Releases: doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.9 Win64 & Linux
7075e7099a36105ebb5cae7ade894ff0 *
5fe4a201a38c5e9ffcdb602c1bd08d12 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-9-Linux.tar.xz
- Added algorithm 'randoml' (LOZZ - Lozzax coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Performance increase on 'ghostrider' algorithm with dynamic thread management
- Performance increase on 'verushash' algorithm for CPU's with AES
- Performance increase on 'scryptn2' algorithm
- MSR tweaks are now allowed for every CPU mineable algorithm
- Dataset for 'autolykos2' algorithm is now created differently, so hopefully video driver won't time-out on slower gpu's
- Added file Help\Tdr_Fix\tdr_fix.reg for Windows, to increase driver time-out value (helps with DAG/dataset creation)
- Removed algorithm 'eaglesong'
- Removed algorithm 'kadena'
- Removed algorithm 'bl2bsha3'
- Removed algorithm 'phi5'
- Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_cache'
- Removed algorithm 'cryptonight_heavyx'
- Minor bug fixes
Dynamic thread management for 'ghostrider' algorithm works only if you leave it on auto setup (don't set --cpu-threads or --cpu-threads-intensity parameter)
'scryptn2' added values 4, 8, 12, 16 for --cpu-threads-intensity. This parameter sets how many hashes to do per worker thread.
--cpu-threads-intensity parameter can accept values per thread if needed, so you can set different number of hashes per thread for every worker thread!
This can further increase the hashrate, if you find the right settings for your system.
--cpu-threads 16 --cpu-threads-intensity 16 (uses 16 CPU threads, every thread does 16 hashes)
--cpu-threads 16 --cpu-threads-intensity 8!8!8!8!8!8!8!8!12!12!12!12!12!12!12!12 (uses 16 CPU threads, threads 0..7 do 8 hashes per thread, threads 8..15 do 12 hashes per thread)
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.8 Win64 & Linux
I re-uploaded this version after fixing a bug in miner API - didn't want to make a new release just because of that
03ef9a371518ae3dde914c1a3aae80d9 *
d03c6daa7ebce765f7bcbaedc85c88bc *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-8-Linux.tar.xz
- Added socks5 proxy support (--proxy parameter)
- Added algorithm 'argon2d_16000' (ADOT - Alterdot coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Vega GPU's (up to ~13%)
- Performance increase on 'argon2id_chukwa2' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's (up to ~12%) & lower power consumption
- Performance increase on 'argon2d_dynamic' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's (up to ~45%) & lower power consumption
- Removed devfee for 'yespoweric' algorithm
- Removed devfee for 'yespowerlitb' algorithm
- Removed devfee for 'yespowerres' algorithm
- If using '--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3' miner now auto sets --max-no-share-sent to 45 minutes if no other value was set
- Rewrote restarting mechanism on Linux so it shouldn't spawn a new process anymore on miner auto restart
- Minor bug fixes
--proxy parameter
Format : ip:port or user:password@ip:port
Supports: tcp, ssl/tls connections
Tested with socks5 proxies from :
'argon2d_16000' on old drivers (ex. 18.6.1) might produce invalid shares, please use newer drivers
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.7 Win64 & Linux
d952e67b87cade96862b1b7e5ded810d *
e1f842aa1ca09b1c225384a200560b0a *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-7-Linux.tar.xz
- Fixed hashrate regression on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Navi cards
- Fixed 'progpow' algorithms that got broken in previous release (0.8.6)
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.6 Win64 & Linux
6c0a107ca644d898f12f676f80cfce7d *
a2c86362a366b36e2dcf3adccc4a6efb *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-6-Linux.tar.xz
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for Polaris GPU's up to ~10%
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for VEGA GPU's ~5%
- Fixed 'heavyhash' algorithm for RX6500/6600/6700 GPU's
- Fixed detection of GPU's on some linux systems
Coins using 'heavyhash' algorithm :
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.5 Win64 & Linux
036ecaa431eb2f7a747d0fff3c5642f5 *
f3f7c44d5051cc08559870adce40fdae *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-5-Linux.tar.xz
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for VEGA/RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
- Fixed 'verushash' algorithm 'invalid solution version' error
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.4 Win64 & Linux
d6d4dbaa67a3749b7d376dcc819c9518 *
e42619388a859e398bae2f3641d768a9 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-4-Linux.tar.xz
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for GPU's
- Fixed display of hashrate while doing gpu auto tune process
- Changed GPU temperature to show 'edge' value instead of 'hotspot'
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.3 Win64 & Linux
8c26decce57d95b1c58833e25eb994ae *
dfe78b08fb7fd2ad77cdfa615964b4ec *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-3-Linux.tar.xz
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for GPU's (up to ~20% on some cards)
- Fixed issue with recognising some GPU's on newer drivers (broken since v0.8.1)
- Reworked hashrate reporting/stats - now reporting average for 1 min / 1 hr / 6 hr / 12 hr (in API too)
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.2 Win64 & Linux
a97dc0b1e7bc8cea495446da3a46bb60 *
8ca46ad67c585a0a2d95d44d7ce06344 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-2-Linux.tar.xz
- Added possibility to preload dataset/s on 'autolykos2' algorithm with '--gpu-autolykos2-preload' parameter (even on 4Gb cards!)
- Little faster dataset creation on some GPU's
- Job notifications are now displayed in console less frequently, unless extended log is enabled
- Reverted 'autolykos2' kernels for hawaii, tonga and fiji to the ones from ver. 0.7.3
- Bug fixes in algorithm switching mode ('--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3')
Dataset preloading can increase pool-side hashrate! (that means more profit)
Works even on GPU's with 4Gb!
For example if you set to preload 1 dataset that means it will create the dataset for the current and next block.
When the next block arrives, dataset will get loaded, which means GPU can continue working immediately (without creating the dataset).
Additional GPU memory needed.
There are 2 types of preloading :
- If you set preload value to 1 it will constantly keep preloading the next block (preferred for 4-8GB gpu's)
- If you set preload value to > 1 it will preload X number of datasets, and when a block arrives that isn't yet loaded, it will be created so miner can start working on it, and then again X number of datasets will get preloaded.
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.1 Win64 & Linux
7e7a89d8805512dfba817d0cbad94e3a *
09595bc11ba75f1cc78d8c83e61ab5c6 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-1-Linux.tar.xz
This one is a BIG update, check it out:
- Added algorithm 'firopow' (FIRO - Firo coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'kawpow' (RVN - Raven coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'progpow_sero' (SERO - Super Zero coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'progpow_veil' (VEIL - Veil coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'progpow_zano' (ZANO - Zano coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'progpow_veriblock' (VBK- Veriblock coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'progpow_epic' (EPIC - EpicCash coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'astrobwt' (DERO - Dero coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'minotaurx' (LCC - LiteCoin Cash coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Lowered devfee for 'lyra2v2_webchain' algorithm to 0.85%
- Small improvements on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RX550 & RX560 GPU's
- Added shares statistics per GPU ( accepted | rejected | gpu validation errors )
- Added watchdog for CPU workers (detect if a cpu thread stops hashing)
- Added parameter '--gpu-progpow-mode' (which progpow program to use)
- Added parameter '--gpu-progpow-preload' (how many periods to pre-create)
- Fixed crashing on Ryzen 3000 series CPU's on 'autolykos2' algorithm
- Fixed compatibility with P2P pools
- Fixed 'Internet not found' issue on some linux distributions
- Changed default value for '--max-no-submit-responses' parameter from 0 to 5
- Renamed parameter '--disable-gpu-watchdog' to '--disable-worker-watchdog'
- Reduced miner binary size (Windows)
- To fix miner disconnects on 'autolykos2' with 'WoolyPooly' pool, try --keepalive true
- Minor bug fixes
- Progpow algos are using single DAG allocation (no split DAG), so you need a driver that allows allocation of large buffers.
- 'Dual' mine EpicCash Progpow with any other algorithm (ETHASH, ETCHASH, AUTOLYKOS2 ...)
- --gpu-progpow-mode is auto selected, but you can test manually, maybe you find a mode that works better for your GPU
SRBMiner-MULTI CPU & AMD GPU Miner 0.8.0 Win64 & Linux
c81239c2bc0e0ae0b31d4c4cdae9adf9 *
c24bf0afbec7214c2d70f34ec119dcf2 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-8-0-Linux.tar.xz
- Added algorithm 'randomgrft' (GRFT - Graft coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Performance increase on 'ethash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
- Performance increase on 'etchash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
- Performance increase on 'ubqhash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
- Performance increase on 'verthash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
- Performance increase on 'heavyhash' algorithm for RX6800/6900 GPU's
- Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm on ZEN2+ AMD CPU's (up to ~90%) (*)
- Fixed 'cryptonight_gpu' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
- Fixed 'cryptonight_xhv' algorithm for RDNA/RDNA2 GPU's
- Added GPU power consumption details to stats & api
- Decreased time needed for algorithm switch when using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 with cpu mining
- Minor bug fixes
* - might apply to other AVX2 CPU's too - not tested