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Deployment script for installation of Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes

This will install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes on K8S along with pre-requisites

What does it add to the system?

  • Installing Carvel toolchain
  • Installing kapp-controller, cert-mamager and secretgen-controller
  • Creating the serviceaccount, cluster role and role binding
  • Installing observability tools such as Grafana and Prometheus
  • Installing Tanzu RabbitMQ along with Kubernetes operator

To make this work, you must have:

  • *NIX Operating System
  • kubectl utility pointing to K8S cluster
  • wget OR curl utility installed
  • Github passwordless SSH key (if with password, you'll be prompted to enter the password)

N.B. Use this at your own risk: no liability is accepted.

Tested to work on Ubuntu 21 and with RabbitMQ 1.3.0


The minimal usage on a Dev machine is:

chmod +x
./ --registryuser <your vmware registry username> --registrypassword <your vmware registry password> --adminpassword <RabbitMQ admin user password> [ --param1 value1 --param2 value2 ]

NOTE: For Production, you'll need to specify few more arguments:

  • antiaffinity=1 (to schedule the pods on different zones)
  • storageclassname = your persistent storage class
  • storage = size of the storage e.g. 64Gi
  • (optional): cpu (default: 2 cores), memory: (default: 2Gi)

Example of a Production deployment

./ --registryuser <your vmware registry username> --registrypassword <your vmware registry password> --antiaffinity 1 storage <storage size> storageclassname <storage class> cpu 4 memory 4Gi --adminpassword <RabbitMQ admin user password>

Modify cluster only (NOT the first deployment):

--install_prerequisites 0

Openshift (experimental)

Add following command-line argument:

--kubectl oc

Optional arguments

Parameter Default Value Meaning
rabbitmq_cluster_name rabbit-1-upstream the name of the cluster to be created
replicas 3 Number of RabbitMQ replicas (pods) to create
requesttimeout 100s Request timeout of a command before it fails
tanzurmqversion 1.3.0 The version of Tanzu RabbitMQ to install
serviceaccount rabbitmq K8S service account to be created to install the RabbitMQ
namespace rabbitmq-system The K8S namespace to install RabbitMQ
prometheusrepourl The repository of Prometheus K8S operator
prometheusoperatorversion v1.14.0 The version of Prometheus operator
certmanagervsersion 1.8.0 The version of K8S Cert Manager to install
kubectl kubectl Pass --kubectl oc to install on OpenShift
maxskew 1 when antiaffinity=1 - max differenece in pods number between different availability zones, see the Pod Topology Spread Constraints
cluster_partition_handling pause_minority see Network partitioning handling mode
disk_free_limit_relative 1.5 See the Configuring Disk Free Space Limit
collect_statistics_interval 10 seconds See the Statistics Interval
cpu 2 number of cores per container
memory 2Gi memory per container
antiaffinity 0 Set to 1 to deploy pods to different nodes in Production
storage 1Gi Reserved persistent disk space, set to larger value in Production
storageclassname none Set to persistent storage class name in Production
servicetype ClusterIp ClusterIP or NodePort or LoadBalancer
install_carvel 1 if to install carvel toolchain (skip otherwise)
install_cert_manager 1 if to install cert-manager (skip otherwise)
install_helm 1 if to install helm (skip otherwise)
install_prometheus 1 if to install and configure Prometheus and Grafana for Observability (skip otherwise)
create_secret 1 if to create VMWare registry pull secret in K8S
install_package 1 if to install RabbitMQ repository AND package (skip otherwise)
tls_secret "" if not emply, will enable TLS with a secretName passed as tls_secret. Prerequisiste: must create a certificate in cert-manager and deploy to K8S cluster
max_unavailable 1 pod disruption budget
enable_amqp_1_0 0 if to enable the AMQP 1.0 plugin
enable_ldap 1 if to enable the LDAP plugin
enable_oauth2 1 if to enable the Oauth2 plugin
enable_consistent_hash_exchange 1 if to enable the Consistent Hash Exchange plugin
enable_federation 0 if to enable the Federation plugin
enable_shovel 0 if to enable the Shovel plugin
enable_mqtt 0 if to enable the MQTT plugin
enable_stomp 0 if to enable the Stomp plugin
enable_stream 1 if to enable the Stream plugin
enable_top 1 if to enable the Top plugin

To remove RabbitMQ cluster:

kubectl -n rabbitmq-system delete RabbitmqCluster tanzu-rabbitmq

Running the Performance Test

Pre-requisiste: Get the RabbitMQ perf-test

Example of the usage with Quorum queues:

bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest --quorum-queue --queue quorum_test -h amqp://admin:[email protected] --size 2048 --rate 2000 --shutdown-timeout 60


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