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Noark Extraction Validator

The Noark Extraction Validator provides a means for validating Noark (5.x) extraction packages according to the requirements specified by the standard. The tool is a Java console application that:

  • parses a given extraction package;
  • stores its contents in a temporary in-memory (or file) database;
  • validates metadata and documents, and collects information - validation rules are listed in the Validation section;
  • generates a report that summarizes the results.



  • JDK 17


  • Maven
    • Required to build the tool
  • Internet connection
    • Required to download dependencies (unless they are already available in the local Maven repository)


mvn clean package



java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar


java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar --help

Validating different extraction package versions

Currently supported versions are Noark 5.3, Noark 5.4 and Noark 5.5.

Noark 5.3:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar noark53 ...

Noark 5.4:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar noark54 ...

Noark 5.5:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar noark55 ...

To validate against the desired version, substitute the <noark-version> parameter in the following examples with one of the supported versions.


If you would like to enable logging in the console or in a specific file, you will need to provide a reference to a log4j2 configuration:

java -Dlog4j.configurationFile='/path/to/log4j2.xml' -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> ...

A default configuration exists in a directory called config/.

Validating a Noark 5.x extraction package

The shortest command to validate a package is:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory

More complex scenarios would include modifying the output report type and/or directory:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -output-dir /path/to/report/output/directory -output-type excel_xls

You can request a report to be generated in multiple formats:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -output-dir /path/to/report/output/directory -output-type excel_xls -output-type xml

You can specify custom Noark schemas to be used in the validation process (in addition to the Noark ones and the extraction package ones). In such cases the reports would also include information about the compliance of the extraction package to these schemas:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -custom-schema-location /path/to/custom/schemas/directory

The specified -custom-schema-location directory may contain any custom Noark 5 schemas and a UTF-8-encoded description.txt file. The contents of this file will be copied to the Execution Information sections of the generated reports for completeness.

You can also change the persistence settings:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -output-dir /path/to/report/output/directory -db-name myDBName -storage hsqldb_server -server-location

If you would like to run several instances of the validator at the same time, you will have to use the hsqldb_server or hsqldb_file persistence settings and specify a different DB name / DB file location for each instance:

  • For hsqldb_file change the -db-dir-location argument
  • For hsqldb_server change the -db-name argument

If you would like to persist the database created by the validator then it's best to use hsqldb_server:

  • In this case, you need to create a server instance of HSQLDB 1.8.0. Refer to HSQLDB's page for more information and to HSQLDB 1.8.0 for the binaries. Running the server would include:
    java -cp hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:mydb -dbname.0 xdb
    where xdb is the name of the default database.

In case of huge extractions you can also specify the storage type to be hsqldb_file like so:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -output-dir /path/to/report/output/directory -storage hsqldb_file

Keep in mind that this will make the validation run slower (2 times or more), but could be the only option when having to deal with extremely large extractions and still generate an EXCEL_XLS report. Note that by default the database storage directory is called "noark-extraction-validator-db" and is situated in the OS temporary dir, but can be specified via the -db-dir-location flag:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -output-dir /path/to/report/output/directory -storage hsqldb_file -db-dir-location /path/to/desired/db-storage/direcotry

Making the validation process less strict is also possible. The default behavior of the validator is to stop execution if an XML file does not comply with the corresponding Noark XSD schema. To continue execution instead:

java -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk/directory -ignore-non-compliant-xml

This, however, is a bad practice that we would advise strongly against - the reason being that the result of the validation in such cases may be unreliable because crucial metadata elements are missing.

Validating a Noark 5.x extraction package - Windows

Similar to the above but note that Windows uses a different path separator:

"/path/to/jdk17/bin/java" -jar noark-extraction-validator-0.4.0.jar <noark-version> -extraction /path/to/uttrekk -output-dir /path/to/output/reports/dir

Also note that the above command specifies the path to Java explicitly to make sure that we are using a JDK, not a JRE (if one is installed). There are other ways to achieve the same thing.

Running as a library

The application can also be run as a library. To do so, you will need to prepare a command, create a validator, and run it:

# Initialize report configuration
ReportConfiguration reportConfiguration = new ReportConfiguration();
reportConfiguration.setOutputDir(new File("/path/to/output/directory/"));
reportConfiguration.setOutputTypes(Arrays.asList(ReportType.EXCEL_XLSX, ReportType.XML));

# Create a Noark 5.3 command
Noark53Command command = new Noark53Command();

# To create a Noark 5.4 command, use alternatively:
# Noark54Command command = new Noark54Command();

# Similar for Noark 5.5:
# Noark55Command command = new Noark55Command();

command.setExtractionDirectory(new File("/path/to/extraction"));

# Create a validator
Validator validator = ValidationFactory.createValidator(ValidatorType.byName(command.getName()), command);;


The Noark Extraction Validator Samples repository contains a number of sample extraction packages and their corresponding validation reports produced by this tool. Note that the samples are of varying quality in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the validator.

Noark 5.x Validation

Extraction package structure

      business-specific-metadata.xml (vendor-dependent; may not exist)
      loependeJournal.xml (optional)
      loependeJournal.xsd (optional)
      offentligJournal.xml (optional)
      offentligJournal.xsd (optional)
   info.xml (not well-defined currently)

Translations of common terms

Norsk English Notes
arkiv fonds
arkivdel series
arkivskaper fonds creator
klassifikasjonssystem classification system
klasse class
mappe file has the meaning of folder
saksmappe case file
registrering record can be used to denote all kinds of records
basisregistrering basic record
journalpost registry entry
dokumentbeskrivelse document description
dokumentobjekt document object a document version
sakspart case party
merknad note
kryssreferanse cross reference
presedens precedent
korrespondansepart correspondence party
avskrivning sign-off
dokumentflyt document flow
skjerming screening
gradering grading
kassasjonsvedtak disposal decision
kassasjon disposal
konvertering conversion
sletting deletion

Package structure validation rules

The package structure is validated according to the following rules:

  • Required XML and XSD files exist in the package and are well-formed:
    • arkivstruktur.xsd, endringslogg.xsd, offentligJournal.xsd, loependeJournal.xsd, addml.xsd, metadatakatalog.xsd, where offentligJournal.xsd and loependeJournal.xsd are optional
    • arkivstruktur.xml, endringslogg.xml, offentligJournal.xml, loependeJournal.xml, arkivuttrekk.xml, where offentligJournal.xml and loependeJournal.xml are optional
  • The checksums of all XSD schemas in the package match the corresponding checksums of the schemas distributed with the Noark 5 standard
  • All XML files in the package match the corresponding XSD schemas distributed with the Noark 5 standard

Content validation rules

There are two distinct categories of validation rules - checks and tests. Both of them have an ID, title, and description, and belong to a group. Checks produce information about a specific aspect of an extraction package whereas tests perform validations and may produce warnings and errors. Generally, you will see checks printed before tests in validation reports.

Below are all validation rules ordered by their execution priority (every test is annotated based on the kind of result it produces - info/warning/error):


Type Results in ID Title Description
Test Info,Error P1 Validity of addml.xsd (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Warning,Error P2 Validity of arkivuttrekk.xml (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas) Produces warnings when arkivuttrekk.xml does not comply with the package addml.xsd. Produces errors when arkivuttrekk.xml does not comply with the Noark addml.xsd.
Test Info,Error P3 Validity of offentligJournal.xsd (existence, well-formedness, comparison against Noark counterpart) Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Warning,Error P4 Validity of offentligJournal.xml (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas) Produces warnings when offentligJournal.xml does not comply with the package offentligJournal.xsd. Produces errors when offentligJournal.xml does not comply with the Noark offentligJournal.xsd.
Test Info,Error P5 Validity of endringslogg.xsd (existence, well-formedness, comparison against Noark counterpart) Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Warning,Error P6 Validity of endringslogg.xml (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas) Produces warnings when endringslogg.xml does not comply with the package endringslogg.xsd. Produces errors when endringslogg.xml does not comply with the Noark endringslogg.xsd.
Test Info,Error P7 Validity of metadatakatalog.xsd (existence, well-formedness, comparison against Noark counterpart) Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Error P8 Validity of arkivstruktur.xsd (existence, well-formedness, comparison against Noark counterpart) Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Warning,Error P9 Validity of arkivstruktur.xml (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas) Produces warnings when arkivstruktur.xml does not comply with the package arkivstruktur.xsd. Produces errors when arkivstruktur.xml does not comply with the Noark arkivstruktur.xsd.
Test Info,Error P10 Validity of loependeJournal.xsd (existence, well-formedness, comparison against Noark counterpart) Tests whether the XSD schema 1) exists, 2) is valid XML, and 3) its checksum matches the checksum of its Noark counterpart.
Test Info,Warning,Error P11 Validity of loependeJournal.xml (existence, well-formedness, compliance with schemas) Produces warnings when loependeJournal.xml does not comply with the package loependeJournal.xsd. Produces errors when loependeJournal.xml does not comply with the Noark loependeJournal.xsd.


Type Results in ID Title Description
Check Info ASC1 Fonds Number of fonds
Check Info ASC2 Classification systems Number of classification systems grouped by series
Check Info ASC3 Classes Number of classes grouped by classification system
Check Info ASC4 Classes without subclasses, files, or records Number of classes without children of any type, grouped by series
Check Info ASC5 Files with classes Number of files grouped by class and series
Check Info ASC6 Files without subfiles or records Number of files without children of any type, grouped by series
Check Info ASC7 Registry entries without a main document (document description) Number of registry entries without a main document, grouped by series
Check Info ASC8 Records with classes Number of records with classes, grouped by class and series
Check Info ASC9 Records without document descriptions Number of records without document descriptions, grouped by series
Check Info ASC10 Document descriptions Number of document descriptions grouped by series
Check Info ASC11 Document descriptions without document objects Number of document descriptions without document objects, grouped by series
Check Info ASC12 Document objects Number of document objects grouped by series and parent (document description or record)
Check Info ASC13 Case parties Number of case parties grouped by series
Check Info ASC14 Notes Number of notes associated with files, records, or document descriptions, grouped by series
Check Info ASC15 Cross references Number of cross references associated with classes, files, or records, grouped by series
Check Info ASC16 Precedents Number of precedents associated with files or records, grouped by series
Check Info ASC17 Sign-offs Number of sign-offs grouped by series
Check Info ASC18 Document flows Number of document flows grouped by series
Check Info ASC19 Gradings Number of gradings associated with series, classes, files, records, or document descriptions
Check Info ASC20 Conversions Number of conversions grouped by series
Check Info ASC21 Deletions (apart from disposals) Number of deletions (apart from disposals)
Test Info,Error AST1 Extraction-wide systemID uniqueness Tests whether the same systemID has been used for more than one object in the archive.
Test Info,Error AST2 Series Provides information about the number of series in the archive, and tests whether a fonds without any series exists.
Test Info,Warning AST3 Fonds period containment Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all fonds are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Warning AST4 Series period containment Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all series are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Warning AST5 Series status Tests whether non-finalized series exist in the archive. A series is considered non-finalized if a finalized date or a finalizing party is not specified, or if the series status is not 'Avsluttet periode'.
Test Info,Error AST6 File count Provides information about the number of files per series and tests whether the corresponding number specified in arkivuttrekk.xml is correct.
Test Info,Warning AST7 File period containment Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all files are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AST8 Files in leaf classes Provides information about the number of files per series and class, and tests whether any file belongs to a class which has other classes as children (i.e. the file has a class sibling).
Test Info,Warning AST9 File status Tests whether non-finalized files exist in the archive. A file is considered non-finalized if a finalized date or a finalizing party is not specified, or if the file status is not 'Avsluttet'.
Test Info,Error AST10 Records Provides information about the number of records per series and tests whether the corresponding number specified in arkivuttrekk.xml is correct.
Test Info,Warning AST11 Record period containment Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all records are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AST12 Records in leaf classes Provides information about the number of records per series and class, and tests whether any record belongs to a class which has other classes as children (i.e. the record has a class sibling).
Test Info,Warning AST13 Record status Tests whether non-finalized records exist in the archive. A record is considered non-finalized if a finalized date or a finalizing party is not specified, or if the record status is not 'Arkivert' or 'Utgår'.
Test Info,Warning AST14 Document description status Tests whether non-finalized document descriptions exist in the archive. A document description is considered non-finalized if a finalized date or a finalizing party is not specified, or if the document description status is not 'Dokumentet er ferdigstilt'.
Test Info,Warning AST15 Document description period containment Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all document descriptions are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AST16 Document object checksums Tests whether the document object checksums specified in arkivstruktur.xml match the ones that the validator calculated using the SHA256 algorithm.
Test Info,Error AST17 Document object file types Tests whether all document objects are valid PDF/A-1B documents.
Test Info,Error AST18 Correspondence parties Provides information about the number of correspondence parties grouped by series and tests whether any registry entries without correspondence parties exist.
Test Info,Warning AST19 Screenings Provides information about the number of screened series, classes, files, records, and document descriptions, and tests whether the corresponding value in arkivuttrekk.xml (inneholderSkjermetInformasjon) is correct.
Test Info,Warning AST20 Disposal decisions Provides information about the number of disposal decisions related to series, classes, files, records, and document descriptions, and tests whether the corresponding value in arkivuttrekk.xml (inneholderDokumenterSomSkalKasseres) is correct.
Test Info,Warning AST21 Disposals Provides information about the number of disposals of series and document descriptions, and tests whether the corresponding value in arkivuttrekk.xml (omfatterDokumenterSomErKassert) is correct.
Test Info,Warning AST22 Personal name fields Checks whether all name fields contain seemingly valid personal names. The regular expressions used for the purpose are "^[\p{L}\s-'.]*$" and "^[\p{L}\s-'.]+$" depending on whether the value can be blank or not. The validated fields are: saksansvarlig (M306), kontaktperson (M412), korrespondansepartNavn (M400), sakspartNavn (M302), moeteDeltakerNavn (M372), arkivertAv (M605), avskrevetAv (M618), tilknyttetAv (M621), merknadRegistrertAv (M612), kassertAv (M631), slettetAv (M614), gradertAv (M625), presedensGodkjentAv (M629), verifisertAv (M623), nedgradertAv (M627), opprettetAv (M601), avsluttetAv (M603).


Type Results in ID Title Description
Check Info LJC1 Screened registry entries Number of screened registry entries found in loependeJournal.xml
Test Info,Warning LJT1 Registry entries Provides information about the number of registry entries found in loependeJournal.xml and tests whether it matches the number of registry entries found in arkivstruktur.xml.
Test Info,Warning LJT2 Period containment of registry entries Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all registry entries in loependeJournal.xml are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml, and whether the same registry entries (same systemIDs) can be found in arkivstruktur.xml.


Type Results in ID Title Description
Test Info,Warning OJT1 Registry entries Provides information about the number of registry entries found in offentligJournal.xml and tests whether it matches the number of registry entries found in arkivstruktur.xml.
Test Info,Warning OJT2 Period containment of registry entries Tests whether the created and finalized dates of all registry entries in offentligJournal.xml are within the archival period specified in arkivuttrekk.xml, and whether the same registry entries (same systemIDs) can be found in arkivstruktur.xml.


Type Results in ID Title Description
Test Info,Error AUT1 Validity of the arkivstruktur.xml checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of arkivstruktur.xml matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT2 Validity of the arkivstruktur.xsd checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of arkivstruktur.xsd matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT3 Validity of the loependeJournal.xml checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of loependeJournal.xml matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT4 Validity of the loependeJournal.xsd checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of loependeJournal.xsd matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT5 Validity of the offentligJournal.xml checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of offentligJournal.xml matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT6 Validity of the offentligJournal.xsd checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of offentligJournal.xsd matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT7 Validity of the endringslogg.xml checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of endringslogg.xml matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.
Test Info,Error AUT8 Validity of the endringslogg.xsd checksum specified in arkivuttrekk.xml Tests whether the checksum of endringslogg.xsd matches the one specified in arkivuttrekk.xml.


Type Results in ID Title Description
Check Info ELC1 Change log entries Provides information about the number of change log entries in endringslogg.xml.
Test Info,Warning ELT1 Change log references Tests whether all objects referenced in the change log can be found by their systemID in arkivstruktur.xml.


The tool can produce reports in different formats (see the examples above for more information on how to request multiple reports). Currently supported formats are Excel (pre-2007 binary format), Excel (post-2007 OOXML format), and XML. All reports include:

  • information about the execution
    • version of the tool
    • list of key parameters specified for the execution
  • summary of the results
  • details for each executed validation rule (check or test), such as:
    • title
    • description
    • info
    • list of warnings
    • list of errors

Each list of warnings and errors aims to provide as detailed information as possible with regard to the exact location where an issue was encountered. Where applicable, this includes information such as system ID, file ID, case year, case number, record ID, record year, record number, line, or column.

Excel report

The purpose of the Excel report is to provide an intuitive human-readable representation of the validation results. It is color-coded and includes multiple links between generated sheets in order to facilitate the navigation between them.

XML report

The XML report is not intended to be human-readable but to be used for long-term preservation of the validation results. The corresponding XSD schema is bundled with the report.