A Prolog module that stores IAM policies and actions to simulate permissions.
For more info about the project background and rationale, see this blog post.
Requires Scryer-Prolog or similar interpreter.
Only supports identity-based policies and permissions boundaries for now. However, session policies (and some resource-based policies) can be modeled as identity policies and service control policies can be modeled as permissions boundaries.
Assumes one principal per-database session.
Does not support policy conditions.
Only includes S3 actions (PRs welcome see iam/s3.pl.
Adds a policy to the database, where:
is one of:boundary
is a list string which names the policy, e.g."s3-foo-allow-all"
is one of:allow
is a list string pattern, e.g."s3:PutObject"
, or"*"
is a list string of an AWS Arn, e.g."arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar"
. The resource portion (the last part) may be a string pattern, e.g."fo?/*"
is a list of error messages that is empty when the policy was successfully added.
Evaluates whether the principal is permitted to perform the action on the resource, where:
is a list string, e.g."s3:PutObject"
is a list string of an AWS Arn, e.g."arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar"
is a boolean.Reasons
is a list of messsages explaining the evaluation reasoning.Errs
is a list of error messages that is empty when the evaluation succeeded.
Returns all actions the principal may perform on the resource, where:
is a list of permitted actions.ArnStr
is a list string of an AWS Arn, e.g."arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar"
is a list of error messages that is empty when the evaluation succeeded.
Fixes a permission issue by creating/deleting policies, where:
is a list string of the action to grant, e.g."s3:PutObject"
is a list string of an AWS Arn, e.g."arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar"
is a list of strings describing the operations performed.Errs
is a list of error messages that is empty when the fix succeeded.
$ scryer-prolog -f src/iam/sim.pl
?- % check if we can get foo/bar.csv
can("s3:GetObject", "arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar.csv", Allowed, Reasons, Errs).
Allowed = false, Reasons = ["\'Not explicitly all ..."].
?- % grant the permission
fix("s3:GetObject", "arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar.csv", Changelog, Errs).
Changelog = [changelog(add,policy(identity,"[s,\'3\',:,\'G\',e,t, ...",allow,"s3:GetObject","arn:aws:s3:::foo/ ..."))], Errs = []
; false.
?- % re-test
can("s3:GetObject", "arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar.csv", Allowed, Reasons, Errs).
Allowed = true, Reasons = ["\'Not explicitly den ...","\'Allowed by\' ident ..."].
?- % create a policy to grant all
policy_add(identity, "s3-foo-*", allow, "*", "arn:aws:s3:::foo/*", Errs).
Errs = [].
?- % What actions can we perform?
all(Actions, "arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar.csv", Errs).
; Actions = ["s3-object-lambda:Ab ...","s3-object-lambda:D ...","s3-object-lambda: ...","s3-object-lambda ...","s3-object-lambd ...","s3-object-lamb ...","s3-object-lam ...","s3-object-la ...","s3-object-l ...","s3-object- ...","s3-object ...","s3-objec ...","s3-obje ...","s3-obj ...","s3-ob ...","s3-o ...","s3- ...","s3 ...","s ...","s3-object-lambda:PutObjectLegalHold"|...], Errs = []
$ bin/run-tests
+ scryer-prolog -f test/arn.pl
Running test "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:foo/bar"
Running test "arn:aws:s3:::foo/bar"
+ scryer-prolog -f test/sim.pl
Running test "all-no-policies"
Running test "arn_match"
Running test "arn_parse"
Running test "service_match"
Running test "all-except-denied"
Running test "all-deny-beats-allow"
Running test "all-boundary-implicit-deny"
Running test "all-boundary-explicit-deny"
Running test "fix-no-policies"
Running test "fix-boundary-implicit-deny"
Running test "fix-explicit-deny"