A web developer should probably have a website, this is mine.
Feel free to dig around the code. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions shoot me an email.
Well, we've got a lerna monorepo containing a number of packages. A whole lotta typescript code. Some scripts here and there.
All together it makes up the website at donpistole.com.
An API library for interacting with the official donpistole.com API.
The UI package consumes this to interact with the backend endpoints for things like submitting contact me requests.
This is the infrastructure-as-code, defined in Typescript using a custom wrapper around the AWS CDK libraries.
It lets me deploy (or destroy) the entirety of the AWS infrastructure required for running donpistole.com.
These are the API endpoints for donpistole.com. Written in Typescript, and packaged neatly, ready to be consumed by the AWS NodeJS Lambda handlers.
A React App, written in Typescript, that is the UI for donpistole.com.
This get's deployed to the S3 bucket that sits behind cloudfront.