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Transactional Unit Tests
Sometimes your unit tests will need to commit a transaction and check the results. Here's how to go about it.
Scenario: suppose you have tag-lib.xqy, which manages tags in your documents. In tag-lib.xqy, you have tag:add($docid, $tag), which will add the tag to the matching document if the tag isn't already there, and do nothing if it already is.
In your unit test, you call the tag:add() function and update the target document. The problem is that the change won't be visible until the transaction completes, as discussed here. To be an effective test, we need to check that the results were written correctly.
We'll assume we have a suite called tag-lib (src/test/suites/tag-lib/) and that we'll test the tag:add function in add.xqy.
The first approach is to create a document in setup.xqy (a simple xdmp:document-insert with a fixed URL and a basic sample document). You'll use setup.xqy instead of suite-setup.xqy, because setup.xqy will be run before each test, overwriting the result of your change.
In your test module, add.xqy, you'll import tag-lib.xqy and call the tag:add function. If all goes well, the document will get updated with the new tag. In order to see it, we need to end the transaction and start a new one. We can use the semicolon operator for this.
(: tag.xqy :)
import module namespace tag = "http://marklogic.com/roxy/tag-lib" at "/app/modules/tag-lib.xqy";
tag:add("/test1.xml", "tag1")
import module namespace test="http://marklogic.com/roxy/test-helper" at "/test/test-helper.xqy";
test:assert-exists(fn:doc("/test1.xml")/doc/meta/tags/tag[./text() = "tag1"]`
(Note that to isolate knowledge of how tags are stored, you might want to use a tag module function to retrieve it. The tradeoff is that if the retrieving function breaks, it will look like add() doesn't work either.)
Anyway, the semicolon ends one transaction, allowing the change to be fully committed. Then in the second transaction (after the semicolon), we can check whether or not it worked.
The first approach sets up data for all tests. You might have a test that needs data that are different from the of the test suite, and thus you don't want to put it into setup.xqy (or suite-setup.xqy). This second pattern shows you how to do this.
In a nutshell, you'll use four transactions (three semicolons) within your test module: setup, test, verify, and teardown.
(: add.xqy
: setup
(: test :)
import module namespace tag = "http://marklogic.com/roxy/tag-lib" at "/app/modules/tag-lib.xqy";
try {
tag:add("/test1.xml", "tag1")
} catch ($e) {
xdmp:log("tag:add() threw an exception: " || xdmp:quote($e))
(: verify :)
import module namespace test="http://marklogic.com/roxy/test-helper" at "/test/test-helper.xqy";
try {
test:assert-exists(fn:doc("/test1.xml")/doc/meta/tags/tag[./text() = "tag1"]`
} catch ($e) {
xdmp:log("tag:add() verification threw an exception: " || xdmp:quote($e))
(: teardown :)
Note the try/catches in the test and verify stages. The reason for these is that if an exception were thrown and not caught, the teardown section would not get run, polluting your test database with something that's not supposed to be there.