Codeception extension and module to make working with Phiremock even easier. It allows to start a Phiremock server specifically for the acceptance tests to run or to connect to an already running Phiremock server.
This project is published in packagist, so you just need to add it as a dependency in your composer.json:
"require-dev": {
"mcustiel/phiremock-codeception-extension": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
NOTE Phiremock uses a dev-master version of react/http to work. Because of this, until reactphp guys tag a new version you will need to set your project's minimum stability to dev.
The extension provides an easy way to start a Phiremock server with configured host, port, debug mode and logs path.
In codeception.yml you will need to enable Phiremock extension and configure it in a proper way:
- \Codeception\Extension\Phiremock
listen: # defaults to
bin_path: ../vendor/bin # defaults to codeception_dir/../vendor/bin
logs_path: /var/log/my_app/tests/logs # defaults to codeception's tests output dir
debug: true # defaults to false
startDelay: 1 # default to 0
expectations_path: /my/expectations/path
- listen: Specifies the interface and port where phiremock must listen for requests
- bin_path: Path where Phiremock "binary" is located
- logs_path: Path where to write the output
- debug: Where to write debug data to log files
- startDelay: Time to wait after Phiremock was started to start running the tests (used to give time to Phiremock to boot)
- expectations_path: Specifies a directory to search for json files defining expectations to load by default.
The module allows you to connect to a Phiremock server and to interact with it in a semantic way through the codeception actor in your tests.
You need to enable Phiremock module in your suite's configuration file:
- Phiremock:
port: 18080
The module provides the following handy methods to communicate with Phiremock server:
Allows you to setup an expectation in Phiremock, specifying the expected request and the response the server should give for it:
Respond::withStatusCode(203)->andBody('I am a response')
Cleans the server of all configured expectations, scenarios and requests history.
Cleans all previously configured expectations and requests history.
Cleans the state of all scenarios (sets all of them to inital state).
Allows you to verify that the server received a request a given amount of times. This request could or not be previously set up as an expectation.
$I->seeRemoteServiceReceived(1, A::getRequest()->andUrl(Is::equalTo('/some/url')));
Yii2-Curl uses phiremock-codeception-extension for functional testing. You can see the configuration for the extension and the module, as well as how Phiremock is configured in the tests.