N.B.: Work in progress
Tested on and optimized for a Debian AWS machine (based on debian-stretch-hvm-x86_64-...
) - see cloud.md for details.
- How to replicate the results
- install toolchain
- all 5 experiments in one go
- run one experiment separately
- AWS --> measurement results
- numbers <-- jump here if you have only 1 minute -->
- configurations used
- issues raised while doing this
In recent chainhammer versions, automation has done a quantum leap; the whole thing can now be run in TWO LINES, and a bit of patience, waiting for the results coming in:
Now all preparations are done via one script. Please do yourself the favor, and read the source code BEFORE you execute:
The log out / close terminal, and log back in, so that docker works.
Because this script makes lasting changes to the machine it is running on, so I suggest that you DO NOT USE YOUR MAIN MACHINE! Instead use a disposable cloud droplet, or virtualbox machine.
Given a distinguishing prefix for the machine in $CH_MACHINE
, the 2 scripts
CH_MACHINE=$HOSTNAME run-all_{small,large}.sh
send about {20,200} seconds worth of transactions at each of the 5 clients (testrpc-py, geth clique, quorum-crux with IBFT, parity-instantseal, parity-aura), while producing diagrams and human readable MD/HTML pages for each of them, using the below ./run.sh
five times.
A whole laboratory in a one liner!
The whole run-all_small.sh
needs ~7 minutes
IF all docker images are already downloaded/built,
or else it takes ~6 minutes more,
and allocates ~2.1 GB of diskspace, mainly for the docker images.
The long experiment, with 125,000 transactions shot at 5 Ethereum providers:
date; CH_MACHINE=t2.medium ./run-all_large.sh ; date
takes 27 minutes on an Amazon t2.medium
Now scroll down to the results! ONLY if you want to know more, continue reading here:
The new ./run.sh
is massively automated now, executing a sequence of 10 steps to run and even already analyze a whole experiment.
./run.sh IDENTIFIER [networkstarter-stub]
If a 2nd CLI argument $2 is given, ./run.sh
uses the scripts networks/$2-start.sh
and networks/$2-stop.sh
for the Ethereum network (or it expects one to be running already on port :8545, if no 2nd argument [networkstarter-stub] is given).
It needs 2 ENV variables to be set, $CH_TXS
for number-of-transactions, and $CH_THREADING
for the send-algorithm sequential
or threaded2
- and for the latter the number of multi-threading workers (thus the quotation marks).
The 1st CLI argument is a human readable title to later distinguish the diagrams, here I choose the $HOSTNAME
of your machine, but you can choose (an alphanumeric name) freely:
e.g. geth
configuration is hardcoded already in my fork of 'geth-dev', so it is just:
CH_TXS=30000 CH_THREADING="threaded2 20" ./run.sh $HOSTNAME-Geth geth-clique
while quorum
and parity
need to be configured first:
CH_TXS=50000 CH_THREADING="threaded2 20" ./run.sh $HOSTNAME-Quorum quorum
networks/parity-configure-aura.sh v2.2.3
CH_TXS=20000 CH_THREADING="sequential" ./run.sh $HOSTNAME-Parity parity
For now, parity v2.x.y can only handle sequential
sending. Please you help the parity team to figure out a parity configuration which does not die when shot at with 20 multi-threading workers, see PE#9582.
you find more infos in these places:
- FAQ.md
- reproduce_outdated.md
- cloud.md
- in the per-client results/*.md texts
and below this table:
Outdated table in which I had run each of the experiments manually in autumn 2018; soon re-done completely, using the above automation. So please contact me now, if you know how to accelerate any of these clients:
hardware | node type | #nodes | config | peak TPS_av | final TPS_av |
t2.micro | parity aura | 4 | (D) | 45.5 | 44.3 |
t2.large | parity aura | 4 | (D) | 53.5 | 52.9 |
t2.xlarge | parity aura | 4 | (J) | 57.1 | 56.4 |
t2.2xlarge | parity aura | 4 | (D) | 57.6 | 57.6 |
t2.micro | parity instantseal | 1 | (G) | 42.3 | 42.3 |
t2.xlarge | parity instantseal | 1 | (J) | 48.1 | 48.1 |
t2.2xlarge | geth clique | 3+1 +2 | (B) | 421.6 | 400.0 |
t2.xlarge | geth clique | 3+1 +2 | (B) | 386.1 | 321.5 |
t2.xlarge | geth clique | 3+1 | (K) | 372.6 | 325.3 |
t2.large | geth clique | 3+1 +2 | (B) | 170.7 | 169.4 |
t2.small | geth clique | 3+1 +2 | (B) | 96.8 | 96.5 |
t2.micro | geth clique | 3+1 | (H) | 124.3 | 122.4 |
t2.micro SWAP | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (I) SWAP! | 98.1 | 98.1 |
t2.micro | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (F) | lack of RAM | |
t2.large | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (F) | 207.7 | 199.9 |
t2.xlarge | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (F) | 439.5 | 395.7 |
t2.xlarge | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (L) | 389.1 | 338.9 |
t2.2xlarge | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (F) | 435.4 | 423.1 |
c5.4xlarge | quorum crux IBFT | 4 | (F) | 536.4 | 524.3 |
For the hardware types, number of CPUs etc - see https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/t2/#Product_Details
Only t2.micro
is "free tier", i.e. please contact me, if you can support me financially, so I can keep testing this on larger machines.
We need completely new ideas how to accelerate parity.
4 nodes via paritytech/parity-deploy with higher gasLimit and gasFloorTarget, and some CLI parameters changed (you knowledgable parity experts, please experiment with those, to increase the TPS - thanks):
cd ~/paritytech_parity-deploy
# sed -i 's/0x1312D00/0x2625A00/g' config/spec/genesis/aura; cat config/spec/genesis/aura # hardcoded now in parity-deploy https://github.com/paritytech/parity-deploy/issues/55#issuecomment-422309365
./parity-deploy.sh --nodes 4 --config aura --name myaura --geth --jsonrpc-server-threads 10 --tx-queue-size 20000 --cache-size 4096 --gas-floor-target 40000000 --tx-queue-mem-limit 0
cp ~/paritytech_parity-deploy/deployment/1/password ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/account-passphrase.txt
docker-compose up
1 bootnode, and 3 miners nodes, and ethstats client and server, all dockerized.
Two parameters changed: gasLimit=40m and clique.period=2 seconds.
cd ~/drandreaskrueger_geth-dev/
docker-compose up
TODO, some unsolved issues. What worked fine on my local machine does not seem to work anymore on AWS. Strange.
Unfortunately, they have named 2.0.5
now into stable
prematurely, so that docker run parity/parity:stable
starts parity:v2.0.x
and not parity:v1.11.x
That broke everything, see parity.md --> run 11.
To correct that, replace :stable
with the old version :v1.11.11
after running parity-deploy.sh
(I had also made a feature request issue about this):
cd paritytech_parity-deploy
sudo ./clean.sh
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); docker rmi $(docker images -q)
ARGS="--db-compaction ssd --tracing off --gasprice 0 --gas-floor-target 100000000000 "
ARGS=$ARGS"--pruning fast --tx-queue-size 32768 --tx-queue-mem-limit 0 --no-warp "
ARGS=$ARGS"--jsonrpc-threads 8 --no-hardware-wallets --no-dapps --no-secretstore-http "
ARGS=$ARGS"--cache-size 4096 --scale-verifiers --num-verifiers 16 "
./parity-deploy.sh --nodes 4 --config aura --name myaura --geth $ARGS
sed -i 's/parity:stable/parity:v1.11.11/g' docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up
Use (D) plus --force-sealing
plus change the blocktime stepDuration
to 5 seconds, because 5chdn said so:
cd ~/paritytech_parity-deploy
sudo ./clean.sh
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); docker rmi $(docker images -q)
ARGS="--db-compaction ssd --tracing off --gasprice 0 --gas-floor-target 100000000000 "
ARGS=$ARGS"--pruning fast --tx-queue-size 32768 --tx-queue-mem-limit 0 --no-warp "
ARGS=$ARGS"--jsonrpc-threads 8 --no-hardware-wallets --no-dapps --no-secretstore-http "
ARGS=$ARGS"--cache-size 4096 --scale-verifiers --num-verifiers 16 --force-sealing "
./parity-deploy.sh --nodes 4 --config aura --name myaura --geth $ARGS
sed -i 's/parity:stable/parity:v1.11.11/g' docker-compose.yml
jq ".engine.authorityRound.params.stepDuration = 5" deployment/chain/spec.json > tmp; mv tmp deployment/chain/spec.json
docker-compose up
This ^ (E) is the newest set of suggested settings, but they actually do not accelerate over the results of the already measured settings (D).
Standard dockerized quorum-crux but with a local build, so that these parameters can be tuned before the docker containers are built:
gasLimit = "0x1312D00"
--txpool.globalslots 20000
--txpool.globalqueue 20000
--istanbul.blockperiod 1
See above #quorum-crux-ibft for how to do that.
Tried the same with increasing machine sizes, up to 16 vCPUs. Best result 524-536 TPS.
cd ~/paritytech_parity-deploy
sudo ./clean.sh
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); docker rmi $(docker images -q)
./parity-deploy.sh --config dev --name instantseal --geth
sed -i 's/parity:stable/parity:v1.11.11/g' docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up
The blocking version of send.py
is actually a bit faster than the multi-threaded, i.e. hammering with ./deploy.py notest; ./send.py
(instead of ./deploy.py notest; ./send.py threaded2 23
) results in the fastest TPS.
Is parity essentially single-threaded?
Also, the go client geth
benefits greatly from larger machines, i.e. more CPUs; but parity
shows only very mildly faster TPS on larger machines.
to make it work on the AWS "free tier" machine, I removed the ethstats docker "geth-monitor-front/backend" - see issue GD#33:
cd ~/drandreaskrueger_geth-dev
nano docker-compose-without-ethstats.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose-without-ethstats.yml up --build
and even on that small machine I could see well over 100 TPS with geth clique!
To run this 4 nodes dockerized blk-io/crux setup is more difficult because each node runs an instance of geth_quorum AND an instance of crux. I have already posted a feature request BC#48 = it would be nice to still be able to run this on a t2.micro all in RAM. For now, you can enlarge the swapfile:
sudo swapoff -a && SWAPFILE=/swapfile; sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$SWAPFILE bs=1M count=1500 && sudo chmod 600 $SWAPFILE && sudo mkswap $SWAPFILE && sudo swapon -a && free -m
```watch -n 5 "df"
and keep an instance of `htop` open to notice when the ceiling is hit (the you get connection problems because node 1 or 2 has run out of memory, and crashed):
ssh chainhammer htop
other than that, this is identical to (F) above:
cd ~/blk-io_crux/docker/quorum-crux docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml up --build
**beware that these results are artifically slow** because swapping not RAM. But I could get it running on an AWS `t2.micro` which is "free tier" - so you can reproduce it without paying!!!
### (J) parity v1.11.11 on AWS t2.xlarge
Repeated recent run, to get *chainreader diagrams* for parity on a fast AWS machine.
See [parity.md#run-18](../results/parity.md#run-18) for details. Almost identical to (D) above, just newer versions of some dependencies.
### (K) geth v1.8.14 on AWS t2.xlarge
Repeated recent run, to get *chainreader diagrams* for geth clique on a fast AWS machine. See [geth.md#run-2](geth.md#run-2) for details. Almost identical to (B), but without the ethstats docker instances.
Interesting new observation, now that I ran it for 50k transactions not 20k. See issue comment https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/17447#issuecomment-431629285
### (L) IBFT quorum-crux on AWS t2.xlarge
Repeated recent run, to get *chainreader diagrams* for quorum IBFT on a fast AWS machine. See [quorum-IBFT.md#run-11](quorum-IBFT.md#run-11) for details. Almost identical to (F), so I don't know why it is suddenly 15% slower.
Perhaps it is a newer version of quorum? Unfortunately I don't know as [quorum pretends to be geth](https://github.com/jpmorganchase/quorum/issues/507), and is stuck on version `Geth/v1.7.2` for a very long time now.
## you
Please inspire us what could make `parity aura` faster.
Or actually ... what could make *any* of this faster. Thanks.
## issues
See bottom of [parity.md](../results/parity.md#issues), [geth.md](../results/geth.md#issues),
[quorum.md](../results/quorum.md#issues-raised), [quorum-IBFT.md](../results/quorum-IBFT.md#issues).