Turn any website to API by several clicks.
Try online: https://cloudquery.t9t.io
- Sample Query: Best 3 posts on HN
Query params:
- url: url of the webpage you want to fetch
- selectors: css selectors describing the elements interests you
- innerText: element innerText
- href: element href
# install dependencies
npm i
# start frontend server(for auto restart when code change)
npm run sb
# start backend server(for auto restart when code change)
npm run sf
# visit http://localhost:1234
- update
(AWS Credential Profiles) inup.json
to use your own aws account - update
to set your own rate limit (Default: 5 request/hour)
# deploy to aws lambda
# see the URL of your CloudQuery
up url
# deploy production version(to cloudquery.t9t.io)
up deploy production
- up for deploying serverless API to AWS with ease
- serverless-chrome for running chrome on AWS lambda
- finder for making it easy to select elements on webpage