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Releases: doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.9 Win64 & Linux

05 Jul 09:23
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ddd0464c96072b06c61182bba46df6af *
2ab400c60265a966db7b8a32558cbf6e *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-9-Linux.tar.xz

  • Improved performance of KASPA mining in dual mode for ETH/ETC+KASPA and AUTOLYKOS2+KASPA for some GPU's [ read instructions below* ]

  • Added algorithm 'curvehash' for GPU mining*

  • Fixed compatibility of KawPow with miningpoolhub pool

Dual mining tuning:

Intensity of the second algorithm (KASPA) affects how much time should be spent on mining the second algorithm (KASPA).
Value of intensity goes from 1-31 , but everything over 8 will probably only degrade performance of both algorithms too much.

There is only one tip : if you want more KASPA you will need to increase CORE clock AND also the intensity of the second algorithm (KASPA)
Increasing only CORE clock without setting a higher intensity value probably won't increase KASPA hashrate.

Some GPU's can use only predefined intensities:

Polaris : 1, 2, 4
Rx550/Rx560 : 1

Curvehash GPU:

This is a quick release - it was tested on Windows on drivers < 22.x. and it should work ok.
Linux and mining os-es were barely tested - polaris works - not sure about the rest.. Rocm is not supported.

If a pool has a very low start diff. you should use parameter '--diff-factor' so you shouldn't flood the pool with shares.

OC Tip: MEM clock should go down as much as possible, CORE should go up as much as possible

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.8 Win64 & Linux

30 Jun 11:13
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62d2430c5078de3657dbd82e3544d32c *
540aacaed48fe9fd99196b47b48bd329 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-8-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + KASPA dual mining mode

  • Added AUTOLYKOS2 + KASPA dual mining mode


  • Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm for CPU ( up to ~40% )
  • Added parameter '--gpu-dual-mode' which must be used to enable the new dual mining mode
  • Upgraded command line parser*
  • Bug fixes

To maximise your mining profits, SRBMiner added real dual mining of :


This feature is still in experimental/beta phase, so feedback is welcome.

Setup procedure for the new dual mining mode is exactly the same as before, you just need to append parameter '--gpu-dual-mode' to enable the new mode.

You can manually set the intensities for both algorithms if you wish, it can have a positive/negative impact on the hashrates.
An auto tuning mode for the new dual mining is planned to be added in the future.
Currently using the '--gpu-auto-tune' parameter won't do anything.

Dual ethereum/kaspa example:

--disable-cpu --algorithm ethash;kaspa --gpu-dual-mode --pool ethereum-pool-here;kaspa-pool-here --wallet ethereum-wallet-here;kaspa-wallet-here

Dual ergo/kaspa example:

--disable-cpu --algorithm autolykos2;kaspa --gpu-dual-mode --pool ergo-pool-here;kaspa-pool-here --wallet ergo-wallet-here;kaspa-wallet-here

Upgraded command line parser:

Order of parameters doesn't matter anymore, parser will internally fix ordering.
Also there is a new way of defining multiple algorithms, parameters will be merged.

Example :
--algorithm ethash;kaspa can be written as --algorithm ethash --algorithm kaspa

Rule is that first defined parameter will be defined for algorithm1, same parameter if used will be defined for algorithm2 , etc..

--algorithm ethash;kaspa --gpu-intensity 24;23 can be written as --algorithm ethash --gpu-intensity 24 --algorithm kaspa --gpu-intensity 23

Example for previous ethereum/kaspa can be written as (ex.):

--gpu-dual-mode --algorithm ethash --pool ethereum-pool-here --wallet ethereum-wallet-here --algorithm kaspa --pool kaspa-pool-here --wallet kaspa-wallet-here --disable-cpu

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.7 Win64 & Linux

13 Jun 15:08
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993b11c0ffbd2eca45fe008bd003e02f *
380e8da1756eb4c0680e040833861074 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-7-Linux.tar.xz

  • Performance increase on 'kaspa' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Lower power consumption on 'kaspa' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Lower power consumption on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Added limited support for some algorithm's on Vega's (gfx900) for drivers newer than 20.40 (Linux - ROCm) *
  • Added GPU power reading capability for Polaris/Vega on Windows
  • OpenCL variables will be now set automatically from miner

Supported algorithms for Vega ROCm: ethash, etchash, autolykos2, kaspa, progpow_epic, cryptonight_xhv, cryptonight_gpu, verthash

Note : Performance of these algorithms is much better on older (20.40) drivers!

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.6 Win64 & Linux

02 Jun 13:50
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f2a2276ef7cbf62d67d77a1e0be3ed0c *
2935bf881236af2d3f48d6e66983b0b4 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-6-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'kaspa' (KAS - Kaspa coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.00%
  • Small performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Lower power consumption on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Minor bug fixes

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.5 Win64 & Linux

23 May 11:50
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5fa5276c8248d65e25090fc59ec38a07 *
26a7f61b883d86a8a7af8e6dbe992f6d *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-5-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'yescryptr8' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Added algorithm 'yescryptr16' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Added algorithm 'yescryptr32' for GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Added algorithm 'frkhash' (Expanse's next algorithm) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Lowered devfee for 'autolykos2' algorithm to 1.5%
  • Lowered devfee for 'blake3_alephium' algorithm to 0.85% (CPU/GPU)
  • Small performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • Small performance increase on 'dynamo' algorithm for GPU's
  • A little bit faster dataset creation on 'autolykos2' algorithm for some GPU's
  • A little bit lower power consumption on 'autolykos2' algorithm for Ellesmere GPU's
  • A little bit lower power consumption on 'ethash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • A little bit lower power consumption on 'etchash' algorithm for RDNA2 GPU's
  • If using --cpu-threads parameter, affinity is now auto set for CPU's with 64+ threads too
  • Added parameter '--set-console-title' (Windows only) [set custom title to miner console window]
  • Added parameter aliases for --algorithm, --cpu-threads, --password, --pool, --wallet ( -a, -t, -p, -o, -u )
  • Parameter '--diff-factor' now accepts values in decimal format too
  • Removed support for older GPU's (pitcairn, tahiti, hawaii, fiji, tonga)
  • Minor bug fixes

Why was support for older cards removed?

Although those cards are really old, the real reason for removing support for Pitcairn, Tahiti, Hawaii, Fiji and Tonga is that i don't own any of these GPU's, meaning i can't test / optimise any code for them.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.4 Win64 & Linux

05 Apr 12:12
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0e2b847a53099a00c547664886cff024 *
ce1a87faf892f4d6355cae608a992a33 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-4-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'sha3d' (Bsha3, Kylacoin, Yilacoin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Added algorithm '0x10' (CHOX - ChainOX) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
  • Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm (Pulsar coin) ( up to ~25% )
  • Removed 'astrobwt' algorithm
  • Removed parameter '--gpu-cn-mode'
  • Fixed issue [ ]

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.3 Win64 & Linux

12 Mar 06:12
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a6101dae41fd8244602b30c54f375628 *
c397ad9b6d720a6e6192735cd582648c *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-3-Linux.tar.xz

  • Performance increase on 'curvehash' algorithm (Pulsar coin) (up to ~40% on some CPU's)
  • Removed algorithm 'argon2id_ninja'
  • Minor bug fixes

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.2 Win64 & Linux

26 Feb 16:14
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730ac60ec809a7d83bc6c2fdf026db3e *
c93d5b335a333d67896eb5580bd17d58 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-2-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'dynamo' (DYNAMO - Dynamo coin) for GPU mining
  • Algorithm 'dynamo' supports only 'pool' mode (yiimp stratum compatibility removed)
  • Lowered devfee for 'dynamo' algorithm to 1% (CPU/GPU)
  • Added parameters '--gpu-progpow-safe' and '--gpu-dynamo-experimental'

Some drivers can create invalid programs for some periods on 'progpow' algorithms (you will notice by getting all rejected shares).
In that case try using '--gpu-progpow-safe' parameter

Dynamo uses algorithms which change on predefined block heights.
Using '--gpu-dynamo-experimental' parameter can make some of these algorithms hash faster, while on others it can decrease hashrate.
If you experience driver crashes with auto setup, try setting a lower intensity value manually ( --gpu-intensity parameter )

Only known public pool that uses 'pool' mode at the moment is :

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.1 Win64 & Linux

13 Feb 05:08
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9771d33a7043615e8f0c6eb4eb3c916b *
aea91d5c09d8ad7ad3f230f005ce537f *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-1-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'dynamo' (DYNAMO - Dynamo coin) for CPU mining, fee 3.00% (~20x-24x (+2000%) faster than the available public miner)
  • Small performance increase on 'blake3_alephium' algorithm for CPU's with AVX2
  • Added '--gpu-auto-tune 3' mode (auto tuning goes through every algorithm, but tuning one at a time - not all simultaneously)
  • If creating DAG/Dataset but mining multiple algorithms, miner now pauses work on other algorithms while the DAG/Dataset is created
  • Possible fix for 'not connected to pool' bug that appeared in previous version (0.9.0)
  • Better auto setup values for eth/etc + alph 'dual' mining
  • Added a workaround for 'blake3_alephium' algorithm pools that send both set_difficulty and set target in job
  • Minor bug fixes

'--gpu-auto-tune 3' might help in finding good '--gpu-intensity' values when doing 'dual' mining.
Set your prioritized algorithm to algorithm 0 (ex. ETH + ALPH, not ALPH + ETH)

'dynamo' will have a lot of rejected shares with the message 'duplicate share'. That is because everyone is working on the same job. It's not a miner issue.

SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.9.0 Win64 & Linux

06 Feb 12:37
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339915db8f2c15580ac5093ed41bf853 *
7a6ffbba928423720c0794053ad4f9e2 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-0-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added algorithm 'blake3_alephium' (ALPH - Alephium coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 1.00%
  • Added algorithm 'xdag' (XDAG - Dagger coin) for CPU mining, fee 1.00%
  • Fixed broken 'yespower' algorithms (broke in previous 0.8.9 version)
  • Rewrote miner restarting mechanism on Windows
  • Removed algorithm 'rx2'
  • Bug fixes

You can use --worker parameter to set worker name when mining 'xdag' algorithm

Because Alephium doesn't have a unified stratum implementation, pools created their own implementations.
I added Herominers and WoolyPooly's implementation, other pools are not guaranteed to work as expected.
Herominers should be preferred because it uses the least network traffic between pool-miner.

You can 'dual' mine 'blake3_alephium' with any other algorithm you like.
Good combinations are : ethash + alph or etchash + alph.
You will need to adapt --gpu-intensity values manually for best results.