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How to run the app

use sh bin/dev-up to build and run the application using docker.

This will:

  1. start a postgres server with the postgis extension
  2. start a webserver
  3. create a database
  4. seed your database with a few scooters

run the tests with sh bin/dev-test

after running the command you can test some of the functionality via the curl command. examples:

find active scooters within a 5 kilometer radius of a given lon + lat: curl "localhost:3000/scooters/active?lon=-122.4&lat=37&radius=5"

create a maintenance ticket: curl -X POST "localhost:3000/scooters/1/tickets?description=fix"

data feed of all scooters and their state transitions: curl "localhost:3000/scooters/"

unlock a list of scooters: curl -X PUT "localhost:3000/scooters/bulk_unlock?ids=1,2,4"

update a scooter location and set battery to 5%: curl -X PUT "localhost:3000/scooters/1?lon=122&lat=34&battery=5"

A scooter reporting its current location and battery life

Capability to report current location and battery life of a particular scooter is enabled by the PUT /scooters/:id route. Tests located in spec/controllers/scooters_controller_spec.rb

ex curl command: curl -X PUT "localhost:3000/scooters/1?lon=122&lat=34&battery=5"

A mobile app used by our operations team

This app should be able to:

Open a maintenance ticket + Mark a scooter as inactive and being picked up for maintenance

ex curl command: curl -X POST "localhost:3000/scooters/1/tickets?description=fix"

Capability to create a maintenance ticket is enabled by the POST /scooters/:scooter_id/tickets route. Tests located in spec/controllers/tickets_controller_spec.rb. This endpoint also puts the scooter in a maintenance state which is an inactive state.

Request that a batch of scooters be unlocked all at once

This functionality is enabled by the PUT /scooters/bulk_unlock and the tests are located in spec/controllers/scooters_controller_spec.rb

ex curl command: curl -X PUT "localhost:3000/scooters/bulk_unlock?ids=1,2,3"


  • only scooters that are in the locked state should be unlocked. otherwise the scooter is assumed to already be unlocked because it is in use by a customer (i.e. already in the 'unlocked' state) or it is being maintained (i.e. in a 'maintenance' state)

A mobile app used by customers

This app should be able to show where active scooters are on a map within a given radius from the user's current lat/long location.

This is implemented by the GET /scooters/active route. Tests are located in the spec/controllers/scooters_controller_spec.rb.

ex curl command: curl "localhost:3000/scooters/active?lon=-122.4&lat=37&radius=5"


  • only scooters in a 'locked' state should be considered active since they are otherwise in use by other customers or being maintained.

Active scooters are defined as those having >= 30% battery life and not picked up for maintenance.

Tests for this are located in the spec/controllers/scooters_controller_spec.rb

City governments requesting a historical data feed

This feed should conform to a JSON schema spec.

This data feed is generated using the aasm state machine gem and the creation of a transition record for every single state transition in the after_all_transitions callback on the Scooter model. The transition records contain the location + battery data of the scooter after each transition. There is a particular state transition that is triggered by the Scooter#update_data event which transitions the scooter into an updating state then immediately transitions back to the previous state after updating the scooter location and battery data. The transitions table also includes the state that the scooter transitioned from, transitioned to and the event that triggered the transition.

ex curl command for data feed: curl "localhost:3000/scooters/"

This state transition tracking allows us to understand the lifecycle of a scooter at any given point in time. We can build powerful maps and debugging tools on top of this transitions table.

The feed should any state transition through which the scooter has run, such as: battery life being updated location being updated maintenance state changes

We get all of this functionality through the transitions table and the use of a state machine in our Scooter model.

Given more time

  1. add more tests
  2. rethink using state transitions to represent location + battery updates
  3. add validation to models + db
  4. handle errors that occur during state machine transitions. currently the state machine is quite brittle and it is possible to get a scooter stuck in a transient state (i.e. 'updating' state)


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