List i3 scratchpad windows
# gives a list of windows ids and titles:
# gives a list of window titles:
i3-scratch-list -noid
So the simple way is the window title only:
i3-scratch-list -noid | rofi -dmenu -i -p "scratchpad" | xargs -i{} i3-msg "[title=\""{}"\"] scratchpad show"
Of course if you want to be able to pick from identical names you can include the ID, of course this is shown in the dmenu/rofi:
i3-scratch-list | rofi -dmenu -i -p "scratchpad" | perl -nE 'my($id) = split("-"); $id =~ tr/ //d; if($id){say $id}' | xargs -i{} i3-msg "[id=\""{}"\"] scratchpad show"
Better solutions in an issue please.
If you have your $GOBIN
in your $PATH
go install
See the releases page.
Otherwise download this repository and go, then from the directory:
go build .
cp i3-scratch-list /somewhere/in/your/path
Better packaging will come if anyone cares to pester for it.
- /u/LionSuneater on reddit for reminding me that rofi/dmenu has a -p switch