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dscbot edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 2 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Ensure Write Ensure If the repository should be present or absent on the server being configured. Default values is 'Present'.
Name Key System.String Specifies the name of the repository to manage.
SourceLocation Write System.String Specifies the URI for discovering and installing modules from this repository. A URI can be a NuGet server feed, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or file location.
Credential Write PSCredential Specifies credentials of an account that has rights to register a repository.
ScriptSourceLocation Write System.String Specifies the URI for the script source location.
PublishLocation Write System.String Specifies the URI of the publish location. For example, for NuGet-based repositories, the publish location is similar to
ScriptPublishLocation Write System.String Specifies the URI for the script publish location.
Proxy Write System.String Specifies the URI of the proxy to connect to this PSResourceRepository.
ProxyCredential Write PSCredential Specifies the Credential to connect to the PSResourceRepository proxy.
InstallationPolicy Write System.String Specifies the installation policy. Valid values are 'Trusted' or 'Untrusted'. The default value is 'Untrusted'. Untrusted, Trusted
PackageManagementProvider Write System.String Specifies a OneGet package provider. Default value is 'NuGet'.
Default Write Nullable[System.Boolean] Specifies whether to set the default properties for the default PSGallery PSRepository. Default may only be used in conjunction with a PSRepositoryResource named PSGallery. The properties SourceLocation, ScriptSourceLocation, PublishLocation, ScriptPublishLocation, Credential, and PackageManagementProvider may not be used in conjunction with Default. When the Default parameter is used, properties are not enforced when PSGallery properties are changed outside of Dsc.
Reasons Read CMReason[] Returns the reason a property is not in desired state.



Example 1

This configuration adds the PSGallery PSRepository to a machine

configuration Register_PSGallery_Present
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ComputerManagementDsc'

    node localhost
        PSResourceRepository 'Register PSGallery PSRepository'
            Name    = 'PSGallery'
            Ensure  = 'Present'
            Default = $true

Example 2

This configuration adds the PSRepository named MyPSRepository to a machine

configuration Register_PSRepository_Present
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ComputerManagementDsc'

    node localhost
        PSResourceRepository 'Register MyPSRepository PSRepository'
            Name                      = 'MyPSRepository'
            SourceLocation            = ''
            ScriptSourceLocation      = ''
            PublishLocation           = ''
            ScriptPublishLocation     = ''
            InstallationPolicy        = 'Trusted'
            PackageManagementProvider = 'NuGet'

Example 3

This configuration removes the PSGallery PSRepository from a machine

configuration Repository_Absent
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'ComputerManagementDsc'

    node localhost
        PSResourceRepository 'Remove PSGallery PSRepository'
            Name           = 'PSGallery'
            Ensure         = 'Absent'