This is a small example of an ansible-lint run failing on a role. To check this code, run:
ansible-lint roles/test_role
Current output on ansible-lint v6.16.1 with ansible-core 2.15.0:
WARNING Listing 2 violation(s) that are fatal
var-naming[no-role-prefix]: Variables names from within roles should use role_name_ as a prefix. (vars: __file__)
roles/test_role/tasks/main.yml:9 Task/Handler: Failing task
var-naming[no-role-prefix]: Variables names from within roles should use role_name_ as a prefix. (vars: __line__)
roles/test_role/tasks/main.yml:9 Task/Handler: Failing task
The code that triggers these warnings is:
- name: Failing task
test_role__var_check: true
msg: '{{ "Is the role working? " ~ test_role__var_check }}'
How should I deal with this?