My own approach to keep track of my life.
Note: if you are a lazy hog, please scroll down to the "Docker" section.
createuser -P tasks
createdb -E utf8 tasks -O tasks
To install nvm use official guide
If you are using zsh shell you can use one of those guides to make nvm work inside shell:
After setup nvm you can use this command to install specific node package
nvm install 10
To choose one of installed nvm version type:
$ nvm use 10
Now using node v10.10.0 (npm v6.4.1)
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/local.txt // or requirements/dist.txt in production environment
npm install
npm run watch-assets // or npm run build for one-time compilation
If you want to build production assets, use:
make static
Provided that editor
symlinks to vim, emacs or nano:
make config
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver
Alternatively, copy the tasks/settings/
and modify it to your needs,
then run the rest of the commands.
Provided that editor
symlinks to actual editor:
make deployconfig
Alternatively, copy the tasks/settings/
and modify it to your needs,
then run the rest of the commands.
- Ensure that
is proper.
To run this project in dockerized development environment the following dependencies must be present in the system:
This project supports dockerized development environment, so you
actually don't need to do any of the above steps. To run the project in
dockerized mode enter the docker/development
directory and run:
docker-compose up
The application will be available at http://localhost:8000
. The
database will be spawned, the migrations will be run automatically, all
deps installed (for both Python and JS) and the code will be
automatically reloaded when changes occur (for both assets and backend code).
To run commands in the running container (for instance: installing new
packages, running tests, running Django commands etc.) please run in the
separate terminal window (while docker-compose up
is running) the
following command:
docker-compose exec tasks-backend bash
This will start interactive bash
session that will allow running all
the commands within running container.
First, log in to the server and run:
sudo -u postgres pg_dump "$1" > "$1"-`date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H%M'`.sql
Then, copy the dump file to the local machine:
scp user@server:~/'*.sql' ~/databases
docker-compose exec tasks-db psql tasks -U tasks -c "DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public;"
docker-compose exec -T tasks-db psql tasks -U tasks < ~/databases/tasks-[...].sql