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Nxs-backup is an open source backup software for most popular GNU/Linux distributions.


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Nxs-backup is an open source backup software for most popular GNU/Linux distributions. Features of Nxs-backup include amongst others:

  • Support of the most popular storages: local, ssh, ftp, cifs(smb), nfs, webdav, s3
  • Database backups, such as MySQL(logical/physical), PostgreSQL(logical/physical), MongoDB, Redis
  • Possibility to specify extra options for collecting database dumps to fine-tune backup process and minimize load on the server
  • Incremental files backups
  • Easy to read and maintain configuration files with clear transparent structure
  • Built-in generator of the configuration files to expedite inital setup
  • Support of user-defined custom scripts to extend functionality
  • Possibility to restore backups with standard tools (no extra software including Nxs-backup is required)
  • Email notifications about status and errors during backup process

The source code of Nxs-backup is available at under the GPL v3 license. Additionally Nxs-backup offers binary package repositories for the major Linux distributions (Debian, CentOS).

Getting started

Understanding Jobs, Type, Sources and Storages

In order to make nxs-backup as flexible as possible, the directions given to nxs-backup are specified in several pieces. The main instruction is the job resource, which defines a job. A backup job generally consists of a Type, a Sources and Storages. The Type defines what type of backup shall run (e.g. MySQL "physical" backups), the Sources defines the target and exceptions (for each job at least one target must be specified), the Storages define storages where to store backups and at what quantity (for each job at least one storage must be specified). Work with remote storage is performed by local mounting of the FS with special tools.

Setting Up Nxs-backup Configuration Files

Nxs-backup configuration files are usually located in the /etc/nxs-backup/ directory. The default configuration has only one configuration file nxs-backup.conf and the conf.d subdirectory that stores files with descriptions of jobs (one file per job). Config files are in YAML format. For details, see Settings.

Generate your Configurations Files for job

You can generate your configuration file for a job by running the script with the command generate and -S/--storages (list of storages), -T/--type (type of backup), -P/--path (path to generated file) options. The script will generate configuration file for the job and print result:

# nxs-backup generate -S local scp -T mysql -P /etc/nxs-backup/conf.d/mysql.conf
nxs-backup: Successfully generated '/etc/nxs-backup/conf.d/mysql.conf' configuration file!

Testing your Configuration Files

You can test whether your configuration file is syntactically correct by running the script with the -t option and optional -c/--config (path to main conf file). The script will process the configuration file and print any error messages and then terminate:

# nxs-backup -t
nxs-backup: The configuration file '/etc/nxs-backup/nxs-backup.conf' syntax is ok!

Start your jobs

You cat start your jobs by running the script with the command start and optional -c/--config (path to main conf file). The script will execute the job passed by the argument. It should be noted that there are several reserved job names:

  • all - simulates the sequential execution of files, databases, external job (default value)
  • files - random execution of all jobs with the types desc_files, inc_files
  • databases - random execution of all jobs with the types mysql, mysql_xtrabackup, postgresql, postgresql_basebackup, mongodb, redis
  • external - random execution of all jobs with the type external
# nxs-backup start all



Nxs-backup main settings block description.

  • server_name: the name of the server on which the nxs-backup is started.
  • admin_mail: admin email on which notifications about errors during backup process will be sent.
  • client_mail(optional): emails of additional users that shall also receive nxs-backup notifications.
  • level_message: level of informing users specified in the directive client_mail, two levels are allowed:
  • error - send only notifications about errors during backup process;
  • debug - send full nxs-backup performance log.
  • mail_from: mailbox on behalf of which letters are sent.
  • smtp_server(optional): SMTP host. If not specified send email via /usr/sbin/sendmail.
  • smtp_port(optional): SMTP port.
  • smtp_ssl(optional): enable/disable SSL.
  • smtp_tls(optional): enable/disable TLS.
  • smtp_user(optional): SMTP user login.
  • smtp_password(optional): SMTP user password.
  • smtp_timeout(optional): SMTP connection timeout.
  • block_io_read(optional): limit reading speed from the block device on which backups are collected (MB/s).
  • block_io_write(optional): limit writing speed to a block device on which backups are collected (MB/s).
  • blkio_weight(optional): "weight" of the backup process when working with a block device on which backups are collected (weight must be in range from 100 to 1000).
  • general_path_to_all_tmp_dir(optional): the general part of the path to directories with temporary copies (based on this, the block device is defined, which IO must be limited).
  • cpu_shares(optional): the percentage of CPU computing resources that will go to the backup process.
  • log_file(optional): path to log file. If not specified the default value will be used (/var/log/nxs-backup/nxs-backup.log).
  • loop_timeout(optional): waiting time for another nxs-backup to be completed. By default disabled.
  • loop_interval(optional): the interval in seconds, how often to check if another copy of nxs-backup has ended. By default 30 seconds.


Nxs-backup jobs settings block description. Allows you to connect additional configuration files by specifying the following (you can use glob patterns):

jobs: !include [conf.d/*.conf]
  • job: job name. This value is used to run the required job.
  • type: type of backup. It can take the following values:
    • mysql(MySQL logical backups), mysql_xtrabackup (MySQL physical backups), postgresql(PostgreSQL logical backups), postgresql_basebackup(PostgreSQL physical backups), mongodb, redis
    • desc_files, inc_files
    • external
  • tmp_dir: a local path to the temporary directory for backups.
  • dump_cmd(only for external type): full command to run an external script.
  • safety_backup(logical)(optional): Delete outdated backups after creating a new one. By default, "false". IMPORTANT Using of this option requires more disk space. Make sure there is enough free space on the end device.
  • deferred_copying_level (optional)(int): Determines the level of deferred copying. The minimum value is 0 (by default), copying occurs immediately after the temporary backup is created. The maximum value is 3, copying occurs after creation of all temporary backups defined in the task. IMPORTANT Using of this option requires more disk space for more level. Make sure there is enough free space on the device where temporary backups stores.
  • inc_months_to_store (optional)(int, only for inc_files type): Determines how many months of incremental copies will be stored relative to the current month. Can take values from 0 to 12, the default is 12.
  • sources (objects array): Specify one target or array of targets for backup:
    • connect (object, Only for databases types). It is necessary to fill a minimum set of keys to allow database connection:
      • db_host: DB host.
      • db_port: DB port.
      • socket: DB socket.
      • db_user: DB user.
      • db_password: DB password.
      • auth_file: DB auth file. You may use either auth_file or db_host or socket options. Options priority follows: auth_filedb_hostsocket.
      • path_to_conf(only for mysql_xtrabackup type): path to the main mysql configuration file with client section.
    • special_keys(Only for databases types): special parameters for the collection of database backups
    • target: list of databases or directory/files to be backed up. For databases types you can use the keyword all (all db). For files types you can use glob patterns.
    • target_dbs(Only for mongodb type): list of mongodb databases to be backed up.
    • target_collections(Only for mongodb type): list of collections of all mongodb databases to be backed up. You can use the keyword all (all collections in all db).
    • excludes: list of databases or directory/files to be excluded from backup. For files types you can use glob patterns.
    • exclude_dbs(Only for mongodb type):
    • exclude_collections(Only for mongodb type):
    • gzip(logicals): compress or not compress the archive
    • skip_backup_rotate(Only for external type)(optional)(logicals): If creation of a local copy is not required, for example, in case of copying data to a remote server, rotation of local backups may be skipped with this option.
  • storages(objects array) specify one storage or array of storages to store archive:
  • storage: type of storage. It can take the following values:
    • local, scp, ftp, smb (via cifs), nfs, webdav, s3
  • enable(logicals): enable or disable storage
  • backup_dir: directory for storing backups. IMPORTANT For the following storages - scp, nfs, the directory actually acts as a mount resource (used directly in the mount command), so you need to make sure it exists on the remote server or remote_mount_point is defined, otherwise there will be an error. For other storages - local, ftp, smb, webdav, s3 this directory is already inside the environment, where we get after mounting the resource, so it can be created by the program itself.
  • remote_mount_point(Only for scp and nfs storages)(optional): Remote mounting point directory. This directory will be used as the mount resource, so you need to make sure that it exists on the remote server and is user user owned, otherwise an error will occur. The default is backup_dir.
  • host: storage host.
  • port: storage port.
  • user: storage user.
  • password: storage password.
  • extra_keys(Only for nfs storage): extra keys for mount command.
  • bucket_name(Only for s3 storage): bucket name.
  • access_key_id(Only for s3 storage)(optional): S3 compatibility access key.
  • secret_access_key(Only for s3 storage)(optional): S3 compatibility secret key.
  • s3fs_opts(Only for s3 storage): extra keys for mount s3fs command. For example, for loading on custom s3 compatibility API server you need to add the following options '-o url=https://<custom_endpoint_url> -o use_path_request_style'.
  • path_to_key(Only for scp storage): path to ssh private key.
  • share(Only for smb storage): share.
  • store(objects, required for all after exception inc_files type backup):
    • days: days to store backups.
    • weeks: weeks to store backups.
    • month: months to store backups.

Useful information

Desc files nxs-backup module

Under the hood there is python module tarfile.

Incremental files nxs-backup module

Under the hood there is python module tarfile. Incremental copies of files are made according to the following scheme: Incremental backup scheme

At the beginning of the year or on the first start of the script, a full initial backup is created. Then at the beginning of each month - an incremental monthly copy from a yearly copy is created. Inside each month there are incremental ten-day copies. Within each ten-day copy incremental day copies are created.

In this case, since now the tar file is in the PAX format, when you deploy the incremental backup, you do not need to specify the path to inc-files. All the info is stored in the PAX header of the GNU.dumpdir directory inside the archive. Therefore, the commands to restore a backup for a specific date are the following:

  • First, unpack a full annual copy with the follow command:
  • Then alternately unpack the monthly, ten-day, day incremental backups, specifying a special key -G, for example:

MySQL(logical) nxs-backup module

Under the hood is the work of the mysqldump, so for the correct work of the module you must first install mysql-client on the server.

MySQL(physical) nxs-backup module

Under the hood is the work of the innobackupex, so for the correct work of the module you must first install percona-xtrabackup on the server. Supports only backup of local instance.

PostgreSQL(logical) nxs-backup module

The work is based on pg_dump, so for the correct work of the module you must first install postgresql-client on the server.

PostgreSQL(physical) nxs-backup module

The work is based on pg_basebackup, so for the correct work of the module you must first install postgresql-client on the server.

MongoDB nxs-backup module

The work is based on mongodump, so for the correct work of the module you must first install mongodb-clients on the server.

Redis nxs-backup module

The work is based on redis-cli with --rdb option, so for the correct work of the module you must first install redis-tools on the server.

External nxs-backup module

In this module, an external script is executed passed to the program via the key "dump_cmd".
By default at the completion of this command, it is expected that:

  • A complete archive of data will be collected
  • The stdout will send data in json format, like:
    "full_path": "ABS_PATH_TO_ARCHIVE",
    "basename": "BASENAME_ARCHIVE",
    "extension": "EXTENSION_OF_ARCHIVE",
    "gzip": "true|false"

In this case, the keys basename, extension, gzip are necessary only for the formation of the final name of the backup. IMPORTANT:

  • make sure that there is no unnecessary information in stdout
  • gzip is a parameter that tells the script whether the file is compressed along the path specified in full_path or not, but does not indicate the need for compression at the nxs-backup
  • the successfully completed program must exit with 0

If the module was used with the skip_backup_rotate parameter, the standard output is expected as a result of running the command.
For example, when executing the command "rsync -Pavz /local/source /remote/destination" the result is expected to be a standard output to stdout.

SSH storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software you must install openssh-client, sshfs, sshpass, fuse packages.

FTP storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software you must install curlftpfs, fuse packages.

SMB storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software, you must install cifs-utils, fuse packages.

NFS storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software, you must install nfs-common/nfs-utils, fuse packages.

WebDAV storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software, you must install davfs2, fuse packages.

S3 storage nxs-backup module

For correct work of the software, you must install s3fs and fuse package.

Install nxs-backup


  1. Add Nixys repository key:

    apt-key adv --fetch-keys
  2. Add the repository. Currently Debian wheezy, jessie and stretch are available:

    echo "deb [arch=amd64] wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    echo "deb [arch=amd64] jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    echo "deb [arch=amd64] stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  3. Make an update:

    apt-get update
  4. Install nxs-backup:

    apt-get install nxs-backup


  1. Add Nixys repository key:

    rpm --import
  2. Add the repository. Currently CentOS 6 and 7 are available:

    cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/
    name=Nixys Packages for CentOS \$releasever - \$basearch
  3. Install nxs-backup:

    yum install nxs-backup


Nxs-backup is an open source backup software for most popular GNU/Linux distributions.







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  • Python 93.1%
  • CMake 4.1%
  • Shell 2.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.6%