three.js loader for shaders created with Shade app for iOS.
const loader = new ShadeNodeLoader();
const sceneTime = new TimerNode();
// Some node types (time, microphone input, props, etc.) need to be
// provided by the application. Use the `.setFactory()` method to configure
// a callback for creating these nodes.
loader.setFactory( ( nodeDef ) => {
switch ( nodeDef.class ) {
case 'TimeNode':
return sceneTime;
throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${nodeDef.class}.`);
} );
// The load callback returns a THREE.NodeMaterial instance, ready to be
// used in a mesh. Additional properties created by the loader may be
// visible in `material.userData`, such as:
// - needsDerivatives: Derivatives must be enabled on the material.
// - needsBarycentric: Barycentric coordinates must be added to the geometry.
// - instanceCount: Requires a THREE.InstanceBufferGeometry with the given count.
( material ) => scene.add( new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.TorusKnotBufferGeometry(), material ) ),
( event ) => event ),
( error ) => console.error( error )