A simple observable and computed object library.
An Observable is an object that can be subscribed to, and will notify its subscribers any time its value is changed.
var Observable = require('observable').Observable;
// Create a new observable
var o = new Observable( 5 );
// Subscribe a function to the observable
o.subscribe( function ( v ) { console.log( 'new value: ', v ); } );
// Set the value, if the value changes it will run all its subscribers
o.set( 6 );
// "new value: 6"
// Get the current value
o.get(); // 6
A Computed is similar to an Observable, it can be subscribed to. It takes a function that will watch any observables it reads and notify its subscribers any time its return value changes.
var Computed = require('observable').computed;
var age = new Observable( 10 );
var myAge = new Computed( function () {
return 'I am ' + age.get() + ' years old!';
myAge.subscribe( console.log );
age.set( 11 );
// "I am 11 years old!"
Both Observables and Computeds can take a custom equality comparison function. By default they use ===.
var o = new Observable( [1,2,3] );
o.equals = function ( old, new ) { return old.length == new.length };
o.set( [3,4,5] );
// No change here these are equal