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Geometries for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces). Perfect if you want to supercharge your dependency folder... with 30KB of geometries.


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Geometries for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces). Perfect if you want to supercharge your dependency folder... with 30KB of geometries.

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npm install primitive-geometry


  • Common API: options object in, simplicial complex out
  • Outputs TypedArray (Float32Array for geometry data and Uint8Array|Uint16Array|Uint32Array for cells)
  • Zero dependency
  • Same parameters naming: radius (or rx/ry/rz), scale (or height/sx/sy/sz), segments (or nx/ny/nz) and a few specific parameters for icosphere/cylinder/cone/torus.
  • Different Elliptical mappings: see the comparison images and the demo.

See difference with v1 here.


See the example and its source.

import Primitives from "primitive-geometry";

const quadGeometry = Primitives.quad({
  scale: 0.5,
// {
//   positions: Float32Array [x, y, z, x, y, z,  ...],
//   normals: Float32Array [x, y, z, x, y, z, ...]
//   uvs: Float32Array [u, v, u, v, ...],
//   cells: Uint8/16/32/Array [a, b, c, a, b, c, ...],
// }
const planeGeometry = Primitives.plane({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  nx: 1,
  ny: 1,
  direction: "z",
  quads: false,
const roundedRectangleGeometry = Primitives.roundedRectangle({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  nx: 1,
  ny: 1,
  radius: 0.25,
  roundSegments: 8,
  edgeSegments: 1,
const stadiumGeometry = Primitives.stadium({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 0.5,
  nx: 1,
  ny: 1,
  roundSegments: 8,
  edgeSegments: 1,

const ellipseGeometry = Primitives.ellipse({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 0.5,
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  mapping: mappings.elliptical,
const disc = Primitives.disc({
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  mapping: mappings.concentric,
const superellipse = Primitives.superellipse({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 0.5,
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  mapping: mappings.lamé,
  m: 2,
  n: 2,
const squircle = Primitives.squircle({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 128,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  mapping: mappings.fgSquircular,
  squareness: 0.95,
const annulus = Primitives.annulus({
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  innerRadius: 0.25,
  mapping: mappings.concentric,
const reuleux = Primitives.reuleux({
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  innerSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  mapping: mappings.concentric,
  n: 3,

const cubeGeometry = Primitives.cube({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  sz: 1,
  nx: 1,
  ny: 1,
  nz: 1,
const roundedCubeGeometry = Primitives.roundedCube({
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  sz: 1,
  nx: 1,
  ny: 1,
  nz: 1,
  radius: 0.25,
  roundSegments: 8,
  edgeSegments: 1,

const sphereGeometry = Primitives.sphere({
  radius: 0.5,
  nx: 32,
  ny: 16,
  theta: Math.PI,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  phi: Math.PI * 2,
  phiOffset: 0,
const icosphereGeometry = Primitives.icosphere({
  radius: 0.5,
  subdivisions: 2,
const ellipsoidGeometry = Primitives.ellipsoid({
  radius: 1,
  nx: 32,
  ny: 16,
  rx: 0.5,
  ry: 0.25,
  rz: 0.25,
  theta: Math.PI,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  phi: Math.PI * 2,
  phiOffset: 0,

const cylinderGeometry = Primitives.cylinder({
  height: 1,
  radius: 0.25,
  nx: 16,
  ny: 1,
  radiusApex: 0.25,
  capSegments: 1,
  capApex: true,
  capBase: true,
  capBaseSegments: 1,
  phi: Math.PI * 2,
const coneGeometry = Primitives.cone({
  height: 1,
  radius: 0.25,
  nx: 16,
  ny: 1,
  capSegments: 1,
  capBase: true,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
const capsuleGeometry = Primitives.capsule({
  height: 0.5,
  radius: 0.25,
  nx: 16,
  ny: 1,
  roundSegments: 16,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
const torusGeometry = Primitives.torus({
  radius: 0.4,
  segments: 64,
  minorRadius: 0.1,
  minorSegments: 32,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,
  phi: Math.PI * 2,
  phiOffset: 0,

const tetrahedron = Primitives.tetrahedron({
  radius: 0.5,
const icosahedron = Primitives.icosahedron({
  radius: 0.5,

// without normals/uvs
const boxGeometry ={
  sx: 1,
  sy: 1,
  sz: 1,
const circleGeometry ={
  radius: 0.5,
  segments: 32,
  closed: false,
  theta: Math.PI * 2,
  thetaOffset: 0,




Re-export all geometries, UV mappings functions and utils.



BasicSimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition without normals and UVs.

SimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition.


Re-export all geometries, UV mappings functions and utils.


annulus([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] AnnulusOptions {}

annulus~AnnulusOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of annulus Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[innerRadius] number radius * 0.5
[mapping] function mappings.concentric


box([options]) ⇒ BasicSimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] BoxOptions {}

box~BoxOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of box Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[sz] number sx


capsule([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] CapsuleOptions {}

capsule~CapsuleOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of capsule Properties

Name Type Default
[height] number 0.5
[radius] number 0.25
[nx] number 16
[ny] number 1
[roundSegments] number 32
[phi] number TAU


circle([options]) ⇒ BasicSimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] CircleOptions {}

circle~CircleOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of circle Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[closed] boolean false


cone([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] ConeOptions {}

cone~ConeOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of cone Properties

Name Type Default
[height] number 1
[radius] number 0.25
[nx] number 16
[ny] number 1
[capSegments] number 1
[capBase] boolean true
[phi] number TAU


cube([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] CubeOptions {}

cube~CubeOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of cube Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[sz] number sx
[nx] number 1
[ny] number nx
[nz] number nx


cylinder([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] CylinderOptions {}

cylinder~CylinderOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of cylinder Properties

Name Type Default
[height] number 1
[radius] number 0.25
[nx] number 16
[ny] number 1
[radiusApex] number radius
[capSegments] number 1
[capApex] boolean true
[capBase] boolean true
[phi] number TAU


disc([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] DiscOptions {}

disc~DiscOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of disc Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[mapping] function mappings.concentric


ellipse([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] EllipseOptions {}

ellipse~EllipseOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of ellipse Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number 0.5
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[mapping] function mappings.elliptical


ellipsoid([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Default to an oblate spheroid.

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] EllipsoidOptions {}

ellipsoid~EllipsoidOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of ellipsoid Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[nx] number 32
[ny] number 16
[rx] number 1
[ry] number 0.5
[rz] number ry
[theta] number Math.PI
[thetaOffset] number 0
[phi] number TAU
[phiOffset] number 0


icosahedron([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] IcosahedronOptions {}

icosahedron~IcosahedronOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of icosahedron Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5


icosphere([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] IcosphereOptions {}

icosphere~IcosphereOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of icosphere Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[subdivisions] number 2



plane([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] PlaneOptions {}

plane~PlaneOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of plane Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[nx] number 1
[ny] number nx
[direction] PlaneDirection "z"
[quads] boolean false

plane~PlaneDirection : "x" | "-x" | "y" | "-y" | "z" | "-z"

Kind: inner typedef of plane


quad([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] QuadOptions {}

quad~QuadOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of quad Properties

Name Type Default
[scale] number 0.5


reuleux([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function See: Parametric equations for regular and Reuleaux polygons

Param Type Default
[options] ReuleuxOptions {}

reuleux~ReuleuxOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of reuleux Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[mapping] function mappings.concentric
[n] number 3


roundedCube([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] RoundedCubeOptions {}

roundedCube~RoundedCubeOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of roundedCube Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[sz] number sx
[nx] number 1
[ny] number nx
[nz] number nx
[radius] number sx * 0.25
[roundSegments] number 8
[edgeSegments] number 1


roundedRectangle([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] RoundedCubeOptions {}

roundedRectangle~RoundedCubeOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of roundedRectangle Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[nx] number 1
[ny] number nx
[radius] number sx * 0.25
[roundSegments] number 8
[edgeSegments] number 1


sphere([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] SphereOptions {}

sphere~SphereOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of sphere Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5
[nx] number 32
[ny] number 16
[theta] number Math.PI
[thetaOffset] number 0
[phi] number TAU
[phiOffset] number 0


squircle([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Fernández-Guasti squircle

Kind: Exported function See: Squircular Calculations – Chamberlain Fong

Param Type Default
[options] SquircleOptions {}

squircle~SquircleOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of squircle Properties

Name Type Default Description
[sx] number 1
[sy] number 1
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 128
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[mapping] function mappings.fgSquircular
[squareness] number 0.95 Squareness (0 < s <= 1)


stadium([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] StadiumOptions {}

stadium~StadiumOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of stadium Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number sx
[nx] number 1
[ny] number nx
[roundSegments] number 8
[edgeSegments] number 1


superellipse([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Lamé curve See elliptical-mapping example for a few special cases

Kind: Exported function See

Param Type Default
[options] SuperellipseOptions {}

superellipse~SuperellipseOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of superellipse Properties

Name Type Default
[sx] number 1
[sy] number 0.5
[radius] number 0.5
[segments] number 32
[innerSegments] number 16
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[mapping] function mappings.lamé
[m] number 2
[n] number m


tetrahedron([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] TetrahedronOptions {}

tetrahedron~TetrahedronOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of tetrahedron Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.5


torus([options]) ⇒ SimplicialComplex

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Default
[options] TorusOptions {}

torus~TorusOptions : object

Kind: inner typedef of torus Properties

Name Type Default
[radius] number 0.4
[segments] number 64
[minorRadius] number 0.1
[minorSegments] number 32
[theta] number TAU
[thetaOffset] number 0
[phi] number TAU
[phiOffset] number 0


utils.TAU : number

Two times PI.

Kind: static constant of utils

utils.HALF_PI : number

Two times PI.

Kind: static constant of utils

utils.SQRT2 : number

Square root of 2.

Kind: static constant of utils

utils.getCellsTypedArray ⇒ Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array

Select cells typed array from a size determined by amount of vertices.

Kind: static constant of utils See: MDN TypedArray objects

Param Type Description
size number The max value expected

utils.normalize(v) ⇒ Array.<number>

Normalize a vector 3.

Kind: static method of utils Returns: Array.<number> - Normalized vector

Param Type Description
v Array.<number> Vector 3 array


Ensure first argument passed to the primitive functions is an object

Kind: static method of utils

Param Type
...args *


Enforce a typed array constructor for cells

Kind: static method of utils

Param Type
type Class.<Uint8Array> | Class.<Uint16Array> | Class.<Uint32Array>

BasicSimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition without normals and UVs.

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type
positions Float32Array
cells Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array

SimplicialComplex : object

Geometry definition.

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type
positions Float32Array
normals Float32Array
uvs Float32Array
cells Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array


See original packages used in v1:

Differences with v1:

  • use 3D positions for circle
  • base disc on ellispse and add inner segments
  • fix cylinder orientation and uvs
  • fix icosphere uvs (based on:
  • fix quad normal to +z
  • fix subdivision for rounded geometries (rounded-cube and capsule)
  • uniformise api and internal names
  • use options object
  • remove gl-matrix/pex-math and icosphere dependencies
  • use only trigonometric operation, no matrix transformation
  • base sphere on ellispsoid
  • add cone based on cylinder
  • use flat typed arrays
  • defaults produce geometries contained in a unit bbox
  • add jsdoc, prettier, eslint via snowdev

MIT. See license file.