#include <kv_map.h>
kv_map* map = kv_map_create_str(0); // 0 means default size
assert(map != NULL);
assert(kv_map_set(map, "foo", "bar") == KV_MAP_ERROR_NONE)
assert(kv_map_get(map, "foo") == "bar")
void iterate(void* _key, void* _val, void* _stream) {
const char* key = _key;
const char* val = _val;
FILE* stream;
fprintf(stream, "key: %s, val: %s\n", key, val);
kv_map_iterate(map, iterate, stderr); // pass stderr to user data which is the stream
kv_map_unset(map, "foo");
assert(kv_map_get(map, "foo") == NULL);
#include <kv_map.h>
struct custom_key_t;
kv_map_hash_t custom_key_hash(struct custom_key_hash* key);
struct custom_val_t;
custom_val_t* val_dup(struct custom_val_t* val);
custom_key_t* key_dup(struct custom_key_t* key);
kv_map* map = kv_map_create((kv_map_create_params) {
.size = 256, // Can be omitted, 0 defaults to 32
.key_insert_cb = key_dup,
.val_insert_cb = val_dup,
.key_remove_cb = free,
.val_remove_cb = free, // Note, may need to make wrapper functions or cast the function pointers
// Can also specify custom callback data parameter
//.cb_user_data = NULL,
.hash_func = custom_key_hash
// Can also provide calbacks for printing the keys/values which enables
// printing the hashmap
assert(map != NULL);