Note: This project is at the very early stages of development and IS NOT yet intended for production applications.
Intus is a framework agnostic client-side validation library.
Apart from its ease of use and having a gazillion rules to pick from, what makes intus great is having rules based on
other fields, for example requiredIf('otherField', 10)
, and the ability to validate nested fields and array items using
wildcards: {"lines.*.qty": [isMin(1)]}
npm install intus
Import, provide data, rules, and messages (optional). Profit!
import intus from "intus";
const validation = intus.validate(
// data
name: "",
email: "[email protected]",
password: "secret",
password_confirmation: "not-secret",
avatar: File,
roles: ['moderator', 'supervisor']
// rules
name: [isRequired()],
email: [isRequired(), isEmail()],
password: [isRequired(), isMin(8)],
password_confirmation: [isRequired(), isSame('password')],
avatar: [isImage()],
"roles.*": [isIn("admin", "moderator", "supervisor")]
// overwrite error messages and field names
"name.isRequired": "Name is super required.",
"password_confirmation": "password confirmation"
validation.passes(); // true/false
validation.errors(); // object with fieldName: firstErrorMessage
// {
// "name": "Name is super required.",
// "password_confirmation": "The password confirmation must be the same as password.",
// "avatar": "The avatar must be an image."
// }
Most rules are optional by default. If the field is empty (null/undefined/empty string), the validation will pass; so make sure you add in isRequired()
The field under validation must be "yes"
, "on"
, 1
, or true
. This is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance or
similar fields.
The field under validation must be "yes"
, "on"
, 1
, or true
if another field is equal to a specified value. This
is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance or similar fields.
The field under validation must be a value after a given date/another field that is itself a Date
The field under validation must be a value after or equal to a given date/another field that is itself a Date
The field under validation must be a valid array.
The field under validation must be a value preceding a given date/another field that is itself a Date
The field under validation must be a value preceding or equal to a given date/another field that is itself a Date
The field under validation must be a number between or equal to the given min
and max
The field under validation must be one of: true
, false
, 1
, 0
The field under validation must be a valid Date
When validating arrays, the field must not have any duplicate values:
"foo.*.id": [isDistinct()]
uses loose variable comparisons by default. To use strict comparisons, you may pass strict
"foo.*.id": [isDistinct("strict")]
You may also pass ignoreCase
to make the rule ignore capitalization differences:
"foo.*.id": [isDistinct("strict", "ignoreCase")]
The field under validation must be formatted as an email address.
The file must have an extension present in the provided list.
"document": [isExtension("pdf", "txt", "xls")]
The field under validation must be a number greater than the given field.
The field under validation must be a number greater or equal to the given field.
The file must have one of the following extensions: jpg|svg|jpeg|png|bmp|gif|webp.
The field under validation must be a value present in the given options.
"status": [isIn("draft", "published")]
The field under validation must be a valid integer. Strings like "1"
work as well.
The field under validation must be an IP (version 4 or 6).
The field under validation must be a valid JSON string.
The field under validation must be a number smaller than the given field.
The field under validation must be a number smaller or equal to the given field.
The field under validation must be less than or equal to a maximum value. This works with numerics by comparing their value, strings and arrays by comparing their length, and files by comparing their size in MB.
The file must match one of the given mime types:
"document": [isMime("text/*", "application/pdf")]
The field under validation must have a minimum value. This works with numerics by comparing their value, strings and arrays by comparing their length, and files by comparing their size in MB.
The field under validation must be a value present in the given options.
The field under validation must not match the given regular expression.
The field under validation must be numeric.
The field under validation must match the given regular expression.
The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty. A field is considered "empty" if one of the following conditions are true:
- The value is
. - The value is an empty string.
- The value is an empty array.
The field under validation must be present and not empty if the anotherfield
field is equal to value
The field under validation must be present and not empty if the anotherfield
is (accepted)[#isAccepted].
The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the anotherfield
is equal to value
The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the otherFields
are present and not empty.
The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the otherFields
are present and not empty.
The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the otherFields
are empty or not present.
The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the otherFields
are empty or not present.
The given field must match the anotherField
under validation.
The field under validation must be a valid URL.
You can overwrite messages globally, or per individual validation.
For a global overwrite, ideally you would create a wrapper around intus and set its message
property to an object having keys as rule or field names, and values as the desired messages.
The following snippet overwrites all rule messages, but you can, of course, overwrite only the ones you want.
// myIntus.js
import intus from "intus";
intus.messages = {
"isAccepted": ":attribute must be accepted.",
"isAcceptedIf": ":attribute must be accepted if :other is :otherValue.",
"isAfter": ":attribute must be a date after :otherValue.",
"isAfterOrEqual": ":attribute must be a date after or equal to :otherValue.",
"isArray": ":attribute must be a valid array.",
"isBefore": ":attribute must be a date before :otherValue.",
"isBeforeOrEqual": ":attribute must be a date before or equal to :otherValue.",
"isBetween": ":attribute must be between or equal to :min and :max.",
"isBoolean": ":attribute must be a boolean.",
"isDate": ":attribute must be a valid date.",
"isDistinct": ":attribute must be distinct.",
"isEmail": ":attribute must be a valid email.",
"isExtension": ":attribute must be a file of type :extensions.",
"isGt": ":attribute must be greater than :otherValue.",
"isGte": ":attribute must be greater or equal to :otherValue.",
"isImage": ":attribute must be an image.",
"isIn": ":attribute must be one of :options.",
"isInteger": ":attribute must be an integer.",
"isIp": ":attribute must be a valid IP address.",
"isJSON": ":attribute must be a valid JSON.",
"isLt": ":attribute must be less than :otherValue.",
"isLte": ":attribute must be less or equal to :otherValue.",
"isMax": ":attribute must be at most :max.",
"isMax.string": ":attribute must be at most :max characters long.",
"isMax.array": ":attribute must have at most :max items.",
"isMax.file": ":attribute must be at most :maxMB.",
"isMime": ":attribute must be a file of type :mimes.",
"isMin": ":attribute must be at least :min.",
"isMin.string": ":attribute must be at least :min characters long.",
"isMin.array": ":attribute must have at least :min items.",
"isMin.file": ":attribute must be at least :minMB.",
"isNotIn": ":attribute must not be one of :options.",
"isNotRegex": ":attribute must not match regex :regex.",
"isNumeric": ":attribute must be a number.",
"isRegex": ":attribute must match regex :regex.",
"isRequired": ":attribute is required.",
"isRequiredIf": ":attribute is required if :other is :otherValue.",
"isRequiredIfAccepted": ":attribute is required if :other is accepted.",
"isRequiredUnless": ":attribute is required if :other is :otherValue.",
"isRequiredWith": ":attribute is required when :others is present.",
"isRequiredWithAll": ":attribute is required when :others are present.",
"isRequiredWithout": ":attribute is required when :others is missing.",
"isRequiredWithoutAll": ":attribute is required when :others are missing.",
"isSame": ":attribute must be the same as :other.",
"isUrl": ":attribute must be a valid URL.",
// you can add field names as well
"first_name": "prénom",
"last_name": "nom de famille",
export default intus;
// Then import and use the customized version of intus..
import intus from "./myIntus"
To overwrite messages and field names per individual validation, you can pass an object as the third parameter to the validate
let validation = intus.validate(
cart_items: [{id: 1, qty: 2}]
"cart_items.*.id": [isRequired()],
"cart_items.*.qty": [isRequired()],
"cart_items.*.id": "product", // overwrites "" to "product"
"cart_items.*.qty.isRequired": "Qty is absolutely required", // overwrites the entire isRequired message
If fields have an empty value (null/undefined/empty string), the validation will pass.
For example:
let validation = intus.validate(
{email: ""},
{email: [isEmail()]}
validation.passes(); // true. Think of it as the rule saying "hey, you haven't actually passed me anything to validate."
What you probably want is:
let validation = intus.validate(
{email: ""},
{email: [isRequired(), isEmail()]}
validation.passes(); // false because isRequired fails
let validation = intus.validate(
{email: "abc"},
{email: [isRequired(), isEmail()]} // false because isEmail fails
To create a custom rule, create a new file called /rules/my-rule.js
, and use the following snippet as your starting point.
// my-rules/isLowercase.js
import {getMessage} from "intus";
export default function () {
return function isLowercase({value, attribute, messages}) {
return {
passes() {
return value === value.toLowerCase();
message(msg = ":attribute must be lowercase.") {
return msg.replaceAll(":attribute", getMessage(attribute, messages));
The passes()
method should return true/false
to indicate wether or not the rule passed, while the message()
method should return a string indicating the error.
Then you can use your custom rule as you would use any other intus rules.
import isLowercase from "my-rules/isLowercase.js";
let validation = intus.validate(
{username: "AbC"},
{username: [isLowercase()]}
validation.validate(); // false
For more complex rules, browse the rules directory for inspiration.
This library stands on the shoulders of giants. Many ideas have come from the following projects: