SRBMiner-MULTI v2.6.7
Fixed 'low difficulty share' issue on algorithm 'verushash' for CPU mining
Minor bug fixes
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
mmpOS update script to v2.6.7:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-7-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-7 && agent-stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /opt/mmp/miners/sbrminer/ && agent-start
HiveOS update script from v2.6.6 to v2.6.7:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-7-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-7 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.6.6 && miner start
Archive MD5 hashes
0eb66a83233969ef89264fe9853bd184 *
e2ac1acd5989d27d9388bbab269f04a8 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-7-Linux.tar.gz