By version v54 of chainhammer, a lot here is automated much more, so much here is not needed anymore, because it is scripted.
However, some of these tutorials might still be useful for running some experiments or tests manually, so ... keeping them for now.
TODO: Sort them into the per-client-infofiles.
quickstart --> Scroll down to the AWS chapter.
# for a dockerized parity environment
# this is instantseal, NOT a realistic network of nodes
# but it already shows the problem - parity is very slow.
# For a more realistic network of 4 aura nodes see chainhammer-->
cd paritytech_parity-deploy
sudo ./
./ --config dev --name instantseal --geth
docker-compose up
That starts one instantseal
node - but that already shows that parity cannot get faster than ~70 TPS. Use this for now.
(Later, you can try aura
networks of 4 nodes instead - see instructions
here: --> run 13 )
new terminal:
# configure chainhammer
RPCaddress, RPCaddress2 = 'http://localhost:8545', 'http://localhost:8545'
ROUTE = "web3"
# test connection
touch account-passphrase.txt
# start the chainhammer viewer
new terminal
# same virtualenv
cd drandreaskrueger_chainhammer
source env/bin/activate
#### start the chainhammer send routine
./ notest; ./
# not blocking but with 23 multi-threading workers
./ notest; ./ threaded2 23
... to improve parity's speed.
(but it provides a local geth
installation, for geth attach http://localhost:8545
new terminal
( * )
# check that the transactions are actually successfully executed:
geth attach http://localhost:8545
> web3.eth.getTransaction(web3.eth.getBlock(50)["transactions"][0])
gas: 90000, ...
> web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(web3.eth.getBlock(50)["transactions"][0])
gasUsed: 26691,
status: "0x1", ...
( * ) I actually do not want to install geth
locally, but start the geth console from a docker container - but no success yet:
docker run ethereum/client-go attach https://localhost:8545
WARN [09-10|09:38:24.984] Sanitizing cache to Go's GC limits provided=1024 updated=331
Fatal: Failed to start the JavaScript console: api modules: Post https://localhost:8545: dial tcp connect: connection refused
Fatal: Failed to start the JavaScript console: api modules: Post https://localhost:8545: dial tcp connect: connection refused
Please help me with ^ this, thanks.
Until that is sorted, I have simply installed geth
locally, see
Compare the poor TPS performance of parity aura
with the faster geth clique
Kill the above ...; docker-compose up
Ctrl-C, then
docker-compose down -v
you might run out of disk space, so better delete any docker stuff:
docker kill $(docker ps -q) ; docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) ; docker rmi $(docker images -q)
for details see +xh-dev.
cd drandreaskrueger_geth-dev
docker-compose up
wait until you see healthy looking logging, like
monitor-frontend | 2018-09-10 13:34:02.054 [API] [BLK] Block: 7 from: gethDev1
new terminal: test connection
cd drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/
source env/bin/activate
new terminal: watcher
cd drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/
source env/bin/activate
new terminal: hammer
cd drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/
source env/bin/activate
./ notest; ./
A dockerized quorum-crux network of 4 nodes using IBFT (Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus:
Edit the given blk-io/crux
, so that it builds a local docker container, instead of using blkio10/quorum-crux:v1.0.0
from dockerhub:
cd blk-io_crux/docker/quorum-crux/
cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose-local.yaml
nano docker-compose-local.yaml
Follow the instructions "to build the Docker images yourself", so that it looks like this:
node1: &quorum_crux_node
# Pull image down from Docker Hub
# image: blkio10/quorum-crux:v1.0.0
# Uncomment the below, and comment out the above line to build the Docker images yourself
context: .
container_name: quorum1
Edit the settings: Higher gas limit, larger txpool, blockperiod 1 second
sudo apt install jq
jq '.gasLimit = "0x1312D00"' istanbul-genesis.json > tmp && mv tmp istanbul-genesis.json
sed -i 's/PRIVATE_CONFIG/ARGS=$ARGS"--txpool.globalslots 20000 --txpool.globalqueue 20000 --istanbul.blockperiod 1 "\nPRIVATE_CONFIG/g'
then build the container, and start the network:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml up --build
wait until you see something like
quorum1 | [*] Starting Crux nodes
quorum3 | [*] Starting Ethereum nodes
quorum1 | set +v
ssh chainhammer
cd ~/paritytech_parity-deploy
# sed -i 's/0x1312D00/0x2625A00/g' config/spec/genesis/aura; cat config/spec/genesis/aura # hardcoded now in parity-deploy
ARGS="--db-compaction ssd --tracing off --gasprice 0 --gas-floor-target 100000000000 "
ARGS=$ARGS"--pruning fast --tx-queue-size 32768 --tx-queue-mem-limit 0 --no-warp "
ARGS=$ARGS"--jsonrpc-threads 8 --no-hardware-wallets --no-dapps --no-secretstore-http "
ARGS=$ARGS"--cache-size 4096 --scale-verifiers --num-verifiers 16 --force-sealing "
sudo ./
./ --nodes 4 --config aura --name myaura --geth $ARGS
sed -i 's/parity:stable/parity:v1.11.11/g' docker-compose.yml
jq ".engine.authorityRound.params.stepDuration = 5" deployment/chain/spec.json > tmp; mv tmp deployment/chain/spec.json
cp ~/paritytech_parity-deploy/deployment/1/password ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/account-passphrase.txt
docker-compose up
For explanations of all those settings, see
If you later want to end this ... 'Ctrl-c' and:
docker-compose down -v
sudo ./
or even
~/ docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml up --build
ssh chainhammer
cd ~/drandreaskrueger_geth-dev/
docker-compose up
If you want to end this ... 'Ctrl-c' and:
docker-compose down -v
ssh chainhammer
note the -local
in the docker-compose command! -->
cd ~/blk-io_crux/docker/quorum-crux/
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml up --build
If you want to end this ... 'Ctrl-c' and:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml down -v
and possibly destroy all docker
N.B.: Port is changed from 8545 to 22001:
nano ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/
change to
RPCaddress, RPCaddress2 = 'http://localhost:22001', 'http://localhost:22002'
Until blk-io/crux
have also included a docker-compose-local.yaml into their own repo, pay attention whether the two .yaml are still in sync:
diff docker-compose-local.yaml docker-compose.yaml
... and create some local files
ssh chainhammer
cd ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer && source env/bin/activate
If there are connection problems, probably need to configure the correct ports in
or set the correct account passphrase:
cp ~/paritytech_parity-deploy/deployment/1/password ~/drandreaskrueger_chainhammer/account-passphrase.txt
ssh chainhammer
cd drandreaskrueger_chainhammer && source env/bin/activate
./ notest; ./ threaded2 23
See bottom of,,,