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4.c.i Creating a iOS Developer Profile

Nishant Das Patnaik edited this page Jun 17, 2017 · 1 revision
  1. Open XCode
  2. Start a blank "Single View" iOS Application Project
  3. Provide a product name and organization identifier (keep it simple)
  4. Choose your connected iOS device to run/debug the app
  5. Click "Run/Play" to let XCode run the demo app on your physical device and you may need to login to your Apple ID.
  6. Login with your credentials
  7. Once your developer profile is created, you shall be able to see it here
  8. Once your developer profile is created, you may need to click "Run/Play" again to continue and choose the recently created developer profile to use for signing the app
  9. If "Developer Mode" is not already enabled on your Mac, you would need to enable it and click "Run/Play" again
  10. For the first time, you shall see the following prompt
  11. On your physical device, open the Settings app and navigate to General => Profiles & Device Management and choose the developer app profile you just created in previous steps and Tap "Trust"
  12. Tap "Trust"
  13. Click "Run/Play" again and if everything went as per instructions, you shall see a blank app with white background running on your device. This confirms your have successfully setup the iOS developer environment.