SRBMiner-MULTI v2.6.0
Added parameter '--dns-over-https' , accepts values 0-3 [0 - Google, 1 - Cloudflare, 2 - AhADNS, 3 - Belnet]
Added support for mining algorithm 'verthash' on NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's
Fixed a bug that crashed miner when mining algorithm 'randomepic' with another randomx algorithm
Fixed a bug that produced many stale shares when mining algorithm 'progpow_epic' with another algorithm
Algorithm 'firopow' now prepends prefix '0x' with submit messages which fixes StakeCubeCoin invalid shares issue
Minor bug fixes
- if using '--dns-over-https' you must define which DNS resolver to use (0 - Google, 1 - Cloudflare, 2 - AhADNS, 3 - Belnet). Ex: '--dns-over-https 0'
- If both '--proxy' and '--dns-over-https' are set, DNS of the PROXY will be used for resolving
- If DOH request fails, local DNS will be used
Custom miner for Hiveos
To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :
After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )
mmpOS update script to v2.6.0:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-0-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-0 && agent-stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /opt/mmp/miners/sbrminer/ && agent-start
HiveOS update script from v2.5.9 to v2.6.0:
cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-0-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-0 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.5.9 && miner start
Archive MD5 hashes
08efd77d3c03286e158fb29f699fe0ac *
555f475fdf1643ae1c279bb516f1ddd6 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-6-0-Linux.tar.gz