lovely css is an object oriented CSS (OOCSS), clean and organised SCSS structure to help developers starting a web project from scratch.
You are thinking, oh no... not another framework, methodology or structure. Well we don't want reinvent the wheel, it's just a lovely way to start your project.
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- About
- Why Use?
- Creator
- Dependencies
- Installing
- Grunt
- Grunt Sass
- For Designers
- lovelycss Structure
- lovelycss Samples
- lovelycss Contributing
We are trying make developers and designers life easy; lovelycss containes all you need to start your project with a nice and clean SCSS to a Gruntfile.
On lovelycss you are going to be able to:
- minimize your css quicker
- compress and organize your sass files
- watch what is going on in your project with Grunt Watch.
- create a sprite with your all images just runing a command line
- minimize your images with a just simple command line.
- concat your css and js files easily
Get the latest version of angular, boostrap, font awesome, reset css, normalize and more with just a command line.
Before you install lovelycss check if you have all dependencies above, once you have run:
npm install
now you have a fresh and complete web project to start from scratch
we decided use grunt for organize and help us in repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.
we have 2 css files compiled by grunt sass: for development so you can see the line and the name of file for debug.
lovelycss.dist.css for distribution when you finish your App.
├── scss/
│ ├── core/
│ ├── helpers/
│ ├── modules/
│ ├── pages/
│ ├── vendor/
for more click here:
├── scss/
│ ├── core/
│ ├── helpers/
│ ├── modules/
│ ├── pages/
│ ├── vendor/
└── public/
├── stylesheets/
├── images/
└── fonts/
Douglas Deodato