SMS and Desktop Notification mechanisms for availability of vaccination slots, also partial automation tool for booking slots
- Scripts
- : For Notification service
- : For autofill the details required to book a vaccination slot (except for OTP , that we need to type manually)
- Check slots availability for specified pincode for next 2 days(default)
- Hit CoWin public API every 1 minute(default)
- Use Selenium to partial automate the slot booking process
- Open the URL,enters the phone number for OTP once the user enters the OTP it will enter the pincode and select 18+ as age group
- Based on the availability user need to schedule the appointment manually
How to run
Run requirements.txt to install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the scripts with SMS notification ON, create a twilio account and add the required credentials in the script
Add pincode,age and contact number in the script
Blog link