Audit Share is an extension totally integrated into the Share UI accessible by administrators and sites managers.
This app displays sites and repository usage info: number of created/read/updated/deleted documents displayed by day/week/month/year.
In sites, others informations are "audited" concerning wiki, blog and discussions components but also users connected and sites volumetry.
Works with:
- Alfresco Community 4.x
- Alfresco Enterprise 4.x
Check out the project if you have not already done so
git clone
Ant build scripts are provided to build AMP files containing the custom files.
Before building, ensure you have edited the
files to set the path to your Alfresco SDK.
To build AMP files, run the following command from the base project directory:
ant prepare-package-amp
Don't want to compile sources?
You can download latest stable version here:
This extension is a standard Alfresco Module, so experienced users can skip these steps and proceed as usual.
Stop Alfresco
Use the Alfresco Module Management Tool to install the modules in your Alfresco and Share WAR files:
java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install auditshare-module-alfresco-X.X.X.amp $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/alfresco.war -force java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install auditshare-module-share-X.X.X.amp $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/share.war -force
Delete the
Caution: please ensure you do not have unsaved custom files in the webapp folders before deleting. -
Start Alfresco
Caution: Share web.xml file is overridden by the module (to declare new filters).
*/!\ Only actions performed from Share UI are "audited" /!* Be aware that this module does NOT use alfresco audit mechanisms.
This module uses latest Share 4.x extension mechanisms.
You can deploy/undeploy AuditShare menus directly from : http://server:port/share/page/modules/deploy
Default CRON expression (every hour): share.stats.sites.volumetry.trigger=0 0 0/1 * * ?
This expression can be overridden from file (
Example (at 1:00 PM and 9:00 PM every day): share.stats.sites.volumetry.trigger=0 0 13,21 * * ?
This extension is licensed under GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
Created by: Alexandre NICOLAS and [Bertrand FOREST] (
[Atol Conseils et Développements] ( is Alfresco [Gold Partner] (
Follow us on twitter [ @atolcd] (