This library is really easy to use:
from supermail import EmailClient
# define email client
gmail = EmailClient("[email protected]", "your_password")
# get all messages
messages = # if you need only unread, set parameter filter=['UNSEEN']
# for each message
for msg in messages:
# get message info
# get attachments
attachments = msg.attachments('./temp') # returns a list of filenames saved in specified dir
# send a message with attachments
gmail.send('[email protected]', 'Nice subject', 'Nice message', \
cc='[email protected]',
attachments=['/path/to/pdf.pdf', '/path/to/image.png'])
In order to use GMail, you need to log into your security page and:
- enable two-step verification
- right below, it will appear an option called App Password. Create a new one that you will be able to use with supermail.
You can specify custom imap and smtp addresses and ports:
email_address = "[email protected]"
email_pwd = "your_password"
imap_server = ""
imap_port = 993
# define email client
gmail = EmailClient(email_address, email_pwd, imap_server, imap_port, smtp_server, smtp_port)
You can install supermail from PyPI:
pip install supermail
or from the github page:
pip install git+