This will install Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes on K8S along with pre-requisites
- Installing Carvel toolchain
- Installing
- Creating the
,cluster role
androle binding
- Installing observability tools such as
- Installing Tanzu RabbitMQ along with Kubernetes operator
- *NIX Operating System
utility pointing to K8S clusterwget
utility installed- Github passwordless SSH key (if with password, you'll be prompted to enter the password)
N.B. Use this at your own risk: no liability is accepted.
Tested to work on Ubuntu 21 and with RabbitMQ 1.3.0
The minimal usage on a Dev machine is:
chmod +x
./ --registryuser <your vmware registry username> --registrypassword <your vmware registry password> --adminpassword <RabbitMQ admin user password> [ --param1 value1 --param2 value2 ]
NOTE: For Production, you'll need to specify few more arguments:
- antiaffinity=1 (to schedule the pods on different zones)
- storageclassname = your persistent storage class
- storage = size of the storage e.g. 64Gi
- (optional): cpu (default: 2 cores), memory: (default: 2Gi)
Example of a Production deployment
./ --registryuser <your vmware registry username> --registrypassword <your vmware registry password> --antiaffinity 1 storage <storage size> storageclassname <storage class> cpu 4 memory 4Gi --adminpassword <RabbitMQ admin user password>
Modify cluster only (NOT the first deployment):
--install_prerequisites 0
Add following command-line argument:
--kubectl oc
Parameter | Default Value | Meaning |
rabbitmq_cluster_name | rabbit-1-upstream | the name of the cluster to be created |
replicas | 3 | Number of RabbitMQ replicas (pods) to create |
requesttimeout | 100s | Request timeout of a command before it fails |
tanzurmqversion | 1.3.0 | The version of Tanzu RabbitMQ to install |
serviceaccount | rabbitmq | K8S service account to be created to install the RabbitMQ |
namespace | rabbitmq-system | The K8S namespace to install RabbitMQ |
prometheusrepourl | | The repository of Prometheus K8S operator |
prometheusoperatorversion | v1.14.0 | The version of Prometheus operator |
certmanagervsersion | 1.8.0 | The version of K8S Cert Manager to install |
kubectl | kubectl | Pass --kubectl oc to install on OpenShift |
maxskew | 1 | when antiaffinity=1 - max differenece in pods number between different availability zones, see the Pod Topology Spread Constraints |
cluster_partition_handling | pause_minority | see Network partitioning handling mode |
disk_free_limit_relative | 1.5 | See the Configuring Disk Free Space Limit |
collect_statistics_interval | 10 seconds | See the Statistics Interval |
cpu | 2 | number of cores per container |
memory | 2Gi | memory per container |
antiaffinity | 0 | Set to 1 to deploy pods to different nodes in Production |
storage | 1Gi | Reserved persistent disk space, set to larger value in Production |
storageclassname | none | Set to persistent storage class name in Production |
servicetype | ClusterIp | ClusterIP or NodePort or LoadBalancer |
install_carvel | 1 | if to install carvel toolchain (skip otherwise) |
install_cert_manager | 1 | if to install cert-manager (skip otherwise) |
install_helm | 1 | if to install helm (skip otherwise) |
install_prometheus | 1 | if to install and configure Prometheus and Grafana for Observability (skip otherwise) |
create_secret | 1 | if to create VMWare registry pull secret in K8S |
install_package | 1 | if to install RabbitMQ repository AND package (skip otherwise) |
tls_secret | "" | if not emply, will enable TLS with a secretName passed as tls_secret . Prerequisiste: must create a certificate in cert-manager and deploy to K8S cluster |
max_unavailable | 1 | pod disruption budget |
enable_amqp_1_0 | 0 | if to enable the AMQP 1.0 plugin |
enable_ldap | 1 | if to enable the LDAP plugin |
enable_oauth2 | 1 | if to enable the Oauth2 plugin |
enable_consistent_hash_exchange | 1 | if to enable the Consistent Hash Exchange plugin |
enable_federation | 0 | if to enable the Federation plugin |
enable_shovel | 0 | if to enable the Shovel plugin |
enable_mqtt | 0 | if to enable the MQTT plugin |
enable_stomp | 0 | if to enable the Stomp plugin |
enable_stream | 1 | if to enable the Stream plugin |
enable_top | 1 | if to enable the Top plugin |
kubectl -n rabbitmq-system delete RabbitmqCluster tanzu-rabbitmq
Pre-requisiste: Get the RabbitMQ perf-test
Example of the usage with Quorum queues:
bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest --quorum-queue --queue quorum_test -h amqp://admin:[email protected] --size 2048 --rate 2000 --shutdown-timeout 60