sbt plugin that shows all the versions of current project published locally.
sbt 0.13.5+
To install it as a global plugin add the following line to ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt
(or any other file under ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins
addSbtPlugin("org.donderom" % "sbt-published-local" % "0.2.0")
To make it project-specific just add the the same line to any *.sbt file in the project
To show all the versions of a project just run the following task:
> publishedLocal
If there are any versions published locally you will see something like this:
> [info] Scala 2.11: 1.3.2
> [info] Scala 2.11: 1.3.3
If your current project is a sbt plugin it will add sbt version to the output:
> [info] Scala 2.10, sbt 0.13: 1.1.0