Project for controlling still. Developed for ESP8266.
- Controlling power of the heater via SSR (0-100%)
- Shows temperature from 4 sensors (DS18B20) on 20x4 I2C LCD screen
- Show if temperature is rising or dropping
- Show ABV of vapour in head
- Show amount of alcohol left in tank
- Sensor temperature limit - turns off heater when temperature on sensor is reached
- CSV data export with temperatures
- Initial Wifi access point mode for wifi configuration
- Web server with:
- live temperatures (1s refresh)
- heater control
- live charts
- notifications
- heater off temperature limit
- temperature of the day for 10 shelf notifications
- sensor assignment
- csv log download
- csv file reset
- Project is developed on WeMos ESP8266 v3 (also checked on NodeMCU v3)
- 4 sensors DS18B20 in parasite mode connected to pin D7 with 4.7K resistor
- SSR connected to D4
- I2C 20x4 LCD - how to connect
- Developed using PlatformIO IDE
- TaskManagerIO
- LiquidCrystalIO
- OneWire
- DallasTemperature
- IoAbstraction
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- ArduinoJson
Download ESP flash download tool:
Download bin files:
Choose SPI Mode - DOUT
Add firmware.bin with address 0x00000 Add spiffs.bin with address 0x00300000 (unsure if that's the address for all devices, or just for mine NodeMCU ESP8266 12-E v3 4mb flash)
Connect with OpenStill wifi, update wifi settings, restart device.
Get the code from
Go to "Others" tab, input Notifications code and click "Set" and then "Test" to see if it works