A Lunch and Learn for FreshBooks, April 2020
RE: Procedural Texturing in Computer Graphics
L1distanceV(P0, P1)
Manhattan distance between two vectors (2d or 3d)
L2distanceV(P0, P1)
Euclidean distance between two vectors (2d or 3d)
addV(Pa, Pb)
Returns a vector whose components are the sum of the components from the inputs
Smooth bell, value zero for input 0 or 1, max value at input = 0.5
Smooth bell, value zero for input 0 or 1, max value at input = 0.5; applied to each component of a vector
Given a value, returns zero if the value<0, one if value>1 otherwise the value itself
clampV(Pa, Pb, x)
Restricts each component of a vector to range(0,1)
fractal(x, fn, scale, octaves=4, lac=1.7, dim=0.5882352941176471)
"Given a scalar value, a function of a scalar value, and the scale of the detail;
and optionally, a number of octaves, lacunarity (float>1) and dimension(float<1),
returns a fractal summation of the signal
fractalV(P, fn, scale, octaves=4, lac=1.7, dim=0.5882352941176471)
"Given a position, a multi-dimensional noise function, and the scale of the detail;
and optionally, a number of octaves, lacunarity (float>1) and dimension(float<1),
returns a fractal summation of the signal
mix(a, b, x)
Linear mix: returns a for x=0, b for x=1 or linear blend for x in the range(0,1)
mixV(Pa, Pb, x)
Linear blend of each component of input vectors
mulV(Pa, Pb)
Returns a vector whose components are the product of the components from the inputs
Returns a 2d motion vector; each component in range(-1,1)
Returns a 3d motion vector; each component in range(-1,1)
C4-Smooth transition from zero to one, given an input in the range(0,1)
C2-Smooth transition from zero to one, given an input in the range(0,1)
C2-Smooth transition from zero to one, applied to each component of a vector
C4-Smooth transition from zero to one, applied to each component of a vector
spline(x, *args)
Interpolates the arguments, varying across them as input varies from zero to one
subV(Pa, Pb)
Returns a vector whose components are the difference of the components from the inputs
Constant value returned for each lattice; return triple in range +/- 1
Constant value returned for each lattice; return triple in range +/- 1
valuenoise1d(x, seed=0)
Smooth blended value returned for each lattice; returns range +/- 1, 3d tuple
Smooth blended value returned for each lattice; returns range +/- 1, 3d tuple
Smooth blended value returned for each lattice; returns range +/- 1, 3d tuple
voronoinoise2d(P, distancefn=L2distanceV)
Returns distance (scalar), position (2d)
voronoinoise3d(P, distancefn=L2distanceV)
Returns distance (scalar), position (3d)