BMC: a word level model checker base on smt-switch
BMC is an extensible SMT-based model checker implemented in C++. There are some new features compared with the normal BMC(Bound Model Checking).
- can do inverse bmc which start at bad state
- skip steps to reduce the call of SMT-solver (e.g. check bound 1,3,5,7...)
- parallel bmc, doing skip bmc by mutithreads makes bmc parallel.
git clone
clone the bmc projectcd bmc
mkdir deps && cd deps
create deps directory and build smt-swith and btor2tools in it.
make sure you are in deps.
git clone
# build Boolector, cvc5, z3 solver use scripts.
# Note: build yices2 Mathsat 5
# you should build yices2 Mathsat 5 manually flowing smt-switch readme
# then
./ --btor --cvc5 --msat --yices2 --z3 --static
cd build
make -j$(nproc)
make sure you are in deps.
git clone
cd build
- in bmc project directory,
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
Build BMC.
For system verilog we privide the template of yosys scripts, which can be found in yosys. First ues Yosys convert system verilog to btor format.
# this command will generate btor file for myconter-false.v, which is a counter.
yosys yosys/conter-false.ys
./bmc <path>/<file>.btor
Example: ./bmc ../tset/counter-false.btor
Here is output
start bmc..
Checking steps at 1
Checking step 1 takes time: 0 sec
Checking steps at 2
Checking step 2 takes time: 0 sec
Checking steps at 3
Checking step 3 takes time: 0 sec
Checking steps at 4
Checking step 4 takes time: 0 sec
find counter-example
0 00000000000000000000000000000000 cnt@0
1 0 state8@0
2 0 state10@0
0 0 clk@0
0 0 clk@1
0 0 clk@2
0 0 clk@3
0 0 clk@4
Trace written to dump.vcd
If the conterexample if found, vcd file will be generated.Here is the vcd file generated by execute example command.