New Features
1. Added the PHP `include` function that can easily replace the PHP `eval` function to bypass Protection Systems. 2. Added `bpscan - php` coded in PHP(obviously) by Aces. This was created in case Python wasn't installed or couldn't be executed on the Server (which means that the original version of `bpscan` won't work), in this case, DAws will simply use the new appended feature to execute your PHP script. `bpscan - php` will help you find useable/unblocked ports on the server which you can later on use to get a Bind Shell. 3. Fixed the Windows `Eval` Form and now it works perfectly. 4. Made the code easily Readable and Commented every part with a title; this should make the Source easier to understand by whoever is interested.Future Updates:
1. Currently, DAws writes all the necessary output in `tmp` for Linux or in its current directory for Windows which isn't good enough because these Directories can be UnWritable which can cause many issues, and that is why we will be adding a Directory Roaming Function which will check for a Writable directory and if found, this directory will become DAws's best friend Lol.That is all for today,
Thanks for supporting DAws,
dotcppfile and Aces.