This is a full stack application which was built using MERN stack. This chat application has account support which means that users are authenticated based on their credentials. When inside the app users can add other users who can be found in the application. Users who have added their friends can start chating with each other in real-time with the help of sockets.
- Authentication step ensures that the user is registered and stored in the database
- Users' credentials stored in the database are encrypted to prevent any potential credential leaks even if the database was breached
- Saved chat history
- Users can use custom profile images
- Active/Inactive user indication
Technologies used for this project:
HTML/CSS/Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS/Express,, MongoDB/Mongoose
Install the required dependencies and run the client React app:
cd chat/Client
npm install
npm start
Install the required dependencies and run the Server NodeJS app:
cd chat/Server
npm install
npm start
When server and client applications are ran, open client application in your localhost.
Login window
Signup window
Chat window