A header-only templated binary packet parser with a simple workflow:
- Create the expected packet fields
- Line them up in the expected order
- Parse directly to a
or receive a relevant error message
A quick and flexible tool for prototyping:
struct SubPacket {
string name;
uint32_t value;
void setName(string s) { name = s; }
void setValue(uint32_t v) { value = v; }
struct MyPacket {
string name;
uint32_t value;
vector<SubPacket> array;
void setName(string s) { name = s; }
void setValue(uint32_t v) { value = v; }
void addToArray(SubPacket& sp) { array.emplace_back(sp); }
auto parser = makePacketParser(
TEXT_FIELD(&MyPacket::setName, 16),
VALUE_FIELD(&MyPacket::setValue, uint32_t),
MULTI_FIELD(SubPacket, &MyPacket::addToArray,
TEXT_FIELD_ALLOW_EMPTY(&SubPacket::setName, 16),
VALUE_FIELD_ENDIAN(&SubPacket::setValue, uint32_t))));
MyPacket output{"", 0};
PacketParserErrorId error = parser.parse(data, length, output);