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urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav:supported address data

Marten Gajda edited this page Aug 16, 2015 · 4 revisions


Specifies what media types are allowed for address object resources in an address book collection.


MUST be protected as it indicates the level of support provided by the server.

###COPY/MOVE behavior

This property value MUST be preserved in COPY and MOVE operations.

###Allprop behavior

SHOULD NOT be returned by a PROPFIND DAV:allprop request.


The CARDDAV:supported-address-data property is used to specify the media type supported for the address object resources contained in a given address book collection (e.g., vCard version 3.0). Any attempt by the client to store address object resources with a media type not listed in this property MUST result in an error, with the CARDDAV:supported-address-data precondition (Section being violated. In the absence of this property, the server MUST only accept data with the media type "text/vcard" and vCard version 3.0, and clients can assume that is all the server will accept.


<!ELEMENT supported-address-data (address-data-type+)>

<!ELEMENT address-data-type EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST address-data-type content-type CDATA "text/vcard"
                     version CDATA "3.0">
<!-- content-type value: a MIME media type -->
<!-- version value: a version string -->


 <C:address-data-type content-type="text/vcard" version="3.0"/>
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