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ValueEnumerables (fast to code and run) #974

benaadams opened this issue Oct 5, 2017 · 40 comments

ValueEnumerables (fast to code and run) #974

benaadams opened this issue Oct 5, 2017 · 40 comments


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benaadams commented Oct 5, 2017


Its fairly convoluted to add an non-allocating struct enumerator to a class; and yield iterators which have a simpler syntax are allocating and also don't work as a class-level struct enumerable.

Related: System.Linq is a wonderful feature, however it also allocates for all the IEnumerables; so it would be desirable to find a solution that supports a non-allocating struct-based Linq or Value Linq


Given a common or garden List class

public partial class List<T>
    private T[] _items;
    private int _size;
    private int _version;

Adding an indexer is fairly straight forward using the this[] property, and it would be good to have a similar ease of use for an enumerator; that is also non-allocating for yield enumerators.

Inspired by @davkean's twitter conversion on the verboseness of enumerators, @jaredpar's Rethinking IEnumerable and Immutable's IStrongEnumerable

As well as @nguerrera call to action that 140 chars was too small to convey a design



public interface IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator>
    where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<T>
    TEnumerator GetValueEnumerator();

public interface IValueEnumerator<T> : IDisposable
    T TryGetNext(out bool success);

Contextual keyword

New method_modifier to specify the method is a ValueEnumerable which is genericly typed enumerable<>

    : 'new'
    | 'public'
    | 'protected'
    | 'internal'
    | 'private'
    | 'static'
    | 'virtual'
    | 'sealed'
    | 'override'
    | 'abstract'
    | 'extern'
    | 'async'
    | method_modifier_unsafe
+   | method_modifier_enumerable

+   : 'enumerable'<' type_argument'>'
+   ;

Used with a member_name it is a struct-based iterator and works with yield

Used without a member_name it is a struct-based class-level enumerable and works with yield

    : attributes? method_modifier* 'partial'? return_type member_name type_parameter_list?
      '(' formal_parameter_list? ')' type_parameter_constraints_clause*
+   | class_enumerable_header

+   : attributes? method_modifier* 'partial'? return_type type_parameter_list?
+      '()' type_parameter_constraints_clause*
+   | class_enumerable_pass_through_header
+   ;

+   : attributes? method_modifier* type_parameter_list?
+      '()' type_parameter_constraints_clause*
+   ;


Class-Level Iterator

public enumerable<T> StructTypeName()

Convention: public enumerable<T> ValueEnumerable()

partial class List<T>
    // Developer types for class-level enumerator
    public enumerable<T> ValueEnumerable() // typeof(ValueEnumerable)
        int version = _version;
        int index = 0;

        while ((uint)index < (uint)_size)
            if (version == _version) throw new InvalidOperationException("List changed");

            yield return _items[index - 1];

    // auto implements: ValueEnumerable.Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()

Change to iterator Stack sample to utilize new fast enumerator

partial class Stack<T>
    // Current: Developer types for interface class-level enumerator
    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() {
        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) yield return items[i];

    // New: Developer types for struct class-level enumerator
    public enumerable<T> ValueEnumerable() { // typeof(ValueEnumerable)
        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) yield return items[i];

    // auto implements: ValueEnumerable.Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()

The type name of the Enumerator is part of the method_header declaration so user is at liberty to define it as

public enumerable<T> SomeBadName()
    //  typeof(SomeBadName) && typeof(SomeBadName.Enumerator) 

Method Iterator

public enumerable<T> StructTypeName MethodName()

Convention: public enumerable<T> MethodNameEnumerable MethodName()

Used as return type from a method it is a method iterator and works with yield

// Developer types for method iterator
public enumerable<T> SkipEnumerable Skip(int toSkip) // typeof(SkipEnumerable)
    int version = _version;
    int index = toSkip;

    while ((uint)index < (uint)_size)
        if (version == _version) throw new InvalidOperationException("List changed");

        yield return _items[index - 1];

The type name of the Enumerator is part of the method_header declaration so user is at liberty to define it as

public enumerable<T> OtherBadName Skip(int toSkip)
    // typeof(OtherBadName) && typeof(OtherBadName.Enumerator) 

Pass-through Iterator

They should also be able to be pass-through chained without generating another enumerable type. The class enumerable will have to re-specify enumerable<> to identify the method; a method to method will not:

// Class-level to method iterator, specified return type
public enumerable<T> SkipEnumerable.Enumerator()
       => Skip(toSkip: 0).GetValueEnumerator(); // typeof(SkipEnumerable.Enumerator)

As the class-level enumerable; needs to refers to the Enumerator subtype of the Enumerable a simpler inferred type pass-through syntax will be allowed:

// Class-level to method iterator, inferred return type
public enumerable<T>() 
       => Skip(toSkip: 0).GetValueEnumerator(); // typeof(SkipEnumerable.Enumerator)

Method Iterator pass-through is a simple method mapping

// method to method iterator, return type is always specified
public SkipEnumerable SkipTen() => Skip(toSkip: 10); // typeof(SkipEnumerable)


Class interfaces

Using the class level enumerator will automatically implement the IValueEnumerable interface on the class as well as IEnumerable<T> if not already implemented

public partial class List<T>
    // Compiler added from named TEnumerator for class
    : IValueEnumerable<T, List<T>.ValueEnumerable.Enumerator>
    // Added by complier if not already implmented on class
    , IEnumerable<T>

Class-level enumerator

Example code for the above class enumerator that the compiler could generate

// Compiler emits
public ValueEnumerable.Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()
       => new ValueEnumerable.Enumerator(this);

// Nested static class to maintain naming consistency with method iterators
public static class ValueEnumerable
    // Value Enumerator 
    public struct Enumerator : IValueEnumerator<T>
        private int __state;
        private List<T> __thisCapture;

        private int version;
        private int index;

        internal Enumerator(List<T> thisCapture)
            __state = 0;
            __thisCapture = thisCapture;
            version = thisCapture._version;
            index = 0;

        public T TryGetNext(out bool success)
            switch (_state)
                case 0:
                    if ((uint)index < (uint)__thisCapture._size)
                        if (version == __thisCapture._version) throw new InvalidOperationException("List changed");

                        success = true;
                        return __thisCapture._items[index - 1];
                    _state = 1;
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    success = false;
                    return default(T);

        public void Dispose() {}
        public static implicit operator EnumeratorAdapter<Enumerator>(Enumerator enumerator)
            return new EnumeratorAdapter<Enumerator>(enumerator);

Class-level enumerator Compatibility/Interop

If IEnumerator<T> was not previously defined on the class so the compiler added it; it would also generate an adapter. Example code for the generated code:

// If GetEnumerator not defined Compiler also generates
public EnumeratorAdapter<ValueEnumerable.Enumerator> GetEnumerator() => GetValueEnumerator();
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

GetEnumerator/IEnumerable interop

With a common EnumeratorAdapter shared for all IValueEnumerators

public struct EnumeratorAdapter<TValueEnumerator> : IEnumerator<T>
        where TValueEnumerator : IValueEnumerator<T>
    private TValueEnumerator _enumerator;
    private T _current;

    internal Enumerator(TValueEnumerator enumerator)
        _enumerator = enumerator;
        _current = default(T);

    public T Current => _current;

    public bool MoveNext()
        _current = _enumerator.TryGetNext(ref _state, out bool success);
        return success;

    public void Dispose() => _enumerator.Dispose();
    object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
    void IEnumerator.Reset() => throw new NotSupportedException();

Method iterator

// Developer types for method iterator
public enumerable<T> SkipEnumerable Skip(int toSkip) // typeof(SkipEnumerable)
    // ...

// Compiler emits
public SkipEnumerable Skip(int toSkip) => new SkipEnumerable(this, toSkip);

public struct SkipEnumerable : IValueEnumerable<T, SkipEnumerable.Enumerator>
    private List<T> _thisCapture;
    private int _toSkip;

    public SkipEnumerable(List<T> thisCapture, int toSkip)
        _thisCapture = thisCapture;
        _toSkip = toSkip;

    public Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()
        return new Enumerator(_thisCapture, _toSkip);

    // Value Enumerator 
    public struct Enumerator : IValueEnumerator<T>
        private int __state;
        private List<T> __thisCapture;

        private int version;
        private int index;

        internal Enumerator(List<T> thisCapture, int toSkip)
            __state = 0;
            __thisCapture = thisCapture;
            version = thisCapture._version;
            index = toSkip;

        public T TryGetNext(out bool success)
            switch (__state)
                case 0:
                    if ((uint)index < (uint)__thisCapture._size)
                        if (version == __thisCapture._version) throw new InvalidOperationException("List changed");

                        success = true;
                        return __thisCapture._items[index - 1];
                    __state = 1;
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    success = false;
                    return default(T);


        public void Dispose() { }

        public static implicit operator EnumeratorAdapter<Enumerator>(Enumerator enumerator)
            return new EnumeratorAdapter<Enumerator>(enumerator);

Pass-through enumerator

The should return the called type

// Class-level to method iterator, explicit return type
public enumerable<T> SkipEnumerable.Enumerator()
       => Skip(toSkip: 0).GetValueEnumerator(); // typeof(SkipEnumerable.Enumerator)

// Class-level to method iterator, inferred return type
public enumerable<T>() 
       => Skip(toSkip: 0).GetValueEnumerator(); // typeof(SkipEnumerable.Enumerator)

// Compiler emits for both
public SkipEnumerable.Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()
       => Skip(toSkip).GetValueEnumerator();

Already defined error if both type-inferred and type-specified class-level iterator

// method to method iterator, return type is always specified
public SkipEnumerable SkipTen() => Skip(toSkip: 10);

// Compiler behaves as now

Consuming the Enumerable

foreach will bind to GetValueEnumerator in preference to GetEnumerator if available and usage as now:

// Developer types 
foreach (T item in list) {
    // Loop body


// Compiler emits 
var enumerator = list.GetValueEnumerator();
    T item = enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
    while (success)
        // Loop body

        item = enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);


Type inference

Linq style extensions (also see #974 (comment))

public static partial class Enumerable
    public static int Count<TSource, TEnumerable, TEnumerator>(this TEnumerable source)
        where TEnumerable : struct, IValueEnumerable<TSource, TEnumerator>
        where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>
        int count = 0;
        foreach (var _ in source)
        return count;

When used

var list = new List<int>();

Will error with

The type arguments for method "Enumerable.Count<TSource, TEnumerable, TEnumerator>(TEnumerable)" cannot be inferred from usage. Try specifying the type arguments directly.
However specify the types degrades the user experience significantly

Value Linq

Overload preference, struct generic to be preferred over interface extensions e.g.


public static int Count<TSource, TEnumerable, TEnumerator>(this TEnumerable source)
    where TEnumerable : struct, IValueEnumerable<TSource, TEnumerator>
    where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>

Preferred over cast to interface (that will eventually box)

public static int Count<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)

Return vs out

Return T or return bool?

@jaredpar mentions on twitter

strangest part is the signature of TryGetNext:
T TryGetNext(out bool b)
It's demonstrably faster than
bool TryGetNext(out T elem)


public interface IValueEnumerator<T> : IDisposable
    T TryGetNext(out bool success);


public interface IValueEnumerator<T> : IDisposable
    bool TryGetNext(out T value);


I said fast right 😉 Though open question...

/cc @JonHanna for thoughts on Value Linq use

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HaloFour commented Oct 5, 2017

That's a lot of public-facing voodoo which would require very explicit specification and deterministic generation. I certainly don't like that state leaks out of the iterator. Makes it way too easy to screw with the underlying iterator. The lack of support for IDisposable (at least by convention) also eliminates all support for try/finally within the iterator.

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The lack of support for IDisposable (at least by convention) also eliminates all support for try/finally within the iterator.

The Jit elides finally=>empty dispose calls now; so could always add

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svick commented Oct 5, 2017

What is the reason of splitting state into state that's kept outside the enumerator and the rest that's kept inside the enumerator in its fields? It looks like needless complication to me and I think it also ties the public interface too tightly to the implementation.

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Internalized the state and added IDisposable

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I wish that all small enumerators could fit inside stack so even linq would work on them without making garbage, and without needing to define a new syntax.

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// Compiler emits

Need to describe what happens when you have many of these. for example:

public enumerable Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable Take(int count) ...

There will need to be two named public structs in this type. How are they named? How do you add more enumerable methods to the class without changing the names of the existing enumerables. Remember that doing so would be a binary breaking change to people who have already compiled against you.

One way to handle this (best syntax tbd) would be to allow the signature to specify explicitly what the name of the nested type would be (with Enumerator) being a fairly sound default given the patterns in the BCL. So this would be something like:

public enumerable(SkipEnumerator) Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable(TakeEnumerator) Take(int count) ...

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Another option might be something like:

public struct SkipEnumerator Skip(int count) ...
public struct TakeEnumerator Take(int count) ...

Here you are effectively saying "this returns an instance of the type 'struct SkipEnumrator' which the compiler will then fill in the implementation for itself". The downside here is that this syntax might be fairly confusing as we're combining (intentionally) the syntax for declaring a struct and for declaring a method.

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sharwell commented Oct 5, 2017

📝 I've been thinking about this a bunch recently. Not to the point of knowing how to implement it, but enough to know it would be a valuable addition.

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davkean commented Oct 5, 2017

It will be definitely valuable - have a look at these two hand-written examples that I've written just this week:, The second I was less boilerplate because I avoided implementing the interfaces.

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Breaks down when trying to write Linq extensions

public static partial class Enumerable
    public static int Count<TSource, TEnumerable, TEnumerator>(this TEnumerable source)
        where TEnumerable : struct, IValueEnumerable<TSource, TEnumerator>
        where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>
        int count = 0;
        foreach (var _ in source)

        return count;
var list = new List<int>();

The type arguments for method "Enumerable.Count<TSource, TEnumerable, TEnumerator>(TEnumerable)" cannot be inferred from usage. Try specifying the type arguments directly.

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Stripping it back one level doesn't help either 😢

public static int Count<TSource, TEnumerator>(this TEnumerator source)
    where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>

The type arguments for method "Enumerable.Count<TSource, TEnumerator>(TEnumerator)" cannot be inferred from usage. Try specifying the type arguments directly.

Any ideas on a pattern that might auto-infer (but also remain struct based)

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If we did this, i think we'd have to improve type inference here. Note that that's something that is already being looked at due to the work around type-classes/shapes. i.e. the current type-classes/shapes proposals depend on this cute "pass two structs along" approach as well. So ensuring the language can properly figure this out without users having to provide all the types is definitely something that needs to happen.

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I've been thinking about this a bunch recently. Not to the point of knowing how to implement it, but enough to know it would be a valuable addition.

I've talked with @MadsTorgersen about this a lot in the past. The implementation turns out to not be a problem. The main problem is really how is this surfaced to users in a comprehensible and non painful manner.

Really, all the compiler needs to know is:

  1. That this iterator should be implemented as a struct.
  2. Where that struct should live. (presumbly as a nested type is fine).
  3. What the name of the struct should be. (trying to infer something leads to all sorts of binary versioning concerns).
  4. A way of inferring the pattern for the enumerable/enumerator, so you can have non-allocating extensions like ValueLinq.

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nguerrera commented Oct 5, 2017

  1. What the name of the struct should be. (trying to infer something leads to all sorts of binary versioning concerns).

This was exactly my concern on Twitter. I agree that the name should not be inferred. Coming up with good syntax is hard, but the name should be explicit in source code somehow.

The following generates the compiler error: "List.Skip Member with the same name is already declared"

This is not the only problem with using the method name as the type name. Consider overloads.

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benaadams commented Oct 5, 2017

If we did this, i think we'd have to improve type inference here.

K, may not be an insurmountable problem then; have added to questions section.

Need to describe what happens when you have many of these

Parameter collisions as well

public enumerable Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable Skip(long count) ...
public enumerable Take(int count) ...
public enumerable Take(long count) ...

How about

By default; when no name collisions

public enumerable Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable Take(int count) ...

Name is inferred as

public SkipEnumerable Skip(int count) ... // And SkipEnumerator
public TakeEnumerable Skip(int count) ... // And TakeEnumerator

When type with same name defined; or same name with multiple signatures - error

"SkipEnumerable Member with the same name is already declared, please specify enumerator and enumerable name enumerable<EnumerableName, EnumeratorName> or rename type/method"

With generic type syntax?

// Defined type
public struct SkipEnumerable {}

// Or parameter collision
public enumerable<SkipEnumerableInt, SkipEnumeratorInt> Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable<SkipEnumerableLong, SkipEnumeratorLong> Skip(int count) ...

Hopefully would be an advanced use and uncommon?

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public enumerable Skip(int count) ...

The element type should also be explicit, not inferred from yield returns. This is a public contract and I want to see clearly in code review when it is changed.

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benaadams commented Oct 5, 2017

The element type should also be explicit, not inferred from yield returns. This is a public contract and I want to see clearly in code review when it is changed.

It would always be inferred as

public SkipEnumerable Skip(int count) ... // And SkipEnumerator

To make the common case easy.

Any name collisions would require it to be explicitly specified e.g.

public enumerable<SkipEnumerableInt, SkipEnumeratorInt> Skip(int count)

So would show up in a code review/diff?

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@benaadams I think he means that there is nothing in the signature stating what the type of the actual elements are that are returned. i.e. today you see IEnumerable<int>. i.e. int is specified in the signature somewhere.

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I think he means that there is nothing in the signature stating what the type of the actual elements are that are returned

Ahhh... hmm...

So maybe generic for type, and valuetuple style for name collisions?

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benaadams commented Oct 5, 2017

No collision

public enumerable<T> Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable<T> Take(int count) ...


public enumerable<T>(SkipEnumerableInt, SkipEnumeratorInt) Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable<T>(SkipEnumerableInt, SkipEnumeratorInt) Skip(long count) ...


public enumerable<T> Skip(int count) ...
public enumerable<T>(SkipEnumerableInt, SkipEnumeratorInt) Skip(long count) ...

As you were suggesting earlier?

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One thing that could be done would be to only supply the name of the Enumerable. The Enumerator could alwyas be a given a well known name inside of that. So, for example, we could have something like:

public struct SkipEnumerable<int> Skip(int count)

This would produce a nested type "SkipEnumerable", with a nested type inside of that always called "Enumerator". This would prevent the need to have to name the enumerator, and there would never be a collision problem.

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davkean commented Oct 5, 2017

Try the operator syntax:

public struct int enumerable Skip(int count);

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the reason i like struct SkipEnumerable<int> Method... in the signature is that it closely mirrors what we have today with IEnumerable<int> Method.... Except all you're really doing is saying "make this a value result" (hence the usage 'struct'), "and call that SkipEnumerable".

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Another possibility:

public SkipEnumerable<int> Skip(int count) struct {

or possibly:

public value SkipEnumerable<int> Skip(int count) {

As 'value' is already a contextual keyword. This would help as "public struct X" coudl read as if you're declaring the struct right there for lots of people.

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@davkean Still needs the name of the type being created though.

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benaadams commented Oct 6, 2017

Would value or struct be confusing as it may appear as some kind of record type without convening its specifically an enumerable action (and you might want it in future).

So if someone used a rubbish name; it may be confusing what its doing from the signature and it doesn't immediately explain why you can start yielding in the method

public struct MyName<int> Skip(int count) {
public MyName<int> Skip(int count) struct {
public value MyName<int> Skip(int count) {

Also suggests that MyName<int> is a generic type, when it is a concrete type MyName

Typed enumerable<T> modifier as per async?

public enumerable<T> SkipEnumerable Skip(int count)
public enumerable<T> MyName Skip(long count)

Pass-through drops the modifier (as async and Task); but keeps the type

public SkipEnumerable SkipTen(int count) => Skip(count: 10);

@benaadams benaadams changed the title Fast Enumerables (to code and run) ValueEnumerables (fast to code and run) Oct 6, 2017
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benaadams commented Oct 6, 2017

Updated proposal based on feedback

@CyrusNajmabadi do the changes address 1, 2 & 3 in #974 (comment)?

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dsaf commented Oct 6, 2017

A method modifier telling IDE/consumer whether a method is lazy enumerable or not would be cool. I am kind of tired of juggling IReadOnlyCollection and ToArray etc.

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nguerrera commented Oct 6, 2017

I'm liking the direction, but I'm now finding it hard to read the distinctions between "class-level" and "method-level". Ditto for the syntactic difference between implementing GetEnumerator() and GetValueEnumerator() with an iterator.

Today, an iterator can return either IEnumerable<T> or IEnumerator<T>. What if we had both enumerable<T> [Name] and enumerator<T> [Name] for this? I think there's an opportunity to have fewer (or at least more independent) concepts that way...


public class Sequence<T> : IValueEnumerable<T, Sequence<T>.Enumerator>
    public enumerator<T> Enumerator GetValueEnumerator()
        foreach (T t in _items) 
            yield return t;

    public enumerable<T> Span Slice(int start, int length)
        for (int i = start, i < items.Length - length; i++)
            yield return _items[i];

    public Span Slice(int start) => Slice(start, _items.Length - start);

The programmer would have to declare that they implement IValueEnumerable just like IEnumerable. I consider that to be desirable. Again, I want to see the public contract when reading code.

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jaredpar commented Oct 7, 2017

Overall really like the direction. Some small items to think about

  • As several others noted, this would need to be paired with changes to type inference. Never fun to do but I think this is pretty solvable
  • Think there is some potential for "spooky action at a distance" with pass-through enumerable. Essentially changing one implementation to be pass-through can ripple through a code base and lead to signature changes that cross assembly boundaries (bad for versioning). Think that is solvable though with some small compromises to the goals off pass-through. Want to think a bit more about it.

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Today, an iterator can return either IEnumerable or IEnumerator.

TIL this works

IEnumerable<int> Enumerable()
    yield return 1;

IEnumerator<int> Enumerator()
    yield return 1;

Though you can only foreach the IEnumerable

void Test()
    foreach (var i in Enumerable())
    { }
    // Error
    foreach (var i in Enumerator())
    { }

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sharwell commented Oct 7, 2017

@benaadams What would this proposal look like if it was focused instead on IValueEnumerator<T>, leaving IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator> out altogether? That may provide insight into how to deal with the generic type inference problems you were observing.

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alrz commented Oct 7, 2017

public interface IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator>

wouldn't it make sense to define this as a "shape/trait/concept" so it would be struct all the the way?

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What would this proposal look like if it was focused instead on IValueEnumerator, leaving IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator> out altogether?

#974 (comment)

Stripping it back one level doesn't help either 😢

public static int Count<TSource, TEnumerator>(this TEnumerator source)
    where TEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>

The type arguments for method "Enumerable.Count<TSource, TEnumerator>(TEnumerator)" cannot be inferred from usage. Try specifying the type arguments directly.

... however, don't see why foreach couldn't take an IValueEnumerator enumerator directly; might simply things.

Then Value Linq, Skip for example could just move the enumerator on a bit and pass back it out

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What would this proposal look like if it was focused instead on IValueEnumerator, leaving IValueEnumerable<T, TEnumerator> out altogether?

@sharwell interesting :)

I think the IValueEnumerable is still needed, but only for the class level to designate method - exploring...

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Partially works better

public static class Iterator
    // Can be inferred
    public static void ForEach<TValueEnumerator, TSource>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator, Action<TSource> action)
        where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>
        var current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
        while (success)

            current = enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);

    // Can't be inferred
    public static int Count<TValueEnumerator, TSource>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator)
        where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>
        int count = 0;
        enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
        while (success)

            enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);

        return count;

    // Can be inferred, but unneeded extra param
    public static int Count<TValueEnumerator, TSource>(this TValueEnumerator enumerator, TSource _)
        where TValueEnumerator : struct, IValueEnumerator<TSource>
        int count = 0;
        enumerator.TryGetNext(out bool success);
        while (success)

            enumerator.TryGetNext(out success);

        return count;

class Program
    void Main()
        var list = new List<int>();

        // Works
        list.GetValueEnumerator().ForEach((int i) => Console.WriteLine(i));

        // The type arguments for method
        // 'Iterator.Count<TValueEnumerator, TSource>(TValueEnumerator)' 
        // cannot be inferred from the usage.
        // Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

        // Works
        int _ = 0;

But not quite; but the proposal is simpler - writing it up

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Better version at #982

It follows @sharwell's suggestion of starting with the iterator, rest falls out

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jnm2 commented Oct 4, 2018

Fyi, work has started on stack-allocated objects. dotnet/coreclr#20251

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Fyi, work has started on stack-allocated objects.

Still problematic to penetrate through 2 levels of interfaces (IEnumerable -> IEnumerator) and convert explicitly shared generic to value generics?

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jnm2 commented Oct 4, 2018

It may be worth bringing up.

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