Use of Buds security is very simple.
Import the maven dependency:
<!-- the package is already available here: -->
<!-- Searching it on mvnrepository or mvncentral could take some days-->
and this annotation on a spring @Configuration class
Now by default all MethodHandler need authentication to be accesed.
You can create public endpoint adding the annotation
On every method you need to be accessed without authentication.
The authentication proceeds in the same way also on public endpoint so if a user is authenticated you can access information about that user simply invoking the SecurityContext
Optional<SecurityUser> securityUser=SecurityContext.getUser();
Caution -> on public endpoint if the user has not authenticated the Optional is empty
Most of the module of Buds Security can be overridden simply creating a Bean of that type.
The best start point in order to obtain the capabilities of authenticate your user is to implements SecurityUserProvider interface.
public interface SecurityUserProvider {
SecurityUser findUserByIdentifier(String identifier);
Usually accessing you user repository and mapping your User To SecurityUser is just enough. SecurityUser is an interface but there is already an implementation that should be sufficient in most cases. Take a rapid look to the particularity of DefaultSecurityUser in to better understand hot it works.
public class DefaultSecurityUser implements SecurityUser {
private MainIdentifier mainIdentifier;
private Collection<String> authorities;
private Collection<String> identifiers;
authorities are treated as if they were Strings the following can be a possible way to popolate it:
identifiers are a Collection of every identifier that the user can use in order to authenticate: In many cases in the identifiers there are username and password but ideally every Unique Attribute of your User can be used
identifiers=Set.of("mario689","[email protected]");
Last but not least MainIdentifier carry information about the id of your user it can be very useful to find the in your
MainIdentifier is an interface that wrap the identifier in order to allow you to use the type of data you deem most
There is already some implementation of this interface, so you don't need to implement them. the type already
implemented are:
- LongMainIdentifier
- UUIDMainIdentifier