Polygam is a sequencer taking chords as input. The chords evolving in the graph are harmonically related to ease the exploration of different chord progressions.
- Select some chords in the graph (top left thing with letters in bubbles)
- Punch some notes in the sequencer (maintain clicked to add multiple notes)
- Hit the Play button
- Experiment with the remaining knobs
- Enjoy :)
Some shortcuts will be added overtime, for now only "Space" toggles play/stop.
Polygam is not meant to encourage multiple & simultaneous romantic relationships, but it can create a really sexy mood if put to good use. But really, "poly-" comes from the Tone.js polysynths you hear when playing with the app and "-gam" is for gamme, which is French for scale. Scale gymnastics (and romance) are everywhere under this hood.
As you can see there is still a lot that can (and will) be done. You can have a good idea of what's on my plate if you have a look at the project page. Feel free to poke me on Twitter if you have any comments or suggestions. Cheers!