You need to run on a Linux OS where you have root access and yum installed. My
personal machine was MacOS, so I first installed virtualbox, vagrant, and
vagrant-manager. Then I create an ubuntu 14.04 VM using vagrant, and installed
singualrity 2.2 on it. See instructions here Finally, I installed yum via sudo apt-get install yum
Get cuda and nvidia *.run scripts matching those currently on sherlock. As of 2-21-17, these were cuda 8.0, and nvidia drivers 375.26 . The CUDA driver was obtained from, under the linux centOS 6 downloads for cuda 8. The NVIDIA driver was obtained from Place the two *.run scripts within this directory.
The cuDNN version downloaded was cuDNN 8.0 v5.1, which was obtained from, under cuDNN 8.0 v5.1 Library for Linux. Place the resulting .tar file within this directory.
From this directory, simply run sh
, and then move the resulting
tf-gpu.img onto sherlock (it is 4GB so it may take a while). You will then be
able to run python with the latest version of GPU-enabled tensorflow by running
module load singularity
and then singularity run tf-gpu.img
You can confirm you have access to a GPU by running
import tensorflow as tf
Adapted from Jianxiong Dong's scripts at , as well as Igor and Tru Huynh's advice on the singularity google group at!topic/singularity/CezfXNjLGe0 . For use on Stanford sherlock cluster, which runs CentOS 6.7.