT1 MET A   1       1.746   0.686   0.658  1.00  0.00
ATOM      3  HT2 MET A   1       1.356  -0.949   0.423  1.00  0.00
ATOM      4  HT3 MET A   1       0.337   0.263  -0.189  1.00  0.00
ATOM      5  CA  MET A   1       2.073   0.000  -1.245  1.00  0.00
ATOM      6  HA  MET A   1       1.985   1.012  -1.640  1.00  0.00
ATOM      7  CB  MET A   1       3.533  -0.363  -0.964  1.00  0.00
ATOM      8  HB1 MET A   1       3.676  -0.302   0.140  1.00  0.00
ATOM      9  HB2 MET A   1       3.719  -0.331   0.109  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  CG  MET A   1       4.484   0.597  -1.681  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  HG1 MET A   1       4.877   0.130  -2.608  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  HG2 MET A   1       4.857   0.137  -2.596  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  SD  MET A   1       5.850   1.016  -0.611  1.00  0.00
ATOM     14  CE  MET A   1       5.083   2.280   0.389  1.00  0.00
ATOM     15  HE1 MET A   1       5.586   2.335   1.354  1.00  0.00
ATOM     16  HE2 MET A   1       5.163   3.242  -0.118  1.00  0.00
ATOM     17  HE3 MET A   1       4.032   2.036   0.541  1.00  0.00
ATOM     18  C   MET A   1       1.481  -1.000  -2.241  1.00  0.00
ATOM     19  O   MET A   1       2.212  -1.766  -2.866  1.00  0.00

If it does not you can use the following for conversion:

python [path-to-input-pdb] [path-to-output-pdb] [rebuild Yes:1 No:0] [path-to-seq_file]

NOTE: this conversion script is not perfect as there are many different forms a PDB can take depending on when and by what it was created. The script is simple enough that any beginner pythoner can modify it.

-The input PDB should contain a single chain. If you are doing multimer CGing you will need to use this conversion script on all chains in separate PDB files before CGing. -The [path-output-pdb] is a path to the output pdb minus the .pdb filetag as that will automatically be added -If you are rebuilding parts of a sequence or adding a mutation you must provide a file [path-to-seq_file] that has two columns

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where the first column is the sequence of 3 letter amino acid codes and the second column is the resid in the PDB. If you resid does not start at 1 as you are CGing a subsection of a protein it will be rescaled to start from 1 as the rebuilding process in CHARMM requires this.

To create a kb_cg_model for a monomer


perl [path-to-control-file] [path-to-shared-files-folder]

see monomer_test/nbd1/input/nbd1_n1.1725_go.cntrl for an example control file and output

cntrl file param description
charmm path to charmm executable hacked or modified with correct deby huckel electrostatics and double well angle pot
pdb path to input pdb
nscal scaling factor for the sidechain sidechain nonbonded interaction
pot type of generic potential to use: bt, mj, kgs
bondlength_go use a go model bondlength 0:no 1:yes
dihedral_go use a go model dihedral potential 0:no 1:yes
casm alpha-carbon side-chain model 0:no 1:yes
charges include electrostatics 0:no 1:yes
angle_dw include double well angle pot 0:no 1:yes
fnn a multiplicative value which modifies the radius of the hard spheres used in the coarse-grain model
ca_name name of model segments for alpha-carbon only CG model
sc_name name of side-chains for alpha-carbon side-chain CG model
nbxmod non-bonded local cutoff see
heav_cut cutoff for sidechain heavy atom contacts

Example cntrl file contents for a monomer:

charmm = [path-to-charmm-exe]
pdb = [path-to-prepared-pdb]
nscal = 1.8
pot = bt
bondlength_go = 0
dihedral_go = 0 
casm = 0
charges = 1 
angle_dw = 1
fnn = 1
ca_name = A 
sc_name = none
nbxmod = 4
heav_cut = 4.5

NOTE: this CG procedure requires the hacked version of charmm specific to our group. It also requires special perl and fortran scripts that are currently only available to our group. We are working to make these public in the near future.

Main outputs for input pdb:\

  1. [pdb-file-name]_ca.cor
  2. [pdb-file-name]_ca.psf
  3. [pdb-file-name]
  4. [pdb-file-name]_[nscal]_[fnn]_go_[pot].prm
  5. [pdb-file-name]_ca.seq
  6. [pdb-file-name]_ca_mini.cor

NOTE: other other files are created during the CG procedure that are not necessary for running Molecular Dynamics

To convert your resulting .top and .prm into a single .xml file for OpenMM simulations use:

python ../../../ -p [path-to-parameter-file] -t [path-to-topology-file]

Multimer coarse-graining with the kb potential is still under construction


  1. Each monomer of the n monomer multimer should have its own pdb
  2. The pdb use HSE instead of HIS for histidine residues
  3. The pdb cannot be missing residues. If it is use:

[path-to-charmm-exe] < rebuild_solv_ions_definitive_v1.2.inp pdbin=[path-to-pbd-file-to-rebuild] label=[label-for-output-files] aatop=[path-to-top_all27_prot_na.rtf] aaprm=[path-to-par_all27_prot_na.prm]

  1. The pdb must also have the following form:
ATOM      1  N   MET A   1       1.325   0.000   0.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM      2  HT1 MET A   1       1.746   0.686   0.658  1.00  0.00
ATOM      3  HT2 MET A   1       1.356  -0.949   0.423  1.00  0.00
ATOM      4  HT3 MET A   1       0.337   0.263  -0.189  1.00  0.00
ATOM      5  CA  MET A   1       2.073   0.000  -1.245  1.00  0.00
ATOM      6  HA  MET A   1       1.985   1.012  -1.640  1.00  0.00
ATOM      7  CB  MET A   1       3.533  -0.363  -0.964  1.00  0.00
ATOM      8  HB1 MET A   1       3.676  -0.302   0.140  1.00  0.00
ATOM      9  HB2 MET A   1       3.719  -0.331   0.109  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  CG  MET A   1       4.484   0.597  -1.681  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  HG1 MET A   1       4.877   0.130  -2.608  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  HG2 MET A   1       4.857   0.137  -2.596  1.00  0.00
ATOM     13  SD  MET A   1       5.850   1.016  -0.611  1.00  0.00
ATOM     14  CE  MET A   1       5.083   2.280   0.389  1.00  0.00
ATOM     15  HE1 MET A   1       5.586   2.335   1.354  1.00  0.00
ATOM     16  HE2 MET A   1       5.163   3.242  -0.118  1.00  0.00
ATOM     17  HE3 MET A   1       4.032   2.036   0.541  1.00  0.00
ATOM     18  C   MET A   1       1.481  -1.000  -2.241  1.00  0.00
ATOM     19  O   MET A   1       2.212  -1.766  -2.866  1.00  0.00

If it does not you can use the following for conversion:

python [path-to-input-pdb] [path-to-output-pdb] [segid]

NOTE: this conversion script is not perfect as there are many different forms a PDB can take depending on when and by what it was created. The script is simple enough that any beginner pythoner can modify it.

-The input PDB should contain a single chain. If you are doing multimer CGing you will need to use this conversion script on all chains in separate PDB files before CGing. -The [path-output-pdb] is a path to the output pdb minus the .pdb filetag as that will automatically be added -If you are rebuilding parts of a sequence or adding a mutation you must provide a file [path-to-seq_file] that has two columns

 .  .
 .  .
 .  .

where the first column is the sequence of 3 letter amino acid codes and the second column is the resid in the PDB. If you resid does not start at 1 as you are CGing a subsection of a protein it will be rescaled to start from 1 as the rebuilding process in CHARMM requires this.

To create a kb_cg_model for a monomer


perl [path-to-control-file] [path-to-shared-files-folder]

see multimer_test/go_model.cntrl for an example control file and output

cntrl file param description
charmm path to charmm executable hacked or modified with correct deby huckel electrostatics and double well angle pot
pdb space separatetd paths to input pdbs 1 to n
nscal scaling factor for the sidechain sidechain nonbonded interaction
pot type of generic potential to use: bt, mj, kgs
bondlength_go use a go model bondlength 0:no 1:yes
dihedral_go use a go model dihedral potential 0:no 1:yes
casm alpha-carbon side-chain model 0:no 1:yes
charges include electrostatics 0:no 1:yes
angle_dw include double well angle pot 0:no 1:yes
fnn a multiplicative value which modifies the radius of the hard spheres used in the coarse-grain model
ca_name name of model segments for alpha-carbon only CG model
sc_name name of side-chains for alpha-carbon side-chain CG model
nbxmod non-bonded local cutoff see
heav_cut cutoff for sidechain heavy atom contacts

Example cntrl file contents for a multimer:

charmm = [path-to-charmm-exe]
pdb = [path-to-prepared-pdb1] [path-to-prepared-pdb2] ... [path-to-prepared-pdbn]
nscal = 1.8
pot = bt bt bt bt bt bt bt
bondlength_go = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dihedral_go = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
casm = 0
charges = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
angle_dw = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
fnn = 1
ca_name = A B C D E F G
sc_name = none none none none none none none
nbxmod = 4
heav_cut = 4.5

NOTE: this CG procedure requires the hacked version of charmm specific to our group. It also requires special perl and fortran scripts that are currently only available to our group. We are working to make these public in the near future.

Main outputs for each of the n input pdbs:\

  1. [pdb-file-name]_ca.cor
  2. [pdb-file-name]_ca.psf
  3. [pdb-file-name]
  4. [pdb-file-name]_[nscal]_[fnn]_go_[pot].prm
  5. [pdb-file-name]_ca.seq
  6. [pdb-file-name]_ca_mini.cor

NOTE: other other files are created during the CG procedure that are not necessary for running Molecular Dynamics

To convert your resulting .top and .prm into a single .xml file for OpenMM simulations use:

python ../../../ -p [path-to-parameter-file] -t [path-to-topology-file]


Creates a Karanicolas and Brooks coarse-grained protein model from a protein data bank file and a control file






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  • Perl 92.0%
  • Python 8.0%