Resolve Line-Breaking in Test Properties File for Semicolon Values #5668
Azure Pipelines / dotnet-wcf-with-corewcf--ci (Build MacOS Release)
Oct 24, 2024 in 2m 39s
Build MacOS Release failed
azure-pipelines / dotnet-wcf-with-corewcf--ci (Build MacOS Release)
.packages\microsoft.dotnet.helix.sdk\8.0.0-beta.23409.5\tools\azure-pipelines\AzurePipelines.MultiQueue.targets(16,5): error : (NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=Build) A call to an Azure DevOps api returned 401, which may indicate a bad 'System.AccessToken' value.
Please Check the 'Make secrets available to builds of forks' in the pipeline pull request validation trigger settings.
We have evaluated the security considerations of this setting and have determined that it is fine to use for our public PR validation builds.