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dscbot edited this page Jun 4, 2022 · 1 revision



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Name of the VM Switch
Type Key String Type of switch External, Internal, Private
NetAdapterName Write StringArray[] Network adapter name(s) for external switch type
AllowManagementOS Write Boolean Specify if the VM host has access to the physical NIC
EnableEmbeddedTeaming Write Boolean Should embedded NIC teaming be used (Windows Server 2016 only)
BandwidthReservationMode Write String Type of Bandwidth Reservation Mode to use for the switch Default, Weight, Absolute, None, NA
LoadBalancingAlgorithm Write String Specifies the load balancing algorithm that this switch team uses Dynamic, HyperVPort
Ensure Write String Whether switch should be present or absent Present, Absent
Id Write String Unique ID for the switch (Only settable on Windows Server 2016!)
NetAdapterInterfaceDescription Read String Description of the network interface


Manages virtual switches in a Hyper-V host.


  • The Hyper-V Role has to be installed on the machine.
  • The Hyper-V PowerShell module has to be installed on the machine.