Setting up Redash on GKE
Create our infrastructure with Terraform and install Helm Tiller on our Kubernetes cluster. You will also need to create a service account that the CloudSQL proxy on Kubernetes will use. Create that (Role = "Cloud SQL Client"), download the JSON key, and attach key as secret.
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project -q)
terraform apply -var project=${PROJECT_ID}
gcloud container clusters get-credentials redash-cluster
gcloud config set container/cluster redash-cluster
helm init
kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials \
Next, we need to deploy Redash on our Kubernetes cluster. I used a Helm hook to set up the configuration and the database resources (CloudSQL proxy + Redis) and also run a job to initialize the Redash schema before deploying the app.
helm install . --set projectId=${PROJECT_ID}