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Explore COVID-19 data with Common Lisp, gnuplot, SQL and Grafana


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Explore COVID-19 data in Common Lisp

The cl-covid19 system provides APIs for exploring and reviewing COVID-19 data with Common Lisp, SQL, gnuplot and Grafana.

The system fetches time-series data from the COVID-19 API, and persists it locally in a SQLite database, so it can be reviewed offline.

COVID-19 Cases in BG with filledcurves

COVID-19 Grafana Dashboard



Clone the cl-covid19 repo in your Quicklisp local-projects directory.

git clone

Load the system.

CL-USER> (ql:quickload :cl-covid19)


The following section provides examples to get you started.

Sample database

You can find an already populated database, that you can use in the databases directory of this repo.

Create Database

First, we need to create a connection to the SQLite database.

CL-USER> (defparameter *db-conn*
           (covid19:make-db-conn "covid19.db"))

Next, we need to apply the database migrations, so that the database schema is properly created. Database schema migrations are handled by cl-migratum system.

CL-USER> (covid19:migrate-db *db-conn*)

You should see similar output when applying the database migrations.

 <INFO> [16:01:37] cl-migratum.core core.lisp (apply-pending) -
  Found 3 pending migration(s) to be applied
 <INFO> [16:01:37] cl-migratum.core core.lisp (apply-and-register) -
  Applying migration 20200608135822 - create_countries_table
 <INFO> [16:01:37] cl-migratum.core core.lisp (apply-and-register) -
  Applying migration 20200611230626 - add_time_series_table
 <INFO> [16:01:37] cl-migratum.core core.lisp (apply-and-register) -
  Applying migration 20200611234716 - add_time_series_views

The local SQLite database provides the following tables and views.

Name Description
migration Contains the applied database migrations
continent Contains rows about each continent
country Contains the countries fetched from the remote API
time_series Time series for each country
time_series_global Aggregated global time series
time_series_per_country Time series data per country
time_series_per_country_latest Latest time series data per country
time_series_per_country_weekly_avg Last 7 days average of new cases per country
time_series_per_country_biweekly_avg Last 14 days average of new cases per country
time_series_per_country_per_million Cases per million population for each country
time_series_per_country_incidence Incidence cases per country
time_series_per_continent Time series data per continent
time_series_per_continent_latest Latest time series data per continent
population Population for each country on yearly basis
population_per_country A view which joins country and population
population_per_country_latest A view returning the latest population per country

Create API Client

In order to fetch data from the COVID-19 API, we need to create an API client.

CL-USER> (defparameter *api-client*

Updating local database with latest time series data

Using the API client we've created in the previous step we can now fetch the latest time-series data and persist them locally in our database. In order to do that simply call the COVID19:UPDATE-ALL-DATA function.

CL-USER> (covid19:update-all-data *api-client* *db-conn*)

You should probably do that once in a day, since time-series data usually gets updated on daily basis.

Fetching data from the database

The following examples show how to fetch various data from the database.

By default each fetch function will return up to COVID19:*DEFAULT-RESULT-LIMIT* number of items. You can either use the :limit keyword parameter of the fetch function you use, or rebind the above parameter to a value you want.

Another common parameter used by the various fetch functions is :offset, which allows you to skip a given number of items and is useful for retrieving items in pages, when used in combination with the :limit keyword parameter.

The :order keyword parameter, used in some fetching functions controls the order in which items will be returned based on the timestamp column. By default the results will be in descending order (most recent ones). If you need to return items in ascending order (oldest to newest ones), you can use the :asc value for the :order keyword parameter.

Here's how to fetch ten countries using the COVID19:FETCH-COUNTRIES function. You can control the number of results to fetch by using the :limit keyword parameter.

CL-USER> (covid19:fetch-countries *db-conn* :limit 10)
((:|id| 1 :|iso_code| "JE" :|name| "Jersey" :|slug| "jersey")
 (:|id| 2 :|iso_code| "MM" :|name| "Myanmar" :|slug| "myanmar")
 (:|id| 3 :|iso_code| "NA" :|name| "Namibia" :|slug| "namibia")
 (:|id| 4 :|iso_code| "SO" :|name| "Somalia" :|slug| "somalia")
 (:|id| 5 :|iso_code| "AU" :|name| "Australia" :|slug| "australia")
 (:|id| 6 :|iso_code| "GD" :|name| "Grenada" :|slug| "grenada")
 (:|id| 7 :|iso_code| "JP" :|name| "Japan" :|slug| "japan")
 (:|id| 8 :|iso_code| "QA" :|name| "Qatar" :|slug| "qatar")
 (:|id| 9 :|iso_code| "UM" :|name| "US Minor Outlying Islands" :|slug|
 (:|id| 10 :|iso_code| "AG" :|name| "Antigua and Barbuda" :|slug|

You can also use the COVID19:DISPLAY-TABLE function to display a table of the fetched results from your REPL.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-countries *db-conn* :limit 10))
| id | iso_code | name                      | slug                      |
|  1 | JE       | Jersey                    | jersey                    |
|  2 | MM       | Myanmar                   | myanmar                   |
|  3 | NA       | Namibia                   | namibia                   |
|  4 | SO       | Somalia                   | somalia                   |
|  5 | AU       | Australia                 | australia                 |
|  6 | GD       | Grenada                   | grenada                   |
|  7 | JP       | Japan                     | japan                     |
|  8 | QA       | Qatar                     | qatar                     |
|  9 | UM       | US Minor Outlying Islands | us-minor-outlying-islands |
| 10 | AG       | Antigua and Barbuda       | antigua-and-barbuda       |

In order to get a specific country by either name or ISO code you can use the COVID19:FETCH-COUNTRY function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:fetch-country *db-conn* "BG")
((:|id| 44 :|iso_code| "BG" :|name| "Bulgaria" :|slug| "bulgaria"))

Time series data can be fetched using the COVID19:FETCH-TIME-SERIES function. The results will contain historical records for each country, ordered by timestamp in descending order.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-time-series *db-conn* :limit 10))
| timestamp            | confirmed | deaths | recovered | active | new_confirmed | new_deaths | new_recovered | new_active | country_id | country_name        | country_slug        | country_iso_code |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |       262 |      6 |       179 |     77 |             0 |          0 |             4 |         -4 |          2 | Myanmar             | myanmar             | MM               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |        34 |      0 |        18 |     16 |             2 |          0 |             1 |          1 |          3 | Namibia             | namibia             | NA               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      2658 |     88 |       649 |   1921 |            16 |          0 |            27 |        -11 |          4 | Somalia             | somalia             | SO               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      7370 |    102 |      6861 |    407 |            23 |          0 |             5 |         18 |          5 | Australia           | australia           | AU               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |        23 |      0 |        22 |      1 |             0 |          0 |             0 |          0 |          6 | Grenada             | grenada             | GD               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |     17484 |    934 |     15652 |    898 |            45 |          5 |            85 |        -45 |          7 | Japan               | japan               | JP               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |     82077 |     80 |     60461 |  21536 |          1201 |          4 |          1780 |       -583 |          8 | Qatar               | qatar               | QA               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |        26 |      3 |        22 |      1 |             0 |          0 |             2 |         -2 |         10 | Antigua and Barbuda | antigua-and-barbuda | AG               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |       532 |      9 |       236 |    287 |            49 |          0 |             4 |         45 |         11 | Benin               | benin               | BJ               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      8931 |    212 |      7937 |    782 |            46 |          0 |           109 |        -63 |         12 | Morocco             | morocco             | MA               |

If you want to get the time-series data for a given country you can use COVID19:FETCH-TIME-SERIES-FOR-COUNTRY. The following command will return the data for the past 10 days.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-time-series-for-country *db-conn* "Bulgaria" :limit 10))
| timestamp            | confirmed | deaths | recovered | active | new_confirmed | new_deaths | new_recovered | new_active | country_id | country_name | country_slug | country_iso_code |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      3453 |    181 |      1817 |   1455 |           112 |          5 |            33 |         74 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-15T00:00:00Z |      3341 |    176 |      1784 |   1381 |            51 |          2 |            54 |         -5 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-14T00:00:00Z |      3290 |    174 |      1730 |   1386 |            24 |          2 |             7 |         15 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-13T00:00:00Z |      3266 |    172 |      1723 |   1371 |            75 |          0 |             7 |         68 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-12T00:00:00Z |      3191 |    172 |      1716 |   1303 |           105 |          4 |            28 |         73 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-11T00:00:00Z |      3086 |    168 |      1688 |   1230 |            93 |          1 |            24 |         68 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-10T00:00:00Z |      2993 |    167 |      1664 |   1162 |           104 |          0 |            41 |         63 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-09T00:00:00Z |      2889 |    167 |      1623 |   1099 |            79 |          3 |            36 |         40 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-08T00:00:00Z |      2810 |    164 |      1587 |   1059 |            83 |          4 |            39 |         40 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |
| 2020-06-07T00:00:00Z |      2727 |    160 |      1548 |   1019 |            16 |          0 |             3 |         13 |         44 | Bulgaria     | bulgaria     | BG               |

Latest (most recent) time-series data per country can be fetched using the COVID19:FETCH-TIME-SERIES-LATEST function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-time-series-latest *db-conn* :limit 5))
| timestamp            | confirmed | deaths | recovered | active | new_confirmed | new_deaths | new_recovered | new_active | country_id | country_name | country_slug | country_iso_code |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |       262 |      6 |       179 |     77 |             0 |          0 |             4 |         -4 |          2 | Myanmar      | myanmar      | MM               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |        34 |      0 |        18 |     16 |             2 |          0 |             1 |          1 |          3 | Namibia      | namibia      | NA               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      2658 |     88 |       649 |   1921 |            16 |          0 |            27 |        -11 |          4 | Somalia      | somalia      | SO               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |      7370 |    102 |      6861 |    407 |            23 |          0 |             5 |         18 |          5 | Australia    | australia    | AU               |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |        23 |      0 |        22 |      1 |             0 |          0 |             0 |          0 |          6 | Grenada      | grenada      | GD               |

In order to fetch the top countries by given column you can use the COVID19:FETCH-TOP-COUNTRIES-BY function. The following example will display the top 5 countries by confirmed cases.

CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (item)
                   (getf item :|country_name|))
                 (covid19:fetch-top-countries-by *db-conn* :column :confirmed :limit 5))
("United States of America" "Brazil" "Russian Federation" "India"
 "United Kingdom")

The COVID19:FETCH-TIME-SERIES-GLOBAL function returns the aggregated time series on a global scale. The following example will display the stats for the past 10 days.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-time-series-global *db-conn* :limit 10))
| timestamp            | confirmed | deaths | recovered | active  | new_confirmed | new_recovered | new_deaths | new_active |
| 2020-06-16T00:00:00Z |   8274306 | 451939 |   3954518 | 3867849 |        139803 |         97831 |       6829 |      35143 |
| 2020-06-15T00:00:00Z |   8134503 | 445110 |   3856687 | 3832706 |        133896 |         87626 |       3843 |      42427 |
| 2020-06-14T00:00:00Z |   8000607 | 441267 |   3769061 | 3790279 |        134333 |         71408 |       3365 |      59560 |
| 2020-06-13T00:00:00Z |   7866274 | 437902 |   3697653 | 3730719 |        134598 |         85027 |       4400 |      45171 |
| 2020-06-12T00:00:00Z |   7731676 | 433502 |   3612626 | 3685548 |        118757 |         72581 |       3990 |      42186 |
| 2020-06-11T00:00:00Z |   7612919 | 429512 |   3540045 | 3643362 |        154681 |         85889 |       5290 |      63502 |
| 2020-06-10T00:00:00Z |   7458238 | 424222 |   3454156 | 3579860 |        118483 |         79139 |       4833 |      34511 |
| 2020-06-09T00:00:00Z |   7339755 | 419389 |   3375017 | 3545349 |        124338 |         82260 |       4974 |      37104 |
| 2020-06-08T00:00:00Z |   7215417 | 414415 |   3292757 | 3508245 |        109895 |        152488 |       3825 |     -46418 |
| 2020-06-07T00:00:00Z |   7105522 | 410590 |   3140269 | 3554663 |        118555 |         55087 |       3039 |      60429 |

The COVID19:FETCH-TIME-SERIES-FOR-CONTINENT function returns aggregated time series data for a given continent, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-table
          (covid19:fetch-time-series-for-continent *db-conn* "Europe"))
| timestamp            | confirmed | deaths | recovered | active  | new_confirmed | new_recovered | new_deaths | new_active | continent_id | continent_iso_code | continent_name |
| 2020-11-18T00:00:00Z |  12791850 | 304380 |   3746938 | 8740532 |        241753 |        120493 |       4784 |     116476 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-17T00:00:00Z |  12550097 | 299596 |   3626445 | 8624056 |        252012 |        135775 |       5390 |     110847 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-16T00:00:00Z |  12298085 | 294206 |   3490670 | 8513209 |        212435 |        112199 |       3745 |      96491 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-15T00:00:00Z |  12085650 | 290461 |   3378471 | 8416718 |        177770 |         62418 |       2530 |     112822 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-14T00:00:00Z |  11907880 | 287931 |   3316053 | 8303896 |        219967 |         84642 |       3366 |     131959 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-13T00:00:00Z |  11687913 | 284565 |   3231411 | 8171937 |        264308 |         91708 |       4371 |     168229 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-12T00:00:00Z |  11423605 | 280194 |   3139703 | 8003708 |        273909 |         72082 |       3985 |     197842 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-11T00:00:00Z |  11149696 | 276209 |   3067621 | 7805866 |        277106 |         90322 |       4620 |     182164 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-10T00:00:00Z |  10872590 | 271589 |   2977299 | 7623702 |        228930 |        135396 |       4894 |      88640 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |
| 2020-11-09T00:00:00Z |  10643660 | 266695 |   2841903 | 7535062 |        221762 |         66847 |       3174 |     151741 |            6 | EU                 | Europe         |

Executing database queries

If you need to execute a custom query or statement against the database you can use the COVID19:DB-EXECUTE function.

The following example will fetch a country by given ISO code, using a parameterized query.

CL-USER> (covid19:db-execute *db-conn* "SELECT * FROM country WHERE iso_code = ?" "BG")
((:|id| 44 :|iso_code| "BG" :|name| "Bulgaria" :|slug| "bulgaria"))

You can pass the result of COVID19:DB-EXECUTE to COVID19:DISPLAY-TABLE to display the results in a nice table format.

Exporting data to CSV

If you need to export the data in CSV format you can do that by using the COVID19:WRITE-CSV function. This example will export all time series data for a given country.

CL-USER> (with-open-file (out "/tmp/covid19-bg.csv" :direction :output)
           (covid19:write-csv (covid19:fetch-time-series-for-country *db-conn* "BG") :stream out))

Plotting graphs

The following examples assume that you have gnuplot installed already.

In order to plot a graph using the time series data for a given country you can use the COVID19:PLOT-TIME-SERIES-FOR-COUNTRY function. The :limit keyword parameter controls how many rows of data will be fetched from the database.

This example shows how to plot the data for past 90 days for a given country.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-for-country *db-conn*
                                               :limit 90)

This is how the plot looks like at the time of writing this document.

COVID-19 Cases in BG with filledcurves

If you want to use lines, instead of filled curves, which is what above plot generated you can specify an alternative template to be used when plotting the graph, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-for-country *db-conn*
                                               :limit 90
                                               :template covid19:*gnuplot-time-series-with-lines-template*)

The generated graph looks like this.

COVID-19 Cases in BG with lines

Another plot function that can be used is COVID19:PLOT-TIME-SERIES-GLOBAL.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-global *db-conn* :limit 90)

The generated graph on a global scale looks like this.

COVID-19 Cases Global with filledcurves

The COVID19:PLOT-TOP-COUNTRIES-BY function can be used to plot countries by sorting them first on a given column. Here's an example to plot a histogram per each country based on the latest data from the confirmed column.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-top-countries-by *db-conn* :column :confirmed :limit 100)

An example generated graph looks like this.

COVID-19 Top Countries By column

Another set of useful templates which show the new cases per country or on global scale are COVID19:*GNUPLOT-TIME-SERIES-WITH-FILLED-CURVES-NEW-CASES* and COVID19:*GNUPLOT-TIME-SERIES-WITH-LINES-NEW-CASES*.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-for-country *db-conn*
                                               :limit 100
                                               :template covid19:*gnuplot-time-series-with-filled-curves-new-cases-template*)

The generated graph looks like this, which plots the new cases on daily basis.

COVID-19 Cases in IT with lines

The COVID19:PLOT-TIME-SERIES-FOR-CONTINENT function is used for plotting time-series data for given continent. This example plots the time series data for Europe.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-for-continent *db-conn* "Europe" :limit 300)

The generated graph looks like this.

COVID-19 Cases in Europe with lines

The COVID19:PLOT-TIME-SERIES-GLOBAL-ANIMATION function creates an animation of the cases using the global time series data. When creating an animation you need to specify the destination, where the animation will be stored at. The :limit keyword parameter in the example below specifies the number of time series records in ascending order.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-global-animation *db-conn*
                                                    :limit 200)

The generated animation looks like this.

COVID-19 Global Cases Animation

Another function, which creates animations from time-series data is the COVID19:PLOT-TIME-SERIES-FOR-COUNTRY-ANIMATION.

CL-USER> (covid19:plot-time-series-for-country-animation *db-conn*
                                                         :limit 200)

The generated animation for a given country looks like this.

COVID-19 IT Cases Animation

The :delay, :height, :width and :line-width keyword parameters can be used to further customize the resulting animation.

You could also render any of the existing gnuplot(1) templates defined in the COVID19.GNUPLOT-TEMPLATE package and customize them further, if needed.

In order to do that you need to pass at least two arguments to the template while rendering it - one for the title of the graph, and another one which points to the path containing data points.

The following example shows how to export the data points for a given country to a file, and then renders a template using that file.

CL-USER> (let ((csv-file #P"/tmp/covid19-bg.csv")
               (data-points (covid19:fetch-time-series-for-country *db-conn* "Bulgaria" :limit 90)))
           (with-open-file (out csv-file :direction :output)
             (covid19:write-csv data-points :stream out))
           (covid19:render-gnuplot-template covid19:*gnuplot-time-series-with-filled-curves-template*
                                            :title "Bulgaria"
                                            :datafile (namestring csv-file)))
# gnuplot(1) template for plotting time series with filledcurves

set title 'Covid19 Cases - Bulgaria'
set grid
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00Z'
set format x '%Y-%m-%d'
set xtics rotate by 45 right
set xlabel 'Time'
set ylabel 'Cases'
set key outside right center
set datafile separator ','
set autoscale fix
set style fill transparent solid 0.3
plot '/tmp/covid19-bg.csv' using 1:2:(0) title 'Confirmed' with filledcurves, \\
     '' using 1:3:(0) title 'Deaths' with filledcurves, \\
     '' using 1:4:(0) title 'Recovered' with filledcurves, \\
     '' using 1:5:(0) title 'Active' with filledcurves

Debug logging

The cl-covid19 system uses log4cl for logging purposes.

If you need to adjust the logging level (e.g. set it to debug level), simply evaluate the following expression.

CL-USER> (log:config :debug)

Importing data into PostgreSQL

You can import the data from the SQLite database into PostgreSQL using the script.

env SQLITE_DB=/path/to/covid19.db PGSQL_DB=covid19 ./compat/


Grafana can be used for plotting the metrics from the cl-covid19 database.

As of now you can find the world population dashboard and COVID-19 dashboard in the grafana directory of this repository.

The Grafana dashboards use the PostgreSQL datasource, so first make sure that you import the data from the SQLite database into a PostgreSQL database. You can do that easily by using the script.

Next, import the dashboards into your Grafana instance.

Here are a few screenshots of the World Population and COVID-19 dashboards in Grafana.

Grafana Population Per Country Grafana COVID-19 Dashboard-1 Grafana COVID-19 Dashboard-2

API Client Usage

This section provides some examples on how to use the API client for interfacing with the COVID-19 API.

The COVID19.API package exports functionality for creating an API client and fetching data from the remote API endpoint, most of these symbols are re-exported by the COVID19 package.

First, create an API client.

CL-USER> (defparameter *api-client*

If you experience timeout issues, you can also change the timeout settings of the HTTP client, e.g.

(setf dexador:*default-connect-timeout* 300)
(setf dexador:*default-read-timeout* 300)

You can get the list of countries by using the COVID19:GET-COUNTRIES-DATA function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19.api:get-countries-data *api-client*)

A summarized statistics for COVID-19 can be retrieved by using the COVID19:GET-SUMMARY-DATA function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19.api:get-summary-data *api-client*)

The COVID-19 API provides an endpoint for exporting all data as a ZIP archive. You can get a ZIP archive of all time series data by using the COVID19:GET-TIME-SERIES-ARCHIVE function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:get-time-series-archive *api-client* #P"/tmp/")

You can also display the list of available API endpoints by using the COVID19:DISPLAY-API-ROUTES function, e.g.

CL-USER> (covid19:display-api-routes *api-client*)

An example output looks like this.

|                                                                           API Routes @ v0.0.8                                                                           |
| PATH                                             | NAME                                                                                                                 |
| /webhook                                         | Add a webhook to be notified when new data becomes available                                                         |
| /summary                                         | Summary of new and total cases per country                                                                           |
| /live/country/:country/status/:status            | Get a time series Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type                                                     |
| /live/country/:country/status/:status/date/:date | Get a Time Series Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type After A Date                                        |
| /live/country/:country                           | Get Live List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type                                                         |
| /export                                          | Get All Data as a zip file                                                                                           |
| /total/country/:country                          | Get List Of Cases Per Country By Case Type                                                                           |
| /total/country/:country/status/:status           | Get List Of Cases Per Country By Case Type                                                                           |
| /country/:country/status/:status                 | Get List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type                                                              |
| /country/:country/status/:status/live            | Daily list of cases per Country per Province by Case Type, updated with latest live count                            |
| /total/dayone/country/:country/status/:status    | Get List Of Cases Per Country By Case Type From The First Recorded Case                                              |
| /dayone/country/:country/status/:status          | Get List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type From The First Recorded Case                                 |
| /dayone/country/:country/status/:status/live     | Get List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type From The First Recorded Case, updated with latest live count |
| /country/:country                                | Get List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type                                                              |
| /total/dayone/country/:country                   | Get List Of Cases Per Country By Case Type From The First Recorded Case                                              |
| /dayone/country/:country                         | Get List Of Cases Per Country Per Province By Case Type From The First Recorded Case                                 |
| /countries                                       | Get List Of Countries                                                                                                |
| /all                                             | Get All Data                                                                                                         |

Various ~/.sqliterc config settings

When using the command-line interface of SQLite, you might find these config settings useful, which you can just drop in your ~/.sqliterc file.

.headers on
.mode column
.timer on


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This project is Open Source and licensed under the BSD License.