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Flutter Plugin for the Doordeck's SDKs (Android & iOS)


Assuming that you have a running project already, please:


  1. Target your app at least to platform 12 To achieve this, modify your Podfile and add: platform :ios, '12'
  2. Enable the NFC Tag Reading Capability. To achieve this, go to your Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles (Dev center) page to add manually the NFC capability. Also add the entitlement into the Xcode project:
  1. Add the NFC usage description to your project. To achieve this, add a string for the key Privacy — NFC Scan Usage Description to your Info.plist

Important ⚠️:
iOS's SDK implementation should comply with the instructions given in our native SDK


Target your app to minSdkVersion 21

If you face an error similar to:

Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@label value=([APP_NAME]) from (unknown) is also present at [com.github.adorsys:secure-storage-android:0.0.2] AndroidManifest.xml:12:9-41 value=(@string/app_name). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:3:4-43:19 to override.

Please continue as the suggestion says. Be sure you have a string named @string/app_name as your app name, which is your label for your app as well and add the suggestion mentioned.

Important ⚠️:
Android's SDK implementation should comply with the instructions given in our native SDK

Then be sure you follow the example. Any issues, please raise an issue at the Github's repo.


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